The Lost Souls


I am a top student but I hate school. I hate the environment and I hate the people in it. People made many stupid remarks, did stupid things, and came up with the most ridiculous things. i have to admit some of them were funny. But I hated being in all my classes... the material was rather dull and the teachers were pretty frustrating. The only class I am enjoying is ceramics because I can keep to myself and express my artistic vision and myself through clay. I prayed the group at my table would not speak to me everyday for months. There is a student assistant who was obligated to walk around the class and help students. I never needed help but she always came up and tried to make conversation every now and then. I didn't really want to speak to anyone besides her, and even then I prayed should wouldn't come up to me throughout the class period. She began to follow me one day out of class, asking if she could join me because her friends were not going to be around. I couldn't say no because I was afraid of sounding mean. She was the coolest person I had met at school, and she was a senior. So... I wasn't going to see much of her after considering that I was only a sophomore. She began to follow me the day after. The day after that as well. We eventually just started hanging out every lunch period after ceramics class. She would do all the talking because I didn't even know when to speak or what to say. I have to admit I didn't really care for most of the things she talked about, but I admired that she had so much confidence and looked very adorable. One day we were walking to the lunch line and we passed a table full of guys. The only guy who stood out was the one with a hoodie because he was so crazy and spontaneous. He always had a smile on his face. He would wave at my new friend because there were good friends. She eventually introduced me to him. He didn't really care much. It didn't matter, though. I wanted to get to know him somehow and I would make it happen if that is what he would let happen.
I began seeing him around the hallways after our introduction. I was so shy to say anything. Winter break finally came and I couldn't see you anymore. I wanted to. I looked through my new friend's myspace friend list and found your name. I guess I was a bit of a stalker but I really wanted to get to know you.
We started talking. I tried not to sound so awkward or dull because I wanted to keep you interested enough to reply back. I found out that you played guitar, you could sing, you were so smart, and I really liked that you were nice, funny, and very outgoing. I liked you. We started talking about school stuff and how I was failing my Algebra ll class. You offered to help and I was excited. I could spend time with you as well as (hopefully) pass my class. As soon as break was over, I was finally excited to go back to school for the first time in my life.