
chapter 2

I hate people.

Call me a misanthropist for all I care, all I know is that I hate every single fucking person and every single fucking thing here. I am disgusted by the thought of seeing two hundred plus people everyday of every week of every year, which is why homeschool was the most beautiful thing my mother recommended. But of course, my shitfaced sister happened.

I don’t smile or greet anyone in the room. I keep my eyes half lidded and my face expressionless. I know they’d rather see my snobbish face than my disgusted one.

I walk towards the vacant seat at the back. It’s at the far end of the room at the right and it gives you a view out the window. It’s my favorite seat and surprisingly no one has occupied it yet. Yet as I near the seat I realize that someone seems to have reserved it by putting his or her damn books on it. This realization causes me to frown. A person then suddenly clears his throat beside me, which makes me turn around. It’s Nathan. He’s the guy who helped me find my homeroom on the day I transferred.

He stretches his arms and easily removes the heavy looking pile of books with one hand. He dumps it in his bag and smiles.

“You always sit there during chemistry so I figured it was your, uh, seat.” His smile broadens. I don’t need his goddamn explanation so I just stare at him. Hopefully he gets the picture. “Class was starting and you weren’t here so I figured I reserve it…?” ah, he didn’t. I’m starting to get really annoyed. His explanation sounded more like question too. This makes me more annoyed. I nod, I really want to ignore him but then again I did benefit from what he just did.

He smiles. I didn’t know a person could smile that broad.