‹ Prequel: I'm with You
Status: Trying to update once a week.

Second Chance

Prison Changes

"Lizzie?" the familiar voice said quietly. My eyes reopened to see the gun had been brought down. Maggie was holding her hand out for me to take it, which I did.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, even though I wasn't sure why. She gave me a puzzling look before looking me over. Her eyes fell on my face where the dry blood still was present.

"Michonne told us what happened," Maggie told me as she led the way back to the front of the prison. "We didn't know that the plan was for Rick to hand over the two of you. He didn't tell us until after you were both gone."

"So, Merle wasn't lying," I mumbled to myself, staring at the ground below my feet. Maggie heard me and ask what I said. "It's nothing really. I just didn't believe what Merle said. I didn't really believe Rick would trade us. I was amazed that Michonne talked Merle into letting us go."

"Rick didn't want to give either of you to the Governor, but Merle left before he could stop him. He thinks the Governor has you right now. When you didn't come back with Michonne, everyone worried that the worst happened to you. Rick felt guilty about it, saying that it was his fault." Maggie stopped to face me to see my reaction to what she just told me. I was still pissed off over the fact he even thought about giving either of us to the Governor.

"I didn't come back with Michonne because I didn't trust this group," I told Maggie before walking past her. "I didn't want to be in the middle of it all."

Maggie didn't say anything as she once again took the lead. We went straight to the cell block to find Beth, Carol, Carl, Judith, and Hershel unpacking their stuff. Guess their plan had been making it look like they left, then attacked. Carol noticed me first before running over and pulling me into a hug. Beth hugged me next with Judith in her arms. Hershel hugged me last before looking over my dry, bloody nose and cuts. Carl was sitting on the steps, angrily staring at the floor.

"What happened to you?" Beth asked quietly as she gave me Judith. I stayed next to her as she began unpacking her stuff into her cell.

"Well, let's see; got hit in the head really hard, tied up, dropped to the ground, yanked up by my hair, shoved, nearly became walker food, face hit the passenger seat really hard, slid through the hole in the fence, and had a gun held to my head." I sighed, smiling down at Judith. Judith was so innocent and unaware of all the danger around her, yet she was so protected by everyone. She was probably the most cared about in the group.

Beth didn't say anything else, so I left her cell so she could unpack. Carl was the only one not doing anything so I went over to him. He didn't move as I sat next to him. He didn't even look at Judith, who was still in my arms.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I asked him, trying to get him to acknowledge me. He glanced up from the floor to me, causing me to smile. At least it was some progress.

"Doesn't matter," he muttered before getting up walking away from me. I furrowed my brows, not sure what his problem was.

Judith began crying, so I got up. Carol rushed over to me with a bottle of formula that was just made. I thanked her before giving it to Judith, instantly quieting her down.


Once everyone had everything unpacked, they began talking to me. Well mostly they were apologizing on the behalf of Rick. I learned that Rick, Daryl, and Michonne went after the Governor while Maggie and Glenn guard the prison. They also let me know about what happened to Merle. Carl was staying away from us all. Beth and Carol both tried talking to him, but he was ignoring them. Hershel told me that he shot a kid even though the kid surrendered.

"Do you think the Governor will be back?" Beth asked me as the four of us ate our dinner.

"Doubt it. If he has nobody to fight for him, then he's not going to." I told her after swallowing a mouth full of food.

We had a casual conversation after that as we tried to avoid talking about what happened today and the Governor in general. We all tried to include Carl, but he was still being quiet. I was guessing it had to do with Rick and the innocent kid Carl killed, since I can't find another reason as to why he won't talk.

I went to bed early that night since the back of my head was still throbbing. I had no clue what Merle hit me with, but I was quite glad to know that the bastard was dead.


I woke up to voices, a lot more than there should be in this cell. I quickly got up, wondering if the Governor came back with more people and didn't know I was in the cell. I didn't bother with my shoes, but did grab my knife. I froze when I got out on the walkway. Quite a few familiar faces were in the cell block. I tossed the knife back into the cell, not caring where it landed. My eyes landed on a certain person as I ran down the steps, catching the attention of some of the people.

"Lizzie!" Sarah squealed when she noticed me. She ran over to me and I bent down to hug her. Two more pairs of arms were wrapped around me from kids I had seen in Woodbury. "We're staying here now!"

"Oh yeah? Says who?" I joked as she pointed her finger towards someone. Rick was leaning against the wall smiling at us. I sent him a glare before turning my attention back to the little kids that were around me.

Carol finally got the three little kids off of me when she announced breakfast. Sarah, along with Ryan and Anna, ran towards Carol. I laughed as I got off the floor from where I've been sitting, listening to their stories. It was mostly Sarah who had been talking. Anna was the only one who stayed quiet. I figured the kids would be more interested in the few other kids that were here now also, but guess not.

"Oh, and Liz, Rick wants to speak with you," she told me as she handed the bowls of food to the kids.

I knew where to find Rick since most of everyone here was clearing out cell block D for the Woodbury people. He spotted me as soon as I entered the cell block. He came over to me before leading me back out the way I came. We were soon outside the prison where few people roamed. I didn't interrupt him as he began apologizing to me. As soon as he was done, I began walking away.

"Lizzie," he called after me, and I stopped walking but didn't face him. "You're not gonna leave are you?"

I turned back around to face him before answering the question. "No, Rick. I plan on staying..." He smiled, glad that I wasn't leaving. "In cell block D with the Woodbury people." This time he frowned and didn't say anything as I walked away.