
chapter 3

I hate this.

I freaking hate this. I make my way out of my father’s office. Damn him. Damn him and every single fiber of him.

Don’t get me wrong, I respect my father and everything about him is truly admirable. He has composure, reputation, money, knowledge, wisdom, leadership, but then there’s his kindness which ruins him completely. He’s too damn nice. Now, with a pride the size of Asia, he’ll always, always grant his promises. Even though it’s already so obvious that he’s been taken advantage of.

And today’s one of those damn days.

I angrily walk to my car and sit in the driver’s seat. I want to go somewhere—anywhere just not here. I rub my temples as I think about the mess my father just got me into.

I was on the way home from a friend’s house when my father called; he said Principal Morse wants to chat. It’s not that I don’t want to see and chat with my old highschool principal again, but the fact that my father was the one who called me made me suspicious.

I open the door to my father’s office and sure enough, Principal Morse is there waiting. He asks if I was still seeing my old classmates, if I did well in college, if I already knew what job I was going to take, simple chit chat really. I answered all his questions politely, I even asked some questions of my own, but my patience was growing thin. I knew they wanted something from me, “So Principal Morse, Dad,” I slowly look at each of them “What is it that you want?”

My father smiles, “Ah yes, now that you mention it, we do have a favor”

“Well? Spit it out” I’m getting really suspicious now.

Principal Morse answers, “Well my boy, do you remember Mr. Aiken? The chemistry teacher? Well he resigned all of a sudden, and now there’s no one to teach the students—“

Why is he suddenly talking about Mr. Aiken? “What does this have to do with him?”

“Well, like I was saying Sean, there’s no one to teach the students, I was hoping if, I mean, you did graduate with honors, and well—“

“Wait,” and then it finally sinks in. No no no no please don’t mean what I think you mean, please please “you don’t mean...”

“I was hoping you would substitute, it’s only temporary” Principal Morse finally finishes, he’s sweating and nervous and I feel like he already knows my answer

“Of course not—“

My father interrupts me, “Sure he will! Right Sean?”

I glare at him, “don’t I need to have a college degree or something? I’m only 19, I’m not qualified! The school’s board chairman won’t approve this!”

My father clears his throat, I look at him and his disgustingly kind eyes, “Sean, I am the board chairman” ah shit, I forgot.

I search my father’s eyes for something, anything. After a few seconds of searching, I give up. I obviously have no way out of this. I sigh. Again, my father was too nice. Any sensible board chairman would get angry at Principal Morse’s inefficiency to find a substitute, in fact, I think my father was even the one who suggested I substitute to calm the man down. His heart’s too damn golden.

Someday his niceness is going to cost him, and then I hope he’ll realize how stupid he is to be this nice. But I doubt that, after all, he didn’t realize this even if it cost him Mom.

I will never be nice.
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this is Sean's POV