When You & I Collide



Evie brushed her teeth so ferociously that her teeth bled. She spat the foam in to the sink and turned on the tap,allowing the water to wash it away. She studied herself in the mirror, noting the saggy bags appearing under her eyes and her bloodshot lines seeping in. It had been a week since Sam had first started texting. At first, it was the same rubbish he had started out with, then it became more insistent, she could almost feel the urgency bleeding through her phone. She couldn't change her number as she had set up too many meetings with new clients for Tom and it would take too much time to sort it all out. No, she would just wait it out until she had finished her job here then change her number. One week.

She brushed her unkempt hair and pulled it tight back, into a bun. She wasn't going anywhere today, she had a conference call in an hour to discuss a magazine shoot for Tom and then blocked out her diary for the rest of the day so she could organise all the arrangements for Tom's premiere in a few weeks. She needed to organise the travel, meal preferences, and suit booking. Evie smirked thinking about the last one. Tom had long ago given her his suit measurements and she could help wishing she could tailor it an inch tighter so she could really see the outline of his abs a little better.

Her phone vibrated on the dresser, shaking her out of her midday dream. She picked it up and breathed a sigh of relief seeing Casey's name appear.

'Lunch? I'm on my way already so too late! :)'


'You are fucking kidding me! Eve are you crazy?! Casey shouted, scrutinizing Evie with her eyes.
She had just explained the whole Sam scenario, looking for advice.

'I know i know alright Casey I don't know what I was thinking! Maybe I thought I could get some sort of closure'

'What the fuck Evie, his book is clearly still open! are you some sort of idiot? you moved here to get away from him not-'

'Dont you think I realise that Casey!' Evie screamed, tears welling in her eyes at her own idiocy.

Casey's eyes softened and she moved across the couch, pulling Evie in to a hug.

'How could I have been so reckless. I've been having nightmares that he's gonna break in here and'

'You want me to stay here? or call Tom?-'

Evie stood up and wiped her eyes, and brushed her knees.

'No no don't be silly i'll be fine. Ive got my phone. And he doesn't know where I am anyway, I being silly' She said with uncertainty....


'03:20 AM'

Evie woke up with a start, sweat glistening her forehead. The sheets were in a tangle on the floor and Evie sat up, her head in her hands, taking long deep breaths. She'd had another nightmare. More like a memory actually, of Sam plunging that tool in to her gain and again, but this time she couldn't get away. And she was screaming and crying for someone to help but no sound came from her lips.

She shuddered and slipped out of bed to get a glass of water, picking up her phone on the way to the kitchen. she contemplated texting Tom, but thought better of it. Jeez I don't wanna look desperate and ruin...well im not sure what 'this' is quite yet, she thought to her self internally trying to understand this new territory they were both lingering into without realising.

After an hour Evie was still restless, picturing Sam's twisted, distorted face every time she closed her eyes, so she gave up and opted for going to the sofa. She passed Toms room on the way out, his door ajar, she could see the outline of his superkingsize bed and plum bed sheets that looked so appealing to her. He wasn't going to be back for another two days she thought to herself. In the end her curiosity won out and she slowly opened the door further, stepping into his bedroom.

His scent wafted through her nose immediately; a mixture of 'jean Paul Gautier' and bourbon. She breathed in, slow and deep, not realising she had missed that smell, not aware of it at the time. she walked over to the balcony windows and opened slightly, letting the breeze slide in cooling her off. Braver now that she knew he couldn't sneak up on her, Evie explored Tom's room, eyeing photos of him and people she didn't know, old concert tickets and random souvenirs on his dresser. She smirked when she found the bottle of bell's whiskey behind his bed side table and grabbed it, sitting on the bed, taking a swig. Sudden fatigue fell over her and she yawned, stretching out.

A couple of days couldn't of come any sooner; Evie had tidied up the apartment, showered, and changed in to a red lace half sleeve skater/casual dress with thick black tights and matched with a pair of Doc Martins. She re did her make up several times, abandoning it in the end in fear of trying too hard and checked her watch. 7.20PM. She headed out the door, opting to walk to the takeaway as it was only 10 minutes down the road. There was a chill in the air tonight and it reminded Evie that thy were nearing November. She smiled to herself as she picked up the pre ordered Chinese, feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve. Tom would be due home any minute and she didn't know if it was because sh was alone but she really needed him to come home. Home. It wasnt her home, but its the closest she had felt to home since she had moved to London. The sound of a screeching car going past caused Evie to Jump expectantly. The driver of the car slammed their brakes hard and cam to a stop in the road about 5 metres away from Evie. She stopped in her tracks, feeling uneasy. Why had he stopped in the middle of the road? She walked slowly towards the car up the road as she needed to pass it to get to the apartment. A hollow feeling creeped in to the pit of her stomach and she tried to breath slowly, nearing the car. As she reached it and turned to look nonchalantly look at the driver he took off suddenly, screeching away and causing his exhaust to backfire. Evie gasped in fright rather than relief that she wasn't about to be murdered. She hurried home at a slow jog, anxious to lock her doors. She was acting so paranoid lately. Sam didn't know where she lived? Grow up Eve! she thought to herself as she reached the apartment and safely locked the door behind her.

As she turned to put the take out on the kitchen counter a figure jumped out from behind the sofa and came hurtling towards her. She screamed high pitched and hurtled the food at her attacker kicking out at his chins. 'WHAT THE FUCK EVE! STOP! STOP!' Tom shouted in a heap on the floor, cupping his 'package' protectively as Evie had taken a lucky shot and disabled him. She sopped her assault immediately and crouched down to him.

'I'm sorry! I thought you were a fucking burglar! Why would you do that you dick!' They both started laughing between gulps of air as Eie pulled him up, inspecting their dinner now all down his shirt. She looked at him with eyes of guilt and he opened his arms in embrace causing her to run to the other side of the counter.


Washed and dressed, both were now relaxing on the sofa, content in each others company. Evie sipped on a glass of white wine as Tom described the last two weeks.

'So anyway hows my water bill?' Tom winked at her and Evie froze inside. How does he do that she thought?

'Ha your safe I was too busy working, Besides I dont have a Bikini with me!'

'Bikini? you'll be the first girl to wear one in there' Tom blurted out without thinking, and Evie blushed and cleared her throat.

'Um anyway, I have a gift for you but I cant give it to you till tomorrow'

'What? why not' Evie mocked a childish pout.

'You'll see!' Tom replied, putting his glass of bourbon down. They both stood up at once and bumped in to each other, stopping awkwardly close to each other, neither one looking them in the eye.

'I'm glad you back Tom but i dont miss you mountain of aftershave!' Evie lied waving her hand in the air.

Tom grabbed her in a bear hug forcing her to smell it and laughed a heart laugh.

'night Evie' He stepped back and winked, retreating to his bedroom.

God Evie wished she could follow him...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it has been so long. Ive been really tied down with work, so I'll try and make more time to update, promise! <3