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Surviving an Endless War

For the past few years Blaze has been happy. She's gotten a great job teaching gun lessons to people at the firing range her and Jerry built and raising money for wounded warriors that need accessibility in their lives and on top of all of that she's found someone to share her life with forever. Zacky Baker, better known as Zacky Vengeance of Avenged Sevenfold, has been with her throughout every struggle she's had since she returned to the states. She's had a happy life and nothing can take that from her but now there's an obstacle in the way of everyone around the world. For unknown reasons to the citizens of the United States, the dead are rising from the earth and infecting the living through bites. The dead attacked people like a rabid animal spreading their infections like an out of control wildfire. It's now a race to survive the plagued world and make choices that you never thought you would ever do.


I DO NOT OWN Avenged Sevenfold or anyone associated with them.

I DO OWN all original characters and this story.

Please remember that I look forward to your comments and don't be a silent reader. The more you comment the more updates you will get. There is one surprise to this story and hopefully you'll be able to figure it out before I get to their chapters. Thank you and enjoy the story.