Status: I'll probably need motivation for this one. If you like it, let me know.


The Calm Before The Storm

History class was calm. The only problem was that Bristol sat way across the room from me. I got crammed in a corner, surrounded by obnoxiously loud jocks. I tuned them out and kept my nose in a book for the rest of the period.

Bristol and I chattered about what our classes had been like so far on the way to culinary. She oozed about some boy she thought was cute. She kept talking about him in descriptive detail once we had entered the class room.

“His name’s Blaine.” She sighed.

Asher’s head snapped up in our direction. “Blaine Carter?” He asked from across the room.

Bristol nodded and he walked over to us.

“What about him?” His expression was guarded.

Bristol stayed quiet.

“Did ya hear something about him?” He asked worriedly.

“No. I.. just think he’s cute that’s all.” She confessed.

An arrogant expression crossed over Asher’s face.

“I’ll hook you up.” He winked at Bristol.

She shook her head fervently.

“Oh c’mon.” He urged softly.

Bristol looked at me unsure.

“Tell ya what. Come to a party this weekend and you two can hit it off. Yeah?” He asked in a soothing voice.

Bristol slowly nodded.

Asher sauntered over to me.

“You’re coming too.” He whispered.

He kept on walking and went back to his seat.

I sat down at a table with Bristol. She looked over at Asher, who had his feet propped up on the table. She abruptly stood up and walked over to his table.

Five minutes later she came back with a disheveled notecard. It had the address of the party on it.

“Are we seriously going to that?” I asked her.

Bristol looked at me with wide eyes.

“Of course we are! Ava, I’m not passing up this opportunity.” She argued dramatically.

“Ok.” I retorted back.

“Now, we just need to find out what to wear.” She giggled. I shot her a half-ass smile. I was weary of the party because I was worried what Asher had in store for me.


I was going through the motions until math class was next. I remembered Asher was in that class and excitement rushed through me. I saw him mulling around the class room. I started to enter the classroom but my math teacher stopped me.

“First seat. Third row.” She pointed to my assigned seat.

I trudged to my seat and looked around the class room. Asher sat towards the back. I sat down in my seat and pouted.

I felt someone’s presence over my shoulder. I cautiously turned around and hazel eyes were staring down at me.

“You look a little lonely up here by yourself.” He smirked as he talked.

“I’m not lonely. I have friends.” I shot back.

Asher looked around at the desks around me. “Like who?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

I glanced to my right. A nerd who had nose in a book, didn’t pay attention to anyone. I glanced to my left. A girl with pink streaks in her hair and tribal print leggings was engrossed with her phone.

I looked back to Asher. He raised both eyebrows at me.

“I can make friends.” I defended myself.

“Let me know when that happens.” He smirked at me. He walked back to his seat.

I turned around in my desk and waited for the teacher to go over the syllabus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler chapter.