Status: Active(ish)

Cloud 9


It turned out that our professor was assigning groups for our next project. Since Riley and I were “twiddling our thumbs” (as she put it) outside the classroom, we were put together along with a stereotypical smart Asian and a ditzy brunette.

We’re totally going to get this done. I rolled my eyes as the thought came to mind.

For our project, we were required to research a certain topic Prof. Jennings gave us. My group was given eating disorders.

“Keep in mind that it’s strongly suggested you all work outside of class.” Prof. Jennings hollered over the loud class.

Eventually, we were dismissed.

I packed up my stuff and started for the door. A hand clamped onto my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see who was touching me.

“Woah. I just wanted to know when we’re going to work on this outside of class.” Riley held up his hands in surrender as he talked.

I noticed that my fists were up, ready to hit someone. I dropped them to my sides.

“Sorry. I’m paranoid.” I looked down at the floor.

“It’s okay.” Riley assured me.

“We can set up times tomorrow during class.” I finally answered his question.

He nodded firmly. “I’ll se you then.” He waved goodbye to me.

“Bye.” I hollered.

I walked to my car and had a feeling that we would get along just fine.


I got home to find Marnie wasn’t there. I shrugged and flung my stuff to the side. I went straight to my cat and picked her up. I carried her into my room with me and set her on my bed. I crawled under the covers and turned on Who’s Line Is It Anyways to make me feel better.

It seemed like I was always in a state of depression, 24/7. Ever since Reed left me... I sat up quickly. The hole in my heart ached. I clutched at my chest. I couldn’t breathe. Pain surrounded me.

I reached for my stash and lit up. The pain started to ebb after one joint. I rolled another and sucked in my pain killer. I felt numb and good after wards. I stroked my cat and continued to watch my show.

I needed something else. Someone else. I picked up my phone and dialed Hunters number.

“Hello?” He answered.

“I need you.” I said desperately.

“The doors unlocked baby.” He purred through the phone, then hung up.

I grabbed my keys and made my way back to the only person who understood what I was going through.