Status: While this story is technically completed, I was hesitant to label it 'finished', so it may be under editing in the future.

Hopeless Romantic


When I got to the meadow, after making the necessary arrangements, she was already there. I felt she would never be late if she had anything to do with it. I smiled at the thought. It was already near sunset, the sun hanging low and orange in the evening sky. This time she was standing next to the tree which grew in the corner of the field, reaching for a hanging branch. I walked at first, but then skipped to her with a burst of energy, suddenly unable to help myself. I couldn't be by her side fast enough, it seemed. She turned around, and I saw her grin from all the way across the meadow. Then she also ran towards me. She practically threw herself into my arms, and in doing so unintentionally tripped me. I fell onto the grass with an audible thud. She covered her mouth with her hands, trying not to giggle. Then I burst out laughing, and she joined in shortly after. I must have looked hilarious when I landed, judging by her reaction. I waved her away, playfully, then shifted my position so that I was laying comfortably.
After much laughing, we settled down, and she laid next to me on the soft grass. We looked up at the sky together. The sunset was particularly beautiful tonight, the red sun throwing bands of orange and crimson across the atmosphere, the sky darkening to a deep shade of violet. The sun would be completely set in a little while. We just laid there on the grass for a while, breathing in the sweet smell of oncoming rain. I had always loved that scent. It smelled fresh and new, like springtime.
She let out a long sigh, and propped herself up on one hand, staring into my eyes. I stared back at her."All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name," I said, sending her a look that said what my heart felt completely. "And I do believe I've found it right here, right now."
She grinned. "Oh, that's simply beautiful. Do you really --" She cut herself off. I'm sure she could tell by the look in my eyes that I was nothing if not serious. She took my face in her hands, and I thrilled at the touch of her skin on mine. The eyes she fixed upon me were filled with such affection, I could only guess what mine looked like. She made me feel safe. This moment we shared was not strained in the least. It was a pleasure being around her. At that moment, when I looked into her eyes, something just clicked. She leaned in close to me. I could smell the honey of her breath. Our lips met, and even though it was just for a moment, I felt like nothing could ever be the same again. She pulled back, and smiled, her eyes still being closed. I sighed, laying down on the soft grass, putting my hands behind my head, and she did likewise. We just layed there for a while, staring at the clouds, enjoying the moments spent together.

"Gwendolyn?" she asked, "You know that I love you, do you not?"
I stroked her cheek gently with my thumb, a gesture that was becoming very common between us.
"Of course I do." I said softly. "Do you know the same?"
She smiled. "I do." After a slight pause, she asked, "How much do you love me?"
"Words are meant to be spoken, hands to be held, lips to be kissed, and you to be loved, my dear." was my response. "You should already know it. It's what you were made for, to be loved." I said.
Her smile got wider, and she rested her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled, then closed my eyes for a while, just staying in this perfect moment for as long as I could. I was just enjoying the moment while it lasted, before we had to part for today. I wanted to stay with her for as long as I lived. The wind ruffled my hair and cooled my face, but her warmth was like a campfire in the middle of winter, lighting up my life. So much of my life that could be taken away so easily. But I would not dwell on that now.
When I opened my eyes, it was dark. The stars stood out like pinpricks of fire in the fabric of the night, while the moon shone full on the two of us. Her head moved off of me and onto the backs of her arms, and we gazed at the stars together. I was about to say something, something about how much she meant to me, but she spoke first, sitting up and gazing into my eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful.
"I love you, Ari. I love everything about you, I love your beautiful words, I love the way you move, I love being around you all the time. You are wonderful."
I leaned in, and kissed her. I was going to pull back, but she stayed with it. I did not resist. How could I resist her at all? She was irresistible, truly. Her lips on mine were like the finest silk. Her hands held my shoulders gently yet firmly, then they journeyed to my waist. Her lips went to my neck then, and I inhaled and breathed out slowly. I felt that I would always have the same reaction, no matter how many times we touched. I would never get used to her, and I would never get over her.