‹ Prequel: I'm with You
Status: Trying to update once a week.

Second Chance

Shocking Celebration

The past few days have been almost the same as any other. I kept away from the Governor, only smiling at him when I saw him on the streets. It was my way of letting him know that I wasn't mad at him, but just needed my space, which he seemed to understand. I've been talking to Andrea more, catching up on anything and everything as if we were old friends. Michonne, on the other hand, wasn't one to talk, which I was sort of happy about. I was still keeping an eye on her, well until she left that is. She left hours ago according to Andrea, who decided to stay behind.

I was outside with everyone else, enjoying the party atmosphere that was still lingering in the air. We were having a party for how far we've come with this growing community. The celebration was suppose to continue on into the evening and night, which surprised me since the Governor had such strict curfews. At least everyone here was enjoying it, thankful that they had a safe place to be for the time being.

A little girl ran up to me, smiling happy with something in her hand. I bent down to her level to see what she had to say since she's the first kid here to ever approach me. My brown eyes were level with her sparkling hazel ones that were filled with happiness. Her two front teeth were missing as she grinned ear to ear. Curly, light brown hair was being blown slightly backwards by the cool breeze. She was wearing a floral print dress and brown sandals that were showing off most of her pale skin. Around her neck was a necklace that was clearly made with a bead kit for making jewelry. She was at least seven years old, if not a year or two older.

"How can I help you?" I asked her, showing off my pearly white teeth. I was trying to be as nice as I could be without scaring her away. I made sure my tank top was pulled over the knife that was between my hip bone and hem of my shorts, not wanting her to see it.

"I made you something," she grinned wider which I didn't think was possible.

"Oh yeah? What might that be?" I asked, pushing a strand of my hair back behind my ear so it wasn't in my face. I glanced down at her closed hand, already knowing what she most likely held.

She opened her hand to reveal the bracelet she made for me. It had my name spelled out with a round, blue bead between each letter. At the ends it had a clear, pink, heart bead, matching the color of the letters that spelled out my name. The black string it was on was tied tightly together so it wouldn't come loose.

I smiled at her as I stuck my right hand out so she could place it on my wrist. I helped her slide it over my bony hand since it was a little too small. I held my arm up, letting it fall a few inches from my wrist, so it wasn't right in the way. I spun it around my arm slowly, taking a better look at it.

"Thank you, I love it," I told her as my eyes met hers once again. I was going to ask her what her name was, but she ran off smiling before I could.

I shook my head, laughing a little as I stood back up. A few people had been watching us, and were still watching me. They were probably shocked that I actually talked to the girl, since I rarely talked to anyone. I ignored them as I began walking away, taking glances at my new bracelet. I wanted to find the little girl and ask her why she made a bracelet for me, but I already lost where she went in the sea of people on the street.


Later that night, I was a bit shocked when I found out what was planned, unlike almost everyone else. They were having some gladiator battle between Merle and Martinez that involved chained up walkers surrounding them. Cheering filled the air making me uncomfortable. Didn't these people know that those walkers were once people too? It seemed cruel to me in a way. It certainty didn't seem safe for either man. I left as the Governor and Andrea joined to watch. Walking away from them I heard Andrea ask what the hell was going on. At least I wasn't the only one who thought it was insane.

Few people were still lingering in the streets. I smiled to some of them as I walked by, heading inside to go to my room. I was tired and ready for bed since I had been awake since early this morning. I've been outside most of the day as well, something I usually didn't do. I tried talking to some people too, not wanting to ruin their happy moods. I learned a few more names of the people here, but never did find out the little girl's name who gave me the bracelet. I actually haven't seen her since.

I went into my room before closing the door behind me. I took my knife and placed it on the dresser where it was kept when I didn't have it on me. I kicked my boots off before walking over to the window that overlooked the street. I took a look around and realized that today was a success, at least to me it was. I smiled before walking to the bed and pulling the blankets over my body. The night was a lot colder than it had been all day. I stayed in my shorts and tank top though, not caring if I ended up freezing later on in the night. The blankets would keep me warm enough until in the morning. I twirled the bracelet around my wrist once more before falling asleep with a smile on my face.
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thanks for the comment fienix66613

Fact 9: I use TWD Wikia timeline to keep track where I am in the story. I try my best to stay with it.

Fact 10: The Woodbury characters that Lizzie talk to are made up, well except the main ones. I had to keep them :)