
chapter 22

Veronica leaves the classroom as soon as the bell rings. No one moves; they’re all too stunned at what just happened. I on the other hand, am used to Veronica’s…err… intensity. I quickly stand and follow her.

I know where she’s headed since I know we both have History next. I’m so thankful I asked Charlie to rig our schedules to make them sync.

There she is. Just outside history just like I thought.

“Oh uh, fancy meeting you here,” wow Nathan you are smooth.

“I’m not Brown. I don’t want your attention,” I cringe; well that was unexpectedly painful. She’s been avoiding me all day and now she’s in a bad mood because of me—well technically because of Lucy but she wouldn’t have done that if it weren’t for me.

“Look I’m sorry about Lucy—“

She glares at me, “Yeah well you should be sorry,” she doesn’t speak to me after that.

Fuck you Lucy Brown.

History passes by like a blur. I don’t remember anything except Veronica’s blonde head.

I leave as soon as the bell rings; maybe I should just skip class? I mean, what’s there to enjoy in school if Veronica won’t even look at me? Damn I feel like shit.

Rutherford—our History teacher—stops me by the door.

“Mr. West,” ughhhhhhhhhh.

I face him lazily, “sorry sir but I’m not in a very good mood. Can’t you just say what you have to say next time we meet?”

He rolls his eyes, “No Mr. West, I’m afraid I can’t. Here, I believe this belongs to you,” he hands me a pink little note.

“What the fuck? Detention? For what?” just when I thought this day couldn’t get any worse.

Rutherford sighs, “for making a scene this morning,” I am going to kill Lucy Brown.

Rutherford clears his throat, “you too miss West,” I freeze.

“I believe you should think twice before assaulting another student, yes?” I slowly turn to look at Veronica.

She’s looking right at me.

And she doesn’t look happy.

Kill me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lucy Brown gets so much hate aw