Status: I'll probably need motivation for this one. If you like it, let me know.



“Pre-cal? Seriously?!” My friend Bristol retorted.

“Oh c’mon. You’ve been in advanced math since middle school. I think you can handle it.” I winked at her.

“Ava, if I fail, you’re taking the blame.” She dramatically crossed her arms and pouted.

I just shook my head and searched for my first class. The first day of school is always a pain. I don’t like change, I like routine. The classes I had last year were just fine. I hate the beginning of the school year.

In little town Surfside Beach Texas with a population of 900 people, there’s only so many years until you want to get away. Explore a different part of America. Branch out a little. I shook my head to clear my mind and said goodbye to Bristol.

I was on my way to my first class when someone was shoved into me. A boy with a beanie apologized profusely. My gaze flickered over to the group of boys chuckling to themselves.

One with shaggy blonde hair walked over to us. As he approached, his features came into view. Hazel eyes, and tanned skin filled my vision.

“Now, that’s no way to treat a lady Blaine.” He scolded playfully. Blaine caught on and smirked at me.

“I’m so sorry miss.” Blaine bowed and sauntered away. I felt my face morph into a look of disgust.

“What’s the face for sweetie? Not used to hanging around bad boys?” The boy with shaggy blonde hair asked facetiously.

“Actually no. The face is for your ignorance and immaturity.” I spat. By this time, all of his friends had disappeared.

He walked towards me until my back was up against a cement pillar.

“Listen toots, I’m as real as they come. So what if I like to joke around a little? You look like you could use a little bit of loosening up yourself.” His eyes traveled up and down my body.

I shoved him back.

He held up his hands. “Easy there cupcake. Just making an observation.” He winked at me. My heart fluttered and I scolded myself.

“You know if you keep talking, we’re both going to be late to class.” I growled. As if on cue, the late bell rang. I glared at him.

Mr. No Name grinned at me. “No need to rush now, we’re already late.” He purred. My stomach flipped and I groaned internally. The things this boy is doing to me, and I don’t even know his name. I don't like that I'm this attracted to him, when I know he's a player.

“Five minutes can make a difference.” I mumbled and started walking to my first class. He sidled up beside me and peered down at my schedule.

“What do you know, we have three classes together.” He smiled down at me. I just now noticed how tall he was. He was probably six feet tall, tops.

“What classes do we have?” I asked quietly.

“Physics, math, and culinary.” He answered.

“You’re taking culinary?” I snorted.

“Hey, it’s two class periods and you get to eat. I’m not complaining.” He replied.

We arrived to our physics class five minutes after the late bell rang. We burst through the door and the whole class stared at us.

Our physics teacher, Mrs. Allen, cleared her throat and pointed to two seats in the back. We shuffled to our designated seats and listened quietly. Well, at least I did. The beautiful boy whose name I still hadn’t learned was fidgeting in his seat. It was distracting.

She went over the syllabus and gave us ten minutes to talk amongst each other. I sat still in my seat and stared at the board. I could feel his eyes on me.

My eyes cut over to him. His hazel eyes were boring into me. My heart melted a little.

“I still don’t know your name.” I muttered.

“Maybe I don’t want you to know.” He said quietly. He wasn't being arrogant, like I've known him to be the past hour.

I crossed my arms. "Why not?"

He leaned forward and his eyes traveled down to my chest. “You know, you shouldn’t cross your arms in that tank top.” He purred. He totally ignored my question.

I looked down and saw my cleavage was peeking out. I immediately dropped my arms to my sides.

"You didn't answer my question." I said stubbornly.

He sighed, "You wouldn't want to know anything about me."

I felt my face fall. "Why would you say that?"

"Because Ava, I live a screwed up life. You don't need me to smudge up your perfect one." He answered.

The only thing I could focus on, was that he knew my name. "I don't recall telling you my name." I raised an eyebrow at him.

A soft chuckle came from his mouth. It was like music to my ears. “It’s not like you’re not known around school and town.” He said matter-of-factly.

"Well, I don't think anyone pegs me for the popular type so." I brushed off the thought of everyone in town knowing who I was, or who they thought I was.

"I do." He said softly. There was an intimacy forming between us. I couldn't stop staring at him.

“Asher.” He whispered.

I snapped out of my daze. “Huh?”

“My name’s Asher.” A calm look passed over his face as he said it.

I smiled as I held his stare.

The shrill of the bell interrupted something between the two of us.

“I’ll see you in culinary.” I blurted.

“Mmmkay.” He mumbled. He brushed my arm as we passed.

I quickly hurried to history and hoped the rest of the day would be normal.
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New story. You know me, always coming out with new stories and always conflicted about keeping them or trashing them. I think this one will go somewhere. Comment or subscribe if you like :)