When You & I Collide

Rcok bottom 2

Evie POV

Evie wiped her eyes and stretched her hand over to the bedside table to press her touch lamp. The light burned hotness through her lids as she struggled with the realisation that was not going to get anymore sleep. She sat up groggily and covered her face in her hands, feeling the swollen bags and puffy lids; a tell-tale sign of her cries. She checked her phone; 06.24. she leaned back in bed, with her hands behind her head and looked up to the ceiling, trying to amylase what had happened a few hours earlier.
Tom had been ruthless last night and didn’t hold back once, Evie thought, tears filling up her eyes once more. It hurt enough that he had made those accusations, but it hurt more that they had come from him of all people. She had practically had a break down in from of Tom and let her most vulnerable self be exposed to him, in the hopes that she didn’t have to live in fear alone. He had betrayed her trust and really hurt her with those words, and there wasn’t any coming back from that. She had worked extremely hard these last few months, regaining her confidence, her self-worth and really starting to believe that what happened was not her fault, and Tom had ripped them away with his cruel words.
Evie sat up and rubbed her hands together an breathed heavily in short ragged breaths. No, she thought, I can’t stay here, not after that. She pulled her suitcase from under the bed and unzipped it. Pulling the drawers out, she didn’t even bother to fold her clothes, throwing them in pile at a time. She filled the case with all her clothes then moved to the en suite, bagging up her cosmetic products, wincing when one of her perfume bottles clattered on the marble slate floor. she returned to her bedroom and grabbed her hoody and joggers, and pulled her hair up in a messy bun, not bothering to wipe the slow, silent tears cascading down her cheeks. As she was picking up the photo frames from her desk, she noticed something black poking out from behind it. She squinted and bent down to pick it up, revealing One of Tom’s black jumpers, the one from their night out together a while back. She sat on the bed, kneading the jumper through her hands and sniffed it, It still smelled of him, Bourbon and Jean Paul Guittierre. She quietly sobbed in to his sweater, knowing that no matter how much of an asshole Tom was, she cared deeply for him, and she had to come to the realisation that he obviously wasn’t capable or just didn’t want to feel the same kind of commitment towards her.
She stood up and took one more look round the room, as if trying to savour the memory for as long as possible before turning the lamp off and closing the door. Once in the kitchen, Evie hung up Tom’s Hire suit for the awards dinner tomorrow night on the kitchen door. She picked up his car keys and wallet, that were lying on the floor amongst broken glass and placed them in the bowl on the breakfast bar and placed her diary, open on that day, next to it. She scribbled down the numbers for the chauffeur for that evening and folded the paper before placing that inside the bowl as well. With puffy eyes and a running nose, Evie proceeded to quietly sweep up the broken glass and pick up the broken bar stool, moving it out of the way of the front door. She then put her hand in her hoody pocket and pulled out her car keys, eyeing the one key for Tom’s apartment, before unhooking it and placing it on the table. She walked over to the apartment door and slowly closed it behind her, pulling out her phone to ring Casey, letting the tears fall heavy…
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Hi All, Just a short update, but will hopefully be posting more regularly. Please let me know what you think, as I always appreciate your feedback!

I have also started a new fanfic (sorry not Tom Hardy related) so please check that out if you have time