
chapter 16

There it is. I exploded. I managed to only punch the wall but it’s an explosion nonetheless. But I didn’t just punch the wall; I punched the wall beside Veronica. The Veronica. The same Veronica that made me angry and crazy about her all at the same time.

I wonder what she’s thinking right now? Is she scared? I hope not. This is the first time I’ve ever exploded in front of someone. And unfortunately, that someone had to be Veronica.

She speaks, “Nathan,” I didn’t realize that I’ve been staring at her all this time, but then what am I supposed to say? You’re the only one I want so please give me a chance? Well I could actually say it but I don’t want to show desperate I am about her.

“I’m not sure if I’m ready for a kiss right now, so can you just move fucking away?”

I can’t help but smile. How could she find humor after a guy could have almost punched her? A girl should be scared of something like that right? Shouldn’t she be trembling or crying or something?

Okay yeah, I did kinda sorta wanted to punch her, I mean come on. I’ve been looking for her since after chemistry; you’d think I would get at least a hello right? But then she’s right, she never asked me to look for her. Ugh, I think I’m losing my brownie points.

I pull away. It’s my princess’s request after all. I can feel my rage slowly disappearing, who would’ve thought that all I needed was Veronica? I still don’t break eye contact with her. I can’t get enough of her eyes. She doesn’t seem to be mad; she looks a little out of composure—which I didn’t think was possible for her—but what the heck? I’ll take as much emotion and response from her any day.

I sit beside her; she doesn’t move away or anything like that so I guess she doesn’t mind.

Veronica sighs, “Well I guess seeing you is less painful than seeing anyone else in this damn school” Did I hear that correctly? She sorta said something nice…right? Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck



My heart’s so loud. Can she hear it? Oh God.

Veronica Day is bad for my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ignite Me is bad for my heart

it's a book. you guys should read it.