When You & I Collide



Tom exhaled and checked his watch for the tenth time, peering out the window for any signs of life other than his taxi driver having a smoke. he was dressed in a classy black suit with a navy tie and black brogues. He had a slight stubble to his face but not enough to look sluggish, and his dark hair was gelled to one side. He checked his phone one last time, even though it hadn't rang and exhaled again, taking one shot of bourbon before heading out the door.

Once in the taxi, Tom leant back on the seat and closed his eyes. If he was honest, he would rather not be here at all tonight. How could everything be so fucked it when two days ago they were perfect? He was angry with himself for letting Evie down. He was angry and Evie for not explaining things. Casey had since filled Tom in over a phone call and he realised it was Sam who he had seen outside the estate agents. Although Casey made it very clear that didn't put Tom in the clear. His volatile behaviour was unacceptable and not something Evie needs in her life and Tom agreed. But what about what he wanted? He felt like his insides were boiling with rage and angst and whatever else and he felt that it all simmered when Evie was around. Maybe they needed each other? His thoughts were interrupted when a blinding flash glared through the car window and he realised they had stopped. His chauffeur opened the door and he was greeted with photographers and paparazzi left right and centre:

'Tom! Tom! What can we expect from you next!'
'Tom! Are you looking forward to the screening tonight?'
'Mr Hardy! Do you have any love interests?'

Tom took a breath, smiled and politely answered all the questions as briefly as he could. The shot of whiskey powered him through the hungry crowd and it wasn't long before he found the bar inside, although he wasn't planning on getting drunk tonight, it was more of a comfort to look busy at a bar than to stand around with people you hardly know, arriving alone.

He didn't need to worry that much as he heard a familiar voice at the other end of the bar and lift his head to see Evie.
'Gin and tonic please'
Toms jaw dropped at the sight of her. Her figure clung to the black material that dropped softly from her shoulders, exposing her collar bone. Tom eyed her soft lips that were painted a pale pink and her blushed cheeks and rested in her deep green eyes. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her. Evie was looking at him with a similar force she had that night they had come home together drunk. It was a feral kind of look and tom felt he could read exactly what she wanted to do there and then. She dropped her lids to look at her hands before picking her drink and turning away from him, heading in the the crowd. Tom turned tifollow her but was pulled aside by a co worker in his latest film introducing him to his wife...

The rest of the night was uneventful, Tom either being unable to track down Evie, or being dragged away by someone the minute he caught sight of her. He pulled out his phone, and sent her a message 'no cocktails tonight then?' , hoping to catch her attention. He was finally alone on a small table and could she her about ten feet away with another gin and tonic. He smirked as she picked her phone from her bad, then frowned as he realised she was answering a call. He watched as the colour drained from her face and her brow furrowed in worry, that tiny vein in her forehead protruding. She looked left and right, and started towards the main doors. Tom stood up at the point and started to follow her but the crown was thickening in the middle of the room as it wasn't as easy for him to slip by unnoticed as it was for Evie. He saw a glimpse of her turning right at the doors heading towards a male that Tom couldn't quite make out.
'Tom Tom you MUST meet mr friend Quincy!'...

20 mins later, Tom still hadn't seen Evie and he started to worry. He had searched the corridors and gardens of the place and all the bars. He was just leaving Casey a voicemail and finishing his cigarette outside when he overheard two women talking about a drunk women in the bathroom and how they'd heard her throwing up and talking about someone called Sam. Tom froze, bile rising in his throat. He side stepped them and headed straight for the girls bathroom.

He stepped in cautiously, and at first he heard nothing. He began checking the cubicles one at a time, stopping dead at the last one as he heard a stifled sob, that quickly turned to a laugh. He instinctively knew it was Evie, and was glad that the door wasn't locked. he walked back over to the main door and locked it now that it was just them and pushed her door open. He wasn't quite prepared for the sight that lay there and shock covered his body.Evie wasn't quite recognisable. He swolled eyes were black and her nose had double in size indicating a break. Her lip was split bad and she has red stains all over the floor. Red puffy hand marks were all over her neck and her beautiful dress was ripped on one side. She clung to a vodka bottle and was sat in a bloody heap in the cubicle, smiling at him sheepishly, tears still freely falling down her puffy face. Rage consumed Tom. A boiling rage he had never felt before. Smouldering heat seemed to emanate from every pore of his. He didn't say a word to Evie. He straightened up, and pulled his phone out of his pocket, and called his chauffeur, signalling him to pull up out back. Tom looked at Evie again, and suppressed the rage for a moment. He inhaled, exhaled. Slowly he pulled the bottle from Evie's hand, she didn't even fight, she instinctively wrapped her hand around his neck as he skilfully swooped her small frame up in one go, taking care not to connect his shoulder with her face. He ignored the stres from bewildered guests and headed through the kitchen doors, out the back door to his faithful chauffeur whom he gave directions to the hospital...

A few hours later they were heading home. Evie had a nose plast on and two stitches to her lip but luckily enough that seemed to be the worst of it. The police arrived to take a statement but Tom sent them on theirs way. Evie wasn't co herant at that point and would of been as much use as a chocolate fire guard. She had dozed off on the way home so tom instinctively lifted her shin and carried her to his apartment with ease. She had cleared out all her things the day before so tom headed straight to his room where his skilfully placed her on the bed, she stirred a little and opened her swollen eyes. Tom opened his top draw and pulled out a white tee and some long shorts and carried them over to the bed. Evie sat up groggily and they both stared at each other for a while Evie's silent tears flowing. Tom sat next to her and wiped them away. He slowly leaned round to her back, unzipping her dress and carefully slid the fabric from her fragile shoulders not taking his eyes off of hers. She lifted her arms up as he pulled the t shirt over her head and she winced as is pulled across her nose. She stood up, letting the dress fall to the floor and tom swallowed, aware of their proximity, her bare legs brushing his thighs as she pulled in the shorts. He pulled back his bed sheets and started to leave the room.
'Don't go. Please' he turned to see Evie, pain stricken, desperate and he melted with anguishninside. Having to bury that rage again. He slid under the covers next to her and enveloped her with his large arms, feeling her relax immediately, listening to her ragged breaths until they slowed to a calm purr. Only then did he fall in to a slumber himself...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi all it has been a LONG time. But this story has never been forgotton in my head! I hope you like it, please let me know what you think!