Status: While this story is technically completed, I was hesitant to label it 'finished', so it may be under editing in the future.

Hopeless Romantic

Journal entry #1

Some people say I love too much, too fast. They say I'm foolish, that I'm a dreamer. They say, you had best look before you fall. With all this blind emotion and no rationality or common sense, you will only get hurt. But then, love wouldn't be the same without leaping into it blindly, now would it? And it can also be said with great certainty that no one is prepared for love, and the people who say they were are fooling only themselves. Love is not rational, it's magical, and must be treated as such. You can't control who you love any more than you can control the Earth's rotation or the sun. So when people say that I'm a dreamer, and a hopeless romantic, and even a fool, I keep on smiling and say to them, you should never be afraid to question what's thought to be unquestionable. Do what's never been done before. Be the ray of light in the midst of darkness. Be the change you want to see in the world. Because the only way to know what's possible, they say, is by going past it into the impossible.
So dream on, my fellow romantics. Dream on...