Status: Active(ish)

Cloud 9


Another puff of smoke escaped from my chapped lips. Rock music blared in the other room. The brown eyed beauty rose from the bed. He lifted himself onto his toes and stretched out his arms. He smirked at me and walked around to my side of the bed. He kissed my nose.

“How was your night?” He asked me with droopy eyes.

I smiled up at him and shrugged.

“Cause I sure as hell had a great time.” He purred in my ear. I lifted the joint to my mouth and inhaled like there was no tomorrow.

“May I?” He held his hand out.

I put my guilty pleasure in between his long fingers. Those fingers did him justice last night. I smiled to myself as images from last night filled my mind.

He kept his eyes glued to me as he inhaled. His big brown eyes hid nothing, as did his lack of clothing. He made rings as he blew out. He handed me back the joint and ruffled up my already sex tousled hair.

“You look good in my clothes.” He murmured as he slid a shirt on.

I peered down at his Seether concert t-shirt. It ended mid-thigh on my frame.

“I think I should go.” I mumbled as I watched him step into black sweat pants.

“Leaving so soon?” He asked. He always had a sexy smirk on his face. No matter what we were doing or talking about.

I stood up from his bed and searched for my clothes. He watched me put them on and lead me to the front door.

“I really wanna hang with you again.” He stated. His intense gaze penetrated my cool façade.

“I- uhhh.” I started. He held a long, warm finger to my lips.

“Save it. I meant I wanna fuck again sometime soon.” He leaned on the door frame as he talked to me.

I nodded. He wrapped me up in a big hug and let me go after a few seconds. I looked at him for a few seconds.

“Look Hunter, I don’t do relationships. If you have any feelings for me, you might as well disregard them and find someone else. I don’t wanna hurt you.” I winked at him and trotted down the walkway.

“Trust me when I say I don’t honey.” He called out after me.

I revved up my Chevy Malibu and peeled out of his driveway. AC/DC blared from my radio as I sped off toward my apartment.


By the time I got back from Hunters house, my whole music genre had changed. A variety of Zedd songs had my speakers jumping. I cut the ignition and trudged inside. My roommate, Marnie, had her feet propped up on the couch and was laying on the floor, petting my cat, Jinx, nonstop.

“Is it backwards day?” I snorted.

Marnie’s head snapped up in my direction. She sat up from the position she was in.

“Well I do like to live a little sideways,” She winked at me. “I barely even saw you last night.” She mumbled.

“Yeah well, I had unfinished business to take care of.” I stared out of the big window in the living room.

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me. “That usually means you were out screwing someone.” She stated.

I stared at her and shrugged.

Marnie threw her arms up and let out an exasperated sigh. “Ever since Reed broke up with you, you’ve been acting differently.” She muttered.

“Well I’m sorry that I’m hurting. I’m sorry if I actually have feelings. And i’m sorry if this is my life and I may do what I want.” I whispered though gritted teeth. A few tears fell down my face.

I shuffled to my room and shut the door. I didn’t feel the need to lock it because Marnie knows when I need space.

I dug out a lighter from my purse and found my stash of weed between my dresser and my nightstand. I rolled one and lit up. I felt an instant rush of happiness. The hole that had been punctured through my heart was mended for the time being. I finished to the very end of the joint and threw it away. I shoved my stash in its usual spot.

My bloodshot eyes swept over my messy room and locked in on the clock across from me. I had thirty minutes to pull it together and get to psychology. I hopped off my shitty mattress and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

I was still in the walk of shame outfit from last night. I shuddered and threw on a pair of ripped denim shorts, and a tribal print top. As for my hair, I decided to leave it. Tousled waves never let me down.

I dragged myself into psychology to find everyone standing up and trying to organize papers and collect their things. The class was chaos. I leaned against the doorframe and smirked. I loved watching people get all bent out of shape.

“Excuse me.” A deep raspy voice was close to my ear. I faintly turned my head to see a medium-build guy standing behind me. I turned around to see all of him. He wasn’t completely breathtaking, but he definitely didn’t deserve a bag over his head. He didn’t say anything for a couple seconds. I raised my eyebrows at him, persuading him to say something.

“I.. uhh.. just wanted to get by. Sorry.” He stuttered and looked down. His eyes met mine, waiting for an answer. His eyes were an olive green infused with brown. He had black square-rimmed glasses that sat on his face. A hint of dark stubble ran along his jaw. He was different and quirky. I liked that. If I was staring, I didn’t mean to.

“Oh. Yeah sorry.” I shook my head and moved aside for him.

“You’re fine...” He trailed off.

I smirked and raised an eyebrow. He blushed and looked down at the dusty tile we stood on. How adorable. I thought.

“I-I meant it’s okay... Err, what do you think’s going on in there?” He pointed to the chaotic classroom.

I looked back and shrugged. “New seats?” I suggested.

“Pop quiz?” He offered.

We both smiled at each other.

“I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” He mumbled.

“That’s because I didn’t give it to you.” I shot him a half smile.

His face had hurt written all over it.

“I’m kidding. It’s Cayenne.” I said.

“Riley.” He nodded.

He looked down at his hands and he started playing with them. I watched him the whole entire time.

“We should get in there and see what’s going on.” He said abruptly.

I nodded in agreement.
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New story! I swear you guys hear that every few months. :-) Well, let me know if you like it! Comments and subscriptions are accepted.