When You & I Collide

The beginning

Evie sighed as she hung up the phone to yet another unsuccesfull interveiw. She was treading on thin ice and soon her bank balance would be in minus figures. Being a book critic had given Evie a glimpse of the 'high life' with her impressive salary, not to mention a showcase cabinet full of awards and a draw full of offer letters for movie production editor roles. She was a well respected member of her community and had no end to friends, yet here she was a year later, shacked up in a one bedroom apartment in London, her purse empty, praying for a break.
It had all gone downhill when she finally mustered up the courage to split from her abusive ex fiance Sam. He hadnt always been like that. He could be kind, caring and attentive. But he was also cruel, thoughtless and cold. Evie shuddered as a chill ran through her body as if she had plunged in to an ice cold bath. Her hand instinctively moved to the dimple in her lower back, and her fingers ran across the thick scar that marked her; a sign of her imperfection. After her split with Sam she moved to London to make a fresh start. But the Loneliness that crept up on her in the weeks to follow resulted in extreme retail therapy, copious amounts of alcohol and a string of one night stands. She had wasted 6 years of her life on that low life, and she had intended to spend the next six years focusing on her. number one. She hadnt anticipated her money would run out so soon.
How did i end up at this point? she thought and she placed her mug in the sink, picking up the newspaper on the way to the shower. This was purely for hygeine reasons; she had no intention of leaving the apartment today. She had gone from having everything, but being miserable and terrified, to cutting the cause of her misery out of her life and losing everything? how was that fair?
She showered and changed in to her sweats before making her way to the kitchen , hunger gnawing at her stomach. Upon inspecting the fridge and finding a bottle of water, one tomato and half a pint of milk, she resigned to the fact that breakfast was a no go, and she'd pop out later for some food. Maybe. Just then her phone buzzed and Evie practically jumped over her sofa, craving some interaction, even if it was just another polite refusal for a job application.
'you are waaaay to chirpy for a single girl on a saturday morning. You should be in bed, hungover with some hunk next to you.'
'screw you Casey.'
'I missed you to! and yes i had a fantastic time away. Breakfast?'
Hunger won this round.
'meet you in 30 minutes?'
'see you then.'
Evie looked out the window, sussing out the weather before deciding it would be too hot for jeans. The UK rarely had a summer and she thought better than to jinx it. She opted for a pale blue lace over dress and nude wedged sandals before grabbing her car keys and making her way down to 'beaus' cafe; Her's and Casey's infamous cure for hangovers. They make the best fry ups. Casey was her only constant at the moment. They had grown up together before Casey had moved to London to pursue her career in Journalism. She was now and fully fledged PA/publicist and had worked with some of the biggest stars there was. Evie had moved to London on Casey's advice, assuring her that it would be the best thing ever. They could hang out, party and just have the best time ever. That was untill 7 months ago when Casey announced she was pregnant with her long term boyfriend Leo.
'Hey stranger, you've put on a few pounds there Casey, you should hit the gym' Evie joked wrapping her arms round her friend and patting her growing bump.
'why do people feel the need to pat my bump. seriously, spending a week away with Leo's family was excruciating, his great aunt would touch my bump when i wasnt even looking! its creepy'. Evie laughed and they spent the next hour catching up and gossiping, Evie plasteing a smile on her face and answering every question with fake positivity.
'so yeah, i recon i will get this next job, its not great money but hey it's a start.'
'so your still not ready to accept my offer then?' casey asked, eyes hopeful.
'What- no way Casey, thats not my scene. Pampering to a celebrity's needs. Catering to their every beck and call. I would end up getting arrested for assault!'
'But Eve it's not like that! Your the most orgasnised not to mention qualified person i know. The moneys great and it's only maternity cover so it would just tide you by till something else comes along... you havent got alot of options at the moment, plus this guy im working with at the minute will just LOVE you. Ive worked real hard with this one Eve and i would really appreciate you helping me out. I wouldnt want anyone else'
'I dont know Case', who is it? maybe if they're hot or tolerable enough ill consider it'
'Tom Hardy. He's an actor. Bit of a loose canon though but he's working on it. It will be a challenge'
Evie thought long and hard. Tom Hardy. Tom Hardy. Christ she kept that one quiet. He was insanely hot on the TV. And she did need the money...
'Ok. But we need to go through Everything. you need to give me a full scale induction...'
They spent the rest of the day going through details, routines, schedules and basically everything Evie needed to know about Tom. He was a fast rising star, and with that, came his struggle to resist the 'high life' whilst maintaing the perfect role model for young teens around the world. It wasnt an easy task apparently. They arranged to meet for dinner a week later at 'Jeramiah's', a classy restaraunt for London's Elite. Shit, this was going to be expensive Evie thought, pulling out her credit card and kissing it, hoping that would give her enough luck. She had chosen a black knee length sleeveless dress and red peep toe heels. She left her auburn hair hanging loose round her shoulders. Sophisticated was the look she was trying to acheive. After all this guy was going to be paying her. Handsomely if she got this right.
When she arrived, a waiter led her to a small booth at the back and she caught sight of her best friend who greeted her with a warm hug.
'Where is he then Casey?'
'Late. Again, im going to kick his ass. Oh wait here he i-what is he doing?'
Eve followed casey's gaze to the front of the restaraunt where she spotted a tall, well built, well groomed man who was leaning over the reception desk, obviously chatting up the waitress, judging by her high pitched forced giggles.
'TOM!' Casey yelled through the restaraunt in her most authorative voice, causing Tom to look up with a start, straighten up and walk- well more stumble over to the table. 'sorry Casey didn't see you there love. I got held up' Evie was glad he hadn't noticed her yet, because she was struggling for breath. On a close inspection, the camera certainly didn't lie. He was gorgeous! His pale blue shirt accentuated his muscular frame and as he took his seat next to Casey, (patting her bump WITH her approval may i add) his soft eyes slowly scanned the room, resting on Evie making her heart do this weird jittery thing. He pulled his plump top lip in to a smirk and leaned forward. 'So your the famous Evie then. Casey has told me all about you. What are you drinking darlin?'
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Hi all! This is my first post so please be kind :) I have been reading all your amazing work on here for months and have finally decided i should try something of my own. This first chapter is really just about getting a feel for the main charachters, so not alot happening. But i have some great plans for this and would appreciate your feedback :) Love <3