
chapter 11

My girl has done it again! She is officially the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen and honestly, I don’t think any girl will ever surpass her. Damn, Veronica Day everybody! She humiliated that teacher’s ass in chem in one move. The look on that teacher’s face…damn. Only she can humiliate a teacher with smartness and still look cool doing it. Crap. I keep falling for her more and more, but what the heck. She is a babe! My cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling. But then I can’t help it; thinking about the beautiful Veronica makes me smile. And I think about her everyday.

I make my way to the cafeteria, I’m not hungry for lunch but people will be expecting me to show up. I go over the same routine everyday; smile, say hi, wink, hi-five. This is getting really tiring, but everyone knows that having such a popular status doesn’t come easy.

I enter the cafeteria. Everyone turns to greet me as they call out, “hey Nathan!” “yoohoo, Nate over here!” “What’s up bro?” “Sit with us Nathan!” “Sup dude,” Ahhh, so many adoring peasants. I’m greeted by the football team, cheerleaders, rich kids, skater bums, smart kids, athletes, mathletes, practically everyone. Nice to see my reputation is still in check. Every student is here eating lunch

Except one.

I search the whole cafeteria for blonde and blue eyes. There’s a handful, but Veronica isn’t one of them. I curse; this is by far the most challenging girl I’ve ever met. She doesn’t show up, she doesn’t socialize, she doesn’t even try to fit in. In fact, all she ever does is separate her beautiful self. Damn. I leave the cafeteria but a group of girls pull me to their table,

“Sorry cuties, I need to find someone,” I don’t even look at them. My head is too full of thoughts about Veronica to focus on other things.

A girl with poorly done makeup answers, “You mean our love making the other day isn’t enough to make you stay?” Wait, I had sex with someone like her? I don’t even remember this girl’s damn name.

Lately the amount of girls I bang is doubling. Seeing Veronica but not being able to hold her gets me frustrated , the feeling of not having her is making me lose my mind. So instead, I settle my frustration with just any girl. It’s not as fulfilling, but it keeps me sane.

I act as if I do remember; “Yeah, babe you were amazing” but I bet Veronica’s even better.

She giggles at this, I still can’t believe I settled with someone as cheap looking as her. Man, my frustration over Veronica is making me lower my standards.

“I’m really sorry love, but I have to get going” I leave before she can even protest.
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Nathan's my fave