
chapter 13

Damn, lunch is almost over but I still haven’t found my princess. How many hiding spots does she have? Jesus, I’m getting hopeless here! I’m getting upset. I mean come on; I always get the girl I want. Always. So why the fuck am I still chasing? I’ve been chasing this girl for one solid month now. It’s honestly getting offensive because I’ve never ever ever lasted this long chasing someone.

Goddamn it!

I punch the wall beside me. I’m so angry I punch it again. Fuck. It’s not safe for people to see me like this; people are used to me partying and banging, not punching and cursing. This is going to be bad for my reputation. I hide and search for some place I could release my anger. I wander to the lawn. It’s a hot day today, so luckily no one is out here to see me explode. I need to make sure though, that the place where I will release my anger will be completely isolated and out of sight. At the left side of the lawn is a garden. It’s been abandoned and uncared for lately though so now the plants have overgrown; making it look like a forest. I go inside, I haven’t been to this part of the school before but damn I need to do something.

I trip and fall and stumble from all the roots and plants. I don’t care though, I just go in deeper and deeper into the garden until my exhaustion will eventually put out my anger. It’s been minutes now but I’m still walking and walking and walking without even having a glimpse of the other side of this garden. Damn how big is this garden exactly? I have a feeling that the students who started this originally planned to raise a forest not a garden.

Ah but there it is. The plants—um, trees—are thinning now and I can finally see the exit.

I finally come out of the garden, all bruised and leafy. My mind is swirling with exhaustion and frustration but my eyes are focused on the person in front of me.

I don’t breath.

It’s Veronica.
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i've already written until chapter 25 lol