
chapter 18

Fuck you. Fuck that. Fuck everything. I’m in such a bad mood. That twat of a principal wasted my freaking opportunity. And for what? Just to ask how I’m doing? He knows damn well I’m not enjoying myself. He knows I never asked for this.

My first day on the freaking job as a chemistry teacher is finally over. I can finally leave this shitty school and rest. But I’m not going back home, hell no. I’d see my father and the last person I want to see right now is him.

I reach for my keys as I near the parking lot. Wait a minute; there are two Lamborghini Aventadors here? Two black identical lambos parked beside each other. I know I own one of them but I’m not sure which. My car’s still not registered and coincidentally so is the other car. I know Golden Fort’s rich and all, but who would allow their highschool son or daughter to drive a fucking lambo to school?

“Hey man,” someone taps my shoulder from behind.

Remember when I said that my father was the last person I wanted to see? Well I take that back. The last person I wanted to see was none other than Nathan West. The flirtatious boy who spent an entire lunch with Veronica Day behind the Principal’s fucking office.

And he’s here smiling right at me.

“Don’t use such informal greetings with me, West” I glare at him, damn do I want to punch him.

He freaking chuckles, “What? We’re like 2 years apart. Chill out man,”

I will break your neck.

“How’s Veronica?” I slipped.

Oh Christ what is wrong with me? Why am I bringing Ms. Day into this?

“Huh? Uh why ask me?” He’s blushing. Is it supposed to make you cute, you little fucker?

“I saw you both during lunch,” stop it Sean! Stop. Talking. Now. Before you say something you might fucking regret!

“Oh uh… what did you see?” he’s smiling. Disgusting little bastard.

“Was there something I wasn’t supposed to see?” why the fuck did he ask me that? Was there something going on? Did they do something?

“Oh...uh… nothing… really…” then what’s with that stupid grin on your face? I put my hands inside my pockets, better to restrain them. Because I might fucking murder this dipshit.

“Oh uh sorry man, I have to go” He leaves. Good riddance.

I thought that there wouldn’t be anything that could ruin my day even more but I stand corrected.

He walks toward one of the black lambos. He steps inside, starts the car and drives away.

Great. Now I need to buy a new car.
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Golden Fort is a really rich school okay. it's like school for the sons and daughters of millionaires and billionaires.

oh and Golden Fort is just something i made up so yeah