
chapter 6

I step out of the shower fresh and clean. Ahhh, that college girl really is a good bang. I’m glad I chose to leave my panty watching for this. Oh sex, what wonderful thing you are! I gather my clothes; better leave while she’s still asleep. Dang where’s my sock? Is that my boxers on the computer? Damn, we were pretty wild. Not complaining though. Once I finish getting dressed, I make a run for it. Don’t want girls crying around right?

It’s currently 6:45 AM. Huh, I guess I should head for school now. I could skip, but then Charlie would find out, which means my mom would find out too. Definitely not risking that. On the way to school, I think about anything I might’ve done productive yesterday. I slept through History again, got a kiss from that hot new English teacher, Mr. Dickens yelled at me again, oh and of course, I found my new target. That cheerleader who fortunately wore a thong yesterday. I smile. This day’s gonna be nothing but smooth sailing.

Once I’ve parked my car, I make my way to my locker. I’ll search for that thong-girl there; after all, my locker is near the girl’s bathroom. I greet everyone who greets me, I gotta maintain my reputation. I smile at the girls ogling me, I wink at the freshies who say hi, I blow kisses to girls I banged before and I hi-five all the bros. Yup, smooth sailing indeed.

Well isn’t that thong-girl right in front of my locker right now? The leprechauns must’ve blessed me because I’m feeling lucky! I walk towards her, cool and calm. She sees me and then smiles. Great, now’s my chance.

“My locker must be pretty lucky to have such a babe standing in front of it,” full on smile? Check.

She giggles, “oh Nathan, you’re so funny!” this girl already knows my name, how convenient. I prepare for the attack; I inch closer, not too close, but close enough. She bites her lips and presses her hips against mine. Well aren’t you easy? I go in for the kiss, better capture the prey when it’s vulnerable. Landing in 3…2…

Something yellow passes, no—not yellow, something blonde. I might be stupid to hope, but I need to make sure. I shove thong-girl away from me, I gotta see, I gotta catch that blonde and make sure.

Holy, this really is my lucky day! It’s the girl, the girl. That beautiful girl I saw yesterday, that beautiful girl with the softest looking hair framing her face, that beautiful girl with the fullest and most kissable lips, that beautiful girl

Who isn’t mine. Yet.

I’ve never been this breath taken by a girl before. I follow her, I need to find out her name, her year, her homeroom, anything.

“Where are you going?” I snap back to reality. Damn, I forgot about thong-girl.

“I gotta leave, sorry Ju—uhm—Julia!” I run, who knows where that girl went within those few seconds I wasted on thong-girl. I hear thong-girl shout, “my name’s Judy, Asshole!” I’ve pissed her off. Normally I would come back and flirt my way back to her womanhood, but today’s special. Today there’s this girl.
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i forgot to italicize oops