
chapter 9

She’s gathering her things and about to stand up, okay I’ve got to make up something to scold her about. Fast. The moment she passes the teacher’s table, I clear my throat,

“Miss Day—“ surprisingly though, she interrupts me.

“Next time, don’t try to humiliate me,” her words are sharp and venomous. I almost feel a pang of hurt. Almost. She walks out the door without even a single glance.

And she leaves,




I bury my hand in my palms. What the hell is wrong with me? I could’ve answered her back with something much more venomous, I could’ve threatened her, I could’ve shouted or gave her detention…but why didn’t I?

I think and think and think. Maybe I ate something that made me different today? Or maybe I just decided to become nice—on second thought, no. I’ll just decide that I ate something. I’d rather have food poisoning than be nice.

Or maybe because she was the most beautiful the girl I’ve seen.

Nah, there’s no way. I’ve been to Australia and France and a lot more other countries. I’ve seen the girls there, and truth be told, they were definitely not ugly. But what makes this girl so different? Her hair? I’ve seen blonder girls. Her skin? I’ve seen tanner ones. Her figure? I’ve seen—wait why was I looking at her figure? Nope. Nope. Nope. I am not going there.

But maybe it was because of her eyes.

I’ve seen bluer eyes before, I’ve seen thicker lashes before, I’ve seen lighter eyes before, but I’ve never seen those kinds of eyes before.

Her eyes were unsure. Unsure if it’s dark blue or light blue or aquamarine, the shade just changes depending on her mood. Was that possible? But then her eyes were also so distant. It was so very guarded and protected that you can’t read anything from them. But it could read anything from you.

Her eyes seem to pull you, to make you want to stare at them more. But if you do, she pushes you away and leaves you hurt and rejected. Staring at them makes you want to break that cold shield she has over them and crush it. It makes you want to look beneath that coldness and indifference hoping that there was something more.

My first class wasn’t off to a good start. Well it was, until Ms. Day happened.

I feel so different, it’s as if I’m feeling for the first time. Which is true. This is the first time I was ever ignored, humiliated, out of composure and unsure. She was making me feel things. Damn.

Fear arises. Am I not ready for this? Well I am not ready in terms of application, I’m still in my first year of college after all, but my level of intelligence certainly is.

And for that second—millisecond—I doubt myself. After all, I have never been interrupted my whole life—besides from my father—and today it happened twice in just one period,

All because of that Veronica Day.
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please also check out my other story Clandestine lol sorry