
chapter 4

It’s Monday today, 2 days after my father told me to substitute my old chemistry teacher in Golden Fort. I’m missing my Astronomy class right now but my dad worked it out with the Dean. Sometimes I wish my father wasn’t so influential.

I never wanted to come back here, and to be honest I thought I’d never will. I thought this stupid school was now something I could leave behind and forget.

Apparently not.

I take my time walking the halls. After all, I still have 20 minutes before the bell rings. I pass by my old locker. I register the faces of the students I pass by, some girls are gawking and checking me out, some are smiling . Disgusting hormonal creatures. I try to find the old vandalisms I wrote before but of course the school had their annual paint job.

I run into my old algebra teacher, Ms. Cruz. She beams at me, “My My! Is that you Sean? Oh is Mr. President back?” Mentioning my old position as student council president made me inwardly cringe. Memories of me smiling and helping my schoolmates came flooding back, damn. I remember how it was so hard for me back then because the last thing I wanted to be was nice. I wanted to punch and push all those dumb and annoying students, I didn’t want to associate myself with all those stupid jocks, fake girls, overachieving nerds, trying hard losers, fatass wannabes and pitiful teachers. But being the board chairman’s son didn’t give me that opportunity. I had to be nice.

“Haha, no need to bring back old memories miss,” seriously you lonely old hag, don’t.

Ms. Cruz beams even wider, “oh why not? By the way, why’s my favorite student back in town? Something wrong with college?”

“I’m here to temporarily substitute Mr. Aiken,” she smiles even broader, ugh what a cougar. I remember how she used to subtly touch my arms and thighs before. Really really disgusting. I tell Ms. Cruz goodbye and that I’d (hopefully never) see her again.
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forgive me if some school stuff don't connect or something. I'm from Asia so i don't really know how high schools work in the US. I did my research but yeah