
chapter 10

I hate school and everything about it, but lunch break seems to benefit me very much.

Lunch gives me an opportunity to separate myself from the students. I’d often walk around and find an isolated area to eat and think. I make sure to stay away from the cafeteria because all of their mindless chatter makes them twice as unbearable. Plus, I don’t think I could handle having so much contact with so many people.

Today is boring as usual, the old hag Ms. Cruz in Algebra kept hitting on the male students, the girls kept gossiping, the nerds kept reciting, the boys keep flexing, nothing’s changed. They’re all still scum.

But then there’s a new teacher.

Substitute that is, but they’re all the same to me. He teaches chemistry, sir Aiken’s class. A headache forms as I think about that proud egoistic “teacher”. Shivers run down my spine. Fuck is he disgusting. The girls fall head over heels for him, which he just happens to be so used to it already, the boys find him funny, which just happens to make him “cool,” and practically everyone finds him smart and charming. He’s so proud of himself, of his appearance, of his talents, of his achievements, everything.

He’s young and not hideous, I’ll give them that. But he is so easy to read. His emotions surface too much. He makes his feelings too obvious. I find these kinds of people shallow and weak. I can’t believe he finds himself so great and mature when simply not listening to him makes him upset. He’s so immature.

He’s one very clear reminder of why I hate people.

He’s just a child in a man’s body.

I also can’t believe that tried to humiliate me. Unfortunately for him, he’s not the only “smart” one of the group. I hope sir Aiken comes back, I prefer awkward and corny than over confident and immature any day.

I push the thought of him away. Thinking about him will ruin my lunch.

I bite out of my sandwich. I’m starting to keep calm from my rant but I hear something that catches my attention. I hear someone cursing and stumbling not far from the bushes surrounding this area. Someone’s coming. It’s getting louder so I stand cautiously; no one ever comes to this place. It’s behind the principal’s office of Pete’s sake, who would be dumb enough to go here? Besides me of course, I don’t chat and whine about everything as most students usually do. I keep calm. I keep silent.

The person emerges. It’s Nathan West.
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i always forget to either change the font or italicize gosh i'm sorry