
chapter 14

Nathan emerges from the bushes looking muddy and bruised and disheveled. Disgusting. He doesn’t speak or move and I can see that he’s holding his breath. I watch him intently. I process whether or not the situation I’m in is dangerous and worthy of fleeing, but judging from stiffness I can see that he obviously didn’t expect me to be here.

“What the fuck do you want?” I frown and show my disgust, this would normally offend people but its not like I care whether or not I hurt anyone.

He steps back and I can practically see hurt flashes in his eyes. Well isn’t he rather sensitive? I don’t say anything though; I just wait for him to reply.

He opens his mouth to speak but instead shakes his head. I can see him tighten his fists. He then steps forward and glares at me,

“I’ve been through shit just to look for you” his every word is filled with anger and hurt. I know because I’ve met so many people who speak to me just the same.

“So? I never asked you to do it,” its true, I never did. So why the hell is he giving me this bullshit?

He then unexpectedly calms down. Which is very odd for someone as unruly as him.

But then I see it.

Just beneath his calm façade is rage. You could practically see it glow in his eyes. I’ve never seen someone look so calm and angry at the same time. I shift in my seat, I can’t read what he’s going to do next and it’s making me uncomfortable.

I need to calm him down, “Nathan—“


I’m holding my breath. He punched the wall; he punched the wall just beside my face. His fist and my cheek are merely centimeters apart. His punch was so close that I felt the impact.

He could’ve punched me but missed instead.

He could’ve intentionally missed.

He could’ve punched me.

I’m not scared though; I’ve experienced too much violence to be scared by just a mere punch. I am surprised though. I never thought Nathan West was this violent. I thought he was just another passive deadbeat dickhead. But of course people will always show their good side, they won’t show their rotten insides. I know this fact too well.

I clear my throat, “Nathan”

He doesn’t move away like I expect him too, instead, he inches closer. He’s moving his face closer to my face. I can practically feel his breath now.

He’s too close.

Please oh please don’t come any closer.


I’ve never had anyone this close to my body before. Being merely centimeters apart from a person is making me dizzy. I think I’m getting sick.

I don’t move though. I don’t speak. I stare right back at him. I can see his eyes searching my eyes, so I make sure to make them look cold and unexpressive as humanly possible. I don’t want people reading me. I don’t want them to get acquainted or involved with any other person; I’d rather stay alone and separated.