
chapter 17

Nathan seems to have calmed down. I’m beginning to think he’s bipolar, a minute ago he was wild and violent, now he’s back to his normal self—flirty and ever so charming.

Wait what? Charming? Woah there Veronica, you do not want to go there.

Amusing. I meant amusing. Flirty and ever so amusing. Yup, that’s what I really meant.


He talks and talks and talks as he sits beside me. I find this incredulously annoying; I seriously want to bash his head right now. But I don’t. I let him talk. And I just listen. He talks about several things; girls, parties, schoolmates, sports, middeschool—things that I don’t give a damn about. But then his cheerful way of speaking is starting to get rather… enjoyable. He talks to me every single day so you can’t blame me for getting used to it. It’s still deafening and irritating, yes—but then its not like I could stop him from talking to me. I still hate him; he is after all a nuisance to my solitude and aloneness. But I know for a fact that too much solitude and aloneness will ruin you, I’m the living consequence of that example after all.

“So tell me, are you seriously hiding from me sometimes? I mean whenever I look for you—uh not always I promise, just most of the times… but for school reasons and I know you’re really smart so uh—I don’t stalk you if that’s—“

Wow does he talk, “you’ve said quite an awful lot,” which is true. How can somebody say that much in one breath?

He chuckles, “Yeah well you make me nervous,” he laughs awkwardly, why is he so tense? It’s not like I’m going to eat him.

“Yeah well I do hide from you. You get rather clingy if you haven’t noticed,” he blushes and looks away, apparently he hasn’t.

“Sorry,” he’s apologizing…Huh.

“Yeah well you are quite annoying and loud,” he gets even redder now. Even his ears are red. He’s like a tomato with blond leaves and dimples.

“But sometimes you’re enjoyable,” he looks at me, with wide-open eyes.

“What?” He blinks an awful lot.

“You heard what I said,” He did. And I don’t want to repeat it.

“That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” he smiles, not to me or anyone in particular, just to himself. As if he’s lost in his own thoughts.

He’s right. It is the nicest thing I’ve ever said to him.

I smile.

And we just sit there smiling.
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