
chapter 20

My day is already ruined. Fuck I should ask my dad for a different parking spot, seeing Nathan West every Goddamn day will drive me insane.

What happened to your lamb? I fucking got rid of it.

I don’t want having the same car as a highschool fucking student.
Wait, what is that awful sound? Wailing? I follow the sound. It leads me towards a group of students. What’s happening? What is that ugly sound?

Oh Christ I need to stop this insufferable wailing. I part the group of students as I make my way through; it’s a couple. They’re all watching a couple where in the girl cries and beg while the boy doesn’t give a damn.

Typical highschool drama.

I curse and walk away. I know I should interrupt this; after all, I am their ‘teacher’. But I won’t allow my day to be even more ruined by stupid highschool students.

Someone from the group shouts, “Do something Nathan!” What? Nathan? They don’t mean Nathan West… do they?

I turn back. It is Nathan West. And he’s just standing there with a girl draped over him. Look at this son of a bitch acting like he’s so used to girls crying over him. What an asshole.

I reach for the couple, “Hey stop that! You’re all being such a nuisance!” the girl doesn’t let go of West but thankfully some cheerleaders help me get the floozy of him.

“Care explaining, West?” ooh, do I want to murder you good for nothing cunt.

The girls pull the wailing bitch away which is a great blessing for my ears. The students start to disperse little by little.

West doesn’t answer. He’s just looking right past me. Jesus did the girl’s wails break him or something?

“Answer me West,” what, is he suddenly mute now?

After several more painful seconds, he does answer; “Veronica”


What? Did I hear that right? Veronica?


“Excuse me?”

No, I must be hearing things.

He’s not answering. He’s still staring at something behind me, which for some reason is more important than a teacher reprimanding him.

I turn to see what’s behind me.


Veronica Day is standing right behind me.






And she’s staring right at Nathan West.


Veronica walks away, without even the slightest glance.

Nathan chases after her.

And then I’m alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
poor Sean