Status: In Progress

We Could Happen

Chapter Nine: The Ex

Della smiled as she watched Neymar and Davi walking hand in hand in front of her. She still couldn't believe that she said yes to the footballer, but she didn't regret anything. It was two days after Neymar asked her to be his girlfriend and it's been an amazing two days. He was very sweet and caring towards her but she couldn't help but feel a little bit rushed into the relationship. She got shook out of her thoughts when Davi ran up to her and grabbed her hand.

"Della! Ice cream!" he giggled. Della smiled at the little blonde boy and picked him up, "Okay, let's get ice cream." Della said. Neymar grinned at Della and Davi before following them to an ice cream shop. The two entered and the lady stood there for a while, just staring at the two celebrities who casually walked in and ordered ice cream. After getting over the initial shock, the lady handed Davi his ice cream and Neymar paid up.

As the three of them were about to leave the shop, someone called for Neymar.

Turning, they came face to face with Bruna Marquezine - Neymar's ex girlfriend. "Bruna? What are you doing here?" Neymar asked in Portuguese. Della raised her eyebrows, watching as the two conversed in Portuguese. "Oh, sorry. This is Della, my girlfriend." Neymar finally said in Spanish. Bruna seemed to understand, so she nodded and shook Della's hand. "Ciao." Della said with a forced smile as the two shook hands. It was hard not to say something rude to the both of them, but she learned how to bite her tongue.

"We should get going," Neymar said, motioning to the door. "We should hang out sometime." he added. Bruna nodded eagerly with a grin on her face, "We should! I'll see you soon, okay?" she smiled before returning back to her seat. Della rolled her eyes and smiled down at Davi who was holding on to her hand. The two had formed a tight bond in just the two months that they had known each other and it was amazing. She loved the little boy and Davi seemed to love her as well.

She got pulled out of her thoughts when Neymar jogged up to her. "Hey, are we heading back now?" he asked. Della turned away and nodded. "What's wrong?" he asked. She shook her head, "Nothing," Della lied. "Solo il mio ragazzo a parlare con la sua ex." she muttered in Italian. (Just my boyfriend talking to his ex). Neymar raised his eyebrows in confusion, but decided to just talk about it back home.


After Neymar settled Davi into a nap, he went downstairs to talk to Della who was watching Seinfeld on the TV. All the shows in Italy were in Italian so he couldn't really watch anything even if he wanted to. "Della?" he whispered. Della turned to look at Neymar with a not amused expression on. "A-Are you upset?" Neymar asked. Della shook her head, not wanting to say anything to her boyfriend even though she was picturing him spit-roasted in her head.

"Are you sure? Because Bruna invited us out for dinner later." Neymar mumbled, making Della look at him with huge, angry eyes. "She did what?!" Della yelped. Neymar sighed, leaning back and running a hand through his hair. "We broke up on bad terms and she was a really good friend of mine. After this, we're done with her forever. Please, meu amor?" Neymar said with a small smile. Della sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, "Fine."

A huge grin lit up Neymar's face, but he quickly dropped it when he saw Della's ticked off expression. "Um, we're leaving at 6, okay?" he said. Della nodded and stood up, "I'm going to check on Davi." she said before scampering upstairs, not actually feeling the need to check on her boyfriend's son but to get away from him because she was not in the mood to fight when they were on vacation - especially with 4 days left in Florence.


"Neymar!" Bruna grinned, bringing her ex-boyfriend into a hug. She pecked his cheek and stared into his eyes for a long time before Della cleared her throat. "Oh! Óla, Della." Bruna said, forcing a smile on her face as she glanced at the her ex's new girlfriend. "Buonasera, Bruna." the brunette greeted her. Bruna knelt down and smiled at Davi, "Boa noite, Davi." she said. The little boy greeted her back, but held on tighter to Della's hand, making the singer grin.

The four of them sat down around a round table. Neymar was sat between Bruna and Della and he could feel the tension between the two women. After they ordered, Neymar and Bruna got straight to their Portuguese conversation and of course, Della was left there talking to a 2-year-old boy who was surprisingly good at Spanish. Neymar looked over at Della who was sat there silently, playing with her phone silently. He felt his heart sink, knowing that this was his fault and that he should have never accepted Bruna's information. He knew that when they got back home, she'd either give him an earful about what an asshole he's being or not talk to him at all. Right now, the latter was worse.

"So, um, Della just finished her World Tour," Neymar started, trying to get Della into the conversation. Bruna looked over at Della and shot her a fake smile, "Yeah. One of my friends went to your concert when you stopped at Rio. She liked it." Bruna commented. Della smiled at the Brazilian, "Grazie. Rio's a really beautiful place and the Brazilian fans are always the best." she smiled. Bruna nodded before turning back to Neymar before they continued their conversation in Portuguese.

Della rolled her eyes and cursed in Catalan - a habit she picked up when she was little. Since she lived in Florence since she was 10, no one could understand her whenever she spoke Catalan so she would just insult someone under her breath in Catalan and nobody could understand her. A different thing she did, though was trail off into Italian whenever she was nervous. Perks of being trilingual, eh?

Neymar bit his lip and continued to try and get Della into the conversation. "So, Della can speak three languages. That's pretty neat, right?" Neymar chuckled nervously. Bruna sighed, knowing that Neymar wasn't going to let it go so she might as well talk to his new girlfriend. "Really? What are they?" Bruna asked. "Italian, Spanish and Catalan." Della replied curtly, not feeling in the mood to talk to her boyfriend's ex girlfriend. "How did you two meet, anyway?" Bruna asked, raising her eyebrows. There was something just a tiny bit fishy about their relationship, and Bruna noticed the minute she saw their pictures on Instagram. When she was dating Neymar, there was nothing that he valued more than privacy. But now? He was posting every single moment they spent together on Instagram!

Neymar felt his heart rate quicken. He completely forgot the story that Carolina had instructed them to tell whenever this sort of question came up.

"Neymar came to my concert with a few of his teammates and they had backstage passes. They met up with me and I told them how big fans of them I am and they told me likewise. Neymar and I exchanged numbers and we went on a few dates and here we are now." Della said confidently, thinking of the lie right at the top of her head. Bruna nodded reluctantly, raising both of her eyebrows. She was determined to get to the bottom of this.


Della rolled her eyes as Neymar opened the door for her. She walked in, carrying a sleeping Davi in her arms. She ignored Neymar's calls for her and went straight upstairs and gently changed Davi into his pyjamas before tucking him into the bed. She made sure that he was comfortable before returning to her own room. She changed into her pyjamas - a comfortable The 1975 band t-shirt and long snuggly pyjama pants. She didn't want to talk to Neymar tonight. She hoped he knew what he did wrong.

She heard three knocks on her door and quickly laid down, pulling the blanket over her head, hoping Neymar would just leave her alone. Slowly, little by little, she was regretting saying yes to him.
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So Bruna's back in Neymar's life and she's going to find out why Neymar and Della's relationship seems fishy! Keep reading for more! :) x