‹ Prequel: I'm with You
Status: Trying to update once a week.

Second Chance

Different Ways

I stayed quiet, ignoring any of them who tried to talk to me. Merle would send crude remarks every once in awhile, but Daryl and Rick both told him to shut up. We soon met up with Glenn and Michonne at the car. They both seemed surprised to see me, and even more surprised to see Merle. Something told me that they didn't like Merle, but I didn't blame them. I leaned against the car impatiently waiting as they argued over what to do with Merle. I tuned them out since they were all getting on my nerves already, and I'm sure they knew I was pissed off.

"Lizzie!" My eyes snapped up to meet Rick's, letting him know that he now had my attention. "What's your input on all of this?"

I raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was serious. "Really? I don't give a shit. Keep his fucking ass away from me." I growled, causing Glenn to curiously glance over at me. It was then I realized how beaten up he was.

They finally came to an agreement, well it really wasn't an agreement but what had to be done. Daryl was leaving with Merle. I was going with Rick, Michonne, Maggie and Glenn back to wherever their camp is.

"Good luck with her," Merle smirked, eyeing me up and down. "I'm sure the Governor will want her fine ass back!"

"Fuck you!" I growled at him. I knew there was some truth to what he said.

Daryl and Merle left, leaving the other four to look at me. Rick came over and began pulling me into a hug, but I shoved him away before whimpering in pain. He was shocked and concerned as he pulled my jacket off my left arm carefully, seeing the white bandage that had some blood seeping through.

"What happened?" Glenn asked, as they all stared at the bandage. Good thing it covered up the old wound too, or more questions would be asked.

"One of you fuckers shot me last night," I growled, before pulling my jacket back on. I began getting apologies from them and I shook my head, not wanting to hear them.

I hopped in the back seat of the car with Maggie and Glenn. Michonne was in the passenger seat with Rick driving. It was a silent ride until I decided to ask Glenn what happened to him. I got some surprised looks as if they thought I knew. When they realized that I had no idea, Glenn began telling me.

"Bullshit," I muttered, even though I knew it was something the Governor would do. I was pretty annoyed to learn that Merle was the reason everything happened in the first place.

"Whose side are you on?" Glenn asked, hurt that I didn't believe him.

"Well, I was on the Governor's. I kinda owe my life to him now," I shrugged, getting curious glances again, but I stayed quiet. Michonne was the only one who probably knew what I was talking about.

We pulled up to their camp, the prison, and I realized that they seriously did get rid of all of the walkers inside the gates. When I first saw the prison, it was overrun by walkers. The gate opened and I glanced around more, trying to tell how secure this place really was.

I stayed in the car as everyone got out and was welcomed back. I felt uncomfortable being around them again, especially with the current situation. These people were once my family, but I didn't even know if I'd be able to fit it again. I didn't really fit in the first time, but now it would be more awkward.

I took a deep breath before opening the car door, getting some curious glances my way. I got out and closed the door before looking up at the people around me. Smiles came across familiar faces. Carl ran over to me and I carefully pulled him into a hug after telling him about my injury. Carol carefully pulled me into a side hug as we all walked into the prison. I knew I would have some explaining to do soon.


​I sat on the stairs in the cell block, watching as everyone began talking to each other. They were trying to figure out what to do with the new people who came. Beth came up to me holding a baby. It didn't take a genius to figure out it was Lori's baby, and I had a feeling that I knew what happened to her since I haven't seen her since arriving here less than an hour ago. T-Dog was nowhere to be seen also. I knew someone would gradually tell me what happened.

"Wanna hold her?" Beth asked quietly, rocking the baby back and forth in her arms. I placed my knife from out of my pocket beside me.

"Sure, what's her name?" I asked Beth, carefully taking the small baby from her arms. The baby wasn't very old, and was so tiny in my arms.

"Judith, Carl named her," Beth smiled, sitting down next to me in case I needed to give Judith back to her. I smiled down at the little bundle of joy. I gave her back to Beth when she began crying since Beth seemed to be her caretaker.

Some of the group soon went over to the new people, letting them know their decision. I stayed on the stairs since I didn't want to be any part of it. We had our own issues to currently work out, and I wasn't in the mood to chitchat with new people. I also thought it was none of their business. Rick soon began yelling, so I finally did get up to see what was going on. As I joined them, the new people were leaving while everyone else stared at Rick. It was like Rick was having some kind of breakdown. I glanced at the others, wondering what to do. How long has Rick been like this? I went over to Rick and brought him into a hug since none of the others were being very helpful. He seemed shocked at first until he realized what was going on, then he wrapped his arms around me, careful to not hurt me.
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sorry if this chapter sucks. update 4 of 4

Fact 15: I still don't know if I will have romance in this xD

ok, no more facts since I keep forgetting them. I'm so glad that I'm so forgetful :\