
chapter 8

I burst into the chemistry lab. Reminiscing made me five minutes late. I don’t plan on taking this responsibility too seriously but I also don’t want to leave a bad impression. After all, my father’s damn name is on the line.

I clear my throat, “Hello students, I’m your substitute teacher Mr. Sean—um, Prince. Mr. Prince”

I hear the female division of the group giggle. I hear their whispers; ‘ooh a prince!’ ‘he’s sexy’ ‘he looks so young’ ‘you think he’d give a highschooler a chance?’ ‘why hello there’

This is stupid.

They’re stupid.

Thirsty bitches.

One female though, stands out from the rest. She’s sitting at the far end of the room and looking out the window. She doesn’t look at me, at anyone, even if I’ve already begun the lesson. She just stares outside. This makes me wonder how long she must’ve been staring outside and what I should do to get her attention—as a teacher I mean, not romantically in any way.

Definitely not.

I glance at the clock hanged on wall; there’s still 10 minutes left before this period ends. I’ve tried telling jokes, be it racist, dirty, sports or sexist, winking and smiling, acting silly, everything. I now have the attention of every student in this class except hers. I don’t know why, but seeing that blonde head of hers not focused on the lesson—on me—makes me very frustrated. I’ve never been this unnoticed and unfocused on before.

I call her attention.

“Excuse me miss…” I don’t know her name. I ask the student nearest me, “Who is that girl? What’s her name?” the student looks at her and shrugs.

“Veronica Day, sir” Judging from the student’s shrug, it must be normal that teachers call her out.

“Veronica Day,” I make my voice loud and clear, I want her to notice and look at me.

She does.

I didn’t expect this girl to be attractive. I didn’t expect this girl to be beautiful. In fact, I didn’t really expect anything. Somehow, I just figured that she was ugly or ordinary or average. I lose my composure for the slightest minute. Damn. Get hold of yourself Sean. Her eyes are half lidded; her face was unimpressed and very annoyed.

She answers, “Yes sir?” her unnecessary emphasis on the word ‘sir’ shows her sarcasm.

This bitch is annoying. Really annoying. Really really annoying.

I give her the most sarcastic smile I could muster, “well, I was asking if you could tell us how to calculate for Kc?” I haven’t mentioned anything about Kc in this period. In fact, calculating for Kc isn’t supposed to be discussed until the next few months or so. That’ll teach you, you confident bitch.

She raises her eyebrow, she rolls her eyes, sighs, and then answers, “products over reactants, but if you’re going for the backwards reaction then reactants over products. You will only use the ones in gas form, this is called homogenous equilibria.”


“Why do you know this—“ the bell rings. Great. The students greet me and bid me farewell. I smile.

The last person to leave the room however was Veronica Day.