
chapter 7

There she is! I’m so glad I didn’t lose her. She’s searching for something; she’s looking around and pouting. I think I’m melting.

“Looking for something?” I try my best to sound calm, cool, suave, but my beating heart is making it hard to do so.

She doesn’t speak, she just stares. I feel as if she’s sizing me up, judging me or something. Damn, this girl knows how to make a guy uncomfortable. She looks down to the paper she’s holding so I look at it too. It’s a class schedule. Things start falling into place. She’s a transferee. No wonder I don’t know her. This gives me an awfully big wave of relief.

I take the schedule from her hands, I try my best to subtly let our fingers touch but she’s too fast to pull away, “Hmm let’s see…your homeroom’s Mrs. McNeill. Lucky you! She’s awfully nice,” I flash my megawatt smile but she still doesn’t react. Damn this is hard.

“Her room is just there, turn left and the last door at your right is hers. Her door is the one with math symbols all over it.” I fake a cringe; this would usually get the ladies to at least smile. But alas, still nothing. I laugh and awkwardly hand her schedule back. I want this to end and at the same time not end. I want to end my embarrassment but I still want to be with her. She nods and walks away.

I don’t know if this is what you call getting your heart broken but it sure hurts just as much as the guys tell me.

No, I won’t give up. I want her. What’s a little challenge once in a while right? I call out to her, “Hey, what’s your name?” I kind of already know that she won’t reply. After all my efforts so far didn’t receive even the slightest reaction.

Surprisingly though, she does reply.

She looks back once, “my name is Veronica,”




I smile.

I’m pretty sure this is what you call love at first sight.