Status: I'll probably need motivation for this one. If you like it, let me know.


No Strings

The rest of the week included Asher acting hot and cold around me. Some days he would flirt and other days he would treat me like an acquaintance. Which I guess that’s what we were.

Saturday night came quick. Bristol insisted she had to come over so we could get ready together. She was curling her hair while I straightened mine. She was wearing a chevron dress with sandals. She told me she had spent hours deciding on what to wear. I threw on a black and white Mickey Mouse shirt and paired it with jeans and combat boots.

I heated up left over pancakes and ate them while I waited on Bristol. She came down all done up and ready.

“You look really good.” I complimented her.

She smiled at me, then twirled in her dress.

I finished my pancakes and cleaned up the kitchen a little. I told my parents good bye and we headed out.

I plugged the address into my GPS and followed the directions all the way there. I could hear the music blaring from down the street. Let’s hope the cops don’t call.

I parked in a spot closest to the exit. Whoever’s house we were at was pretty nice. I could hear splashes in the pool around the back. Bristol and I made our way to the front door.

We were about to knock until we read the note on the door: Just come in. Bristol and I looked at each other and laughed. She flung open the door and the party was in full swing.

We squeezed our way past people to get into the kitchen. Bristol poured herself a cup of beer and grabbed a few chips. I filled up a red solo cup with cherry vodka.

We inspected the party and watched people dance and have a good time. Bristol spotted Blaine and started to panic.

“Oh my gosh. Oh gosh. There he is.” She shrieked.

I put my hands on her shoulder and gave her a small pep talk.

“It’s fine. You’re going to do great. Just be yourself. I-” I was cut off by someone who swooped in and threw their arm around Bristol. They rushed off into the crowd. I caught sight of blonde, curly hair. Asher.

I moved to where I could see. Asher introduced Blaine and Bristol. She smiled up at him and he smiled down at her. They started talking and moving closer to each other because they couldn’t hear each other. I smiled. I could see how happy she was.

Someone’s hand snaked around my waist. I jumped back and saw that Asher had come back. His eye lids drooped a little. He was either buzzed or tipsy, one of the two.

“I’m glad you made it. You’re friend seems to be having a good time.” He said. He wasn’t quite slurring his words yet, he must be buzzed.

I continued to drink from my cup, feeling buzzed myself. “Me too.” I said simply.

“So who is Ava Briley?” He asked arrogantly.

“I honestly don’t know how to answer that.” I shrugged as I watched people gyrate.

His arm came out in front of my face. He rested it against the wall beside me. I turned towards him. His other arm shot out to the other side of my head.

“What are you doing?” I asked him, amused. A tiny flutter occurred in my stomach.

He dipped his head by my ear. “Come with me.” He whispered.

A tiny voice in my head yelled at me not to. Another voice said go, indulge in what you can’t have.

He held out his hand and I took it. I smiled to myself as I let him lead me throughout the house. I will be indulging tonight. My focus shifted on his hands.

His warm bear paw of a hand engulfed my fragile hand. I stared down at them the whole way up the stairs. He pulled me into a room and shut the door behind him. He flicked the light switch and we stood in a blue and grey themed bedroom.

The tiny voice in my head was telling me to panic. The alcohol had me feeling relaxed and good. I roamed the room. My fingers lazily ran along the comforter and on the chocolate brown dresser.

“Who’s room is this?” I questioned.

“Mine.” He said barely above a whisper.

My gaze locked in on his face. Panic started to leak in. This wasn’t like me at all. I didn’t go into someone else’s bedroom after barely knowing them. My eyes found the doorknob just past his shoulder.

His expression told me that he knew I was about to make a run for it. He held up his hands.

“Ava, I didn’t lock the door or anything. I just wanted to talk.” He said in an even tone.

I still stayed glued in place. He took a step forward and i felt my eyes widen.

“I’m just setting my phone down.” He said cautiously. He moved towards me like I was an untamed animal. He reached around me and set his phone down. He stood over me.

“I’m not gonna hurt you.” He whispered softly. He ran his hands up and down my arms. I felt myself start to relax. I continued to observe the room.

“So your parents own this place?” I asked, looking into his eyes.

He nodded.

Something shifted again, just like it did the other day in physics. He slowed his hand movements down so they were caressing my arms.

My breathing gradually sped up. His hazel eyes stayed locked on me the whole time. His gaze was so smoldering that I could feel my cheeks turning red.

“Mmm are you blushing?” He asked in a low voice.

I felt my cheeks heat up again. He smirked at me.

“That’s fucking adorable.” He purred.

In one swift movement, he had me pinned down on the bed. He used one hand to keep my wrists in place, and used the other to hold up his weight.

His head dipped down into my neck. He left a trail of kisses just under my jaw. Each kiss left a searing warmth behind. My eyes fluttered shut from the pleasure. He raised his head from my neck. His gaze roamed over my facial features.

His expression was a mix of sleepiness and pleasure. He was beautiful. My eyes traveled down his taut body that he held over me and back up to his face.

He shot me a heart warming smile. A knock sounded at the door and startled us both. Asher growled and got off the bed. He opened the door a crack and I saw Bristol searching the room for me. I sat up from the bed and stood behind him.

“Ava! Thank goodness! I’ve been looking for you,” She smirked as she said the last few words. “Anyways, I’m not going home tonight. Could you cover for me?” Her eyes pleaded as she asked.

“What do you mean you’re not going home?!” I exclaimed. Asher opened the door all the way.

Bristol looked over at Blaine. She clasped both her hands together. I rolled my eyes.

“Fine! Have fun but don’t forget our pact.” I reminded and shot her a serious look.

She shook her head, “I won’t.”

We both made a pact that we would wait until we were married to have sex. I didn’t want her to throw it away on some guy in high school. She sashayed away with Blaine.

Asher shut the door again and looked at me.

“Can I just say something?” He asked randomly.

I simply nodded.

“I’m not looking for a girlfriend or anything like that. But, I think you’re cute and I think we’re physically good for each other...” He began.

“Woah wait. Physically good for each other?” I repeated back to him.

“Yeah. You basically got wet every time I looked at you.” He explained.

I scoffed, “I did not!”

He gave me a knowing look. “I could tell you were enjoying yourself.” He countered.

“Have you seen what kind of faces you make?” I challenged.

Asher just kind of looked at me.

“That’s besides the point. I just want you to be mine without all the strings attached.” He confessed.

“I am not going to be your screw buddy.” I snapped.

“What about a cuddle or make out buddy?” He suggested.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” I blurted as I paced the room.

“So it’s a yes.” Asher affirmed.

I nodded quickly.

“Mmm let’s start now.” He drawled.

“Actually, I have to get home.” I wrestled out of his grasp.

“Don’t be shy.” He purred.

I grinned and made a move towards the door. He caught me and squeezed me tightly, making my arms feel like they’re glued to my sides.

“I’ll walk you out.” He said as he grabbed his phone.

We walked side by side through the throng of people, who were still dancing as if their lives depended on it. It was silent on the way to my car.

We reached my car and I hit the unlock button.

“You know if we’re going plan times for our sessions, then I’ll need your number.” He implied.

“Smooth.” I chuckled as I punched my number into his iPhone.

“That’s my middle name baby.” He grinned, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

I handed him his phone back, which he shoved into his pocket.

Without saying a word, he pulled me to him. He pressed against me. I assumed this qualified for a hug, so I looped my arms around his neck. He pulled back just enough to gaze at me. Even in the dark, his skin glowed and his eyes held so much emotion behind them.

His lips brushed mine and all my bottled up emotions exploded. A gasp escaped from my mouth and he pulled away. A wave of anger washed over me.

“I wanna leave a little to the imagination.” He whispered.

“Bye.” I stated.

“Just wait ‘till I put it on you.” He blew me a kiss.

My insides tingled just thinking about would happen the next time we hung out.
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