When You & I Collide


The next morning Tom was lying in the guest bed, waiting for an acceptable time to get up. He’d been awake for over an hour as the sun light had managed to creep through the small gap in the curtains and burn his retinas. He was laid with half his body under the duvet and the other leg atop, his shirtless body uncovered, with his hand behind his head. The brightness of the sun told him it would be hot today and he took a long slow breath as he imagined how little Evie might wear today due to the heat. He smirked at his sinful thoughts, only wishing what would have happened last night if that fucking dog hadn’t got in the way. He closed his eyes again trying to remember how soft her cheek was against his callous hands. How fast her breathing was. He was so close to her he could feel her breath against his chest and it actually made his heart skip a beat, as corny as that sounded. He had a burning desire for her now, almost feral and it scared him. He had never felt this way about another woman. This was new territory for him and he felt so cautious about every step he took from here on out, terrified that he might lose. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to be the one to build her back up, lift her up. He wanted her to call his name with the same passion he had for her.  
He was momentarily pulled from his thought as his phone vibrated on the bedside table. He quickly grabbed it, noticing he had 2 messages; one from Evie, one from Casey. He opened Evie's message first that read ‘Do you like your bacon crispy? Because it will be if you don’t get your lazy ass out of bed’. He smiled to himself as he got out of bed, shrugging on his black T shirt and Joggers. He hadn’t unpacked his clothes yet. As he walked up the garden path, he replied to Casey's message who had advised her and Leo were on their way down to join them for the weekend. Casey had a beach house in Braklesham about an hour's drive from Evies parents. and that they would be hosting an evening there that they welcome to stay.  
‘Morning Tom’ Evies mum greeted him in the kitchen. She was running round the room holding a dishcloth, turning sausages on the pan, the smell of a proper fry up filling his nostrils invitingly. Tom nodded with a smile and offered to make a brew for her. As he walked to the pantry he heard the sound of voices coming from the living room and he popped his head in nervously, looking for Evie. 
‘Alright mate’ James, Evies youngest brother called. His partner Sophia waved, blushing and Tom said his good mornings, adding two more teas to his list. ‘Is Evie about?’ He asked. 
‘shes gone for a run I think’ Her brother replied, his eyes already back to the football scores.  
Tom finished his tea duties, glad for something to do, and decided to grab his phone charger from his car, and make a few phone calls to his manager. As he got to his car, he could see Evie running up the gravel track, earphones in and oblivious to Toms presence. Her brow was furrowed, her breath ragged and sweat was pouring from her collarbone. Fuck Tom said to himself, she still looked so good. She must of sensed him there all of a sudden and stopped abruptly rubbing her legs down self consiously. ‘Hey’ she said breathlessly. ‘Hey’ Tom replied, eyeing her a little longer than intended, a smile on his lips. ‘You better shower, your mums made breakfast and Casey is on her way down. You never told me you ran?’ He smirked at the last part and Evie rolled her eyes.  
‘Theres a lot I havent told you about me Mr Hardy’ she brushed past him playfully and he half turned, following her slowly. ‘i’m seeing that...’ 
Evie spent the day shopping with her mum at Toms request, whilst he played a round of Golf with her brothers. It was short lived however as the owners of the golf club had recognised Tom immediately and before long, they were starting to attract a lot of attention. Tom sighed, wishing he could find somewhere where he wasn’t recognised for a change. Her brothers were totally cool with it though and they headed back to get ready for a night with Casey and Leo.  
They owned a beach house on Bracklesham beach which was a private beach in a secluded part of the south coast. They were starting the night out at Bar Risa for some music and drinks so Casey had booked a VIP booth for them. Tom had offered to drive the guys there as Evie was still getting ready with her sister in Laws, so shed agreed to meet him there. He was glad she was spending some much needed quality time with her girls but also slightly deflated that it meant less time with him. He said his thanks and goodbyes to her parents for accomodating him and headed out. 
‘You kept this one quiet Eve!’ Soph practically screamed when he was no longer in earshot. She was grabbing some prosecco glasses from the wine cupboard and poured them both a drink. Evie smirked as she took a sip, towel drying her hair at the same. ‘Well I didnt want it to be a weird thing’ 
‘A weird thing? Eve its TOM HARDY. TOM HARDY Eve??’ Sophia replied laughing. ‘do you realise no one in the office is going to believe me on monday when I tell them I spent the weekend with Tom Hardy? You need to make sure you get a picture of us!’ Evie laughed, throwing her towel at her sister. It was muggy this evening, and she knew it would be hotter at the cocktail bar. She opted for black skinny jeans and black strappy sandals with a lepoard print bustier top. She spent some time curling her chocolate hair and brushed it out roughly so it looked like natural waves. She was on her third glass or prosecco and was starting to feel a little woozy. 
‘slow down eve is that dutch courage?’ Sophia joked, filling her glass again. Her sister was dressed in a short flowy pastel dress and pale blue sandals. Their taxi had arrived and Evie knocked her last glass back.  
‘Damn! Don't panic Evie you look HOT tonight, he won’t be looking at anyone else!’ Evie laughed  as they jumped in to the car. ‘Ive missed you soph’... 
Tom, Leo and James arrived at Bar Risa and were led quickly to a booth upstairs, The waitress was a little too friendly, brushing past Tom purposefully and took drinks orders. Casey was also with them, taking advantage of her first night away from their little one, and had 4 cocktails on the table. Leo eyed her accusingly ‘ What!’ she scowled ; It’s happy hour!’ she explained nonchalantly, Leo slapped her bum playfully ‘Thats not till later baby’. Casey slapped him but laughed all the same. The other two girls finally arrived and made their way upstairs. Tom took one look at Evie and stood up, clearing his throat loudly, trying to hide his shock. He had never seen her dress so provocatively and he knew he was in for a hard time keeping his hands to himself tonight.  
The night was going well and the drinks were flowing. They were all having a good time and eventually headed down on to the dance floor. Despacito was playing and the strobe lights were adding to the provocative moves that Evie was showcasing. The drinks fuelled her as she swayed her hips back and forth, her head rolled backward and she laughed as she grabbed Toms arm and pulled him towards her. Tom wasn’t much of a dancer but he caught her hands in his and pulled them high in the air, then slowly brushed his fingers down her arms until they rested either side of her neck. The spanish tune acted as an afrodisiac and everyone was too interested in their own partners or the music to notice them. Tom smiled and gave in to the atmosphere, finally relaxing and swaying in time with Evie. 
After some time they headed back to the beach house which was only a short walk. Tom was pleasantly surprised at the size of the place, the inside was all marble flooring and granite tops giving it an exotic villa feel. The back glass doors opened up directly on to the beach, one of the only few beaches on the south that was pure sand. The sun had long gone down and the only light on the beach was the illumination of the beach houses. Tom helped carry Casey through the front door who at this point could barely walk and was laughing hysterically. 
‘I fucking love you Evie baby’ she slurred, giving her friend a big bear hug. ‘ Ok bed for you lady’ Leo said, dragging her from Evie. ‘ Sorry guys, I'm bowing out with this one, help yourselves to whatever, and pick a room’ He winked at Evie at that point. Sophie made a start upstairs ‘ Im having the room with the hot tub!’ she missed a step and face planted the stairs causing James to laugh out loud, following her. They made their way upstairs leaving Evie and Tom in silence.  
Evie, still highly indicated, beamed at Tom ’ I’m not tired’ she stated and made her way over to the doors, sliding them open, allowing the cool air to wash over her. The air made her feel a little dizzy, but she was feeling too brave to let it get the better of her. She slowly undid the straps of her heels and barefooted, She made her way out on to the beach and tom sniggered, pulling his jumper off, following her. 
The waves were silent, and moved slowly as they both moved quietly along the shoreline. ‘ Well you proved tonight you can be fun’ Tom joked, looking forward and ducking out of the way of a punch from Evie. As he ducked he missed his step, not realised how drink he was and fell forward in to the water. Evie burst in to fits of laughter. ‘ Look who can’t handle their drink now! The famous Woman Eater, Mr Har-' she was cut short as Tom had grabbed her by the waist and lifter her up, wading deeper in to the water before chucking her fully clothed. Evie screamed, splashing Toms face before trying to dunk his head under water. It was futile, his frame was far too large and she was no match for him. she ran back out of the water and made her way back to the beach house, the warm breeze causing her to shiver. Once inside she made her way quickly to the downstairs bedroom and grabbed a towel from the ensuite. as she turned back round she was met with Tom standing in the doorwar, his slick black hair dripping, his shirt sopping and stuck to his chest dipping in the outlines of his muscles. He wasn't smiling anymore, his lips were slightly parted, his eyes dark and burning right through her, she unconsciously bit her lip. they stood slient for what seemed like forever until suddenly, fuelled by the alcohol, or passion, evie dropped her towel and slowly reached round to the back of her bustier, not breaking his eyes for a second. she undid the clasp and let it fall to the floor. Tom breathed heavily, but stayed still, waiting. Evie slowly undid her jeans and stripped them down, stepping out of them until she was left in only her black underwear. almost as if it was planned they both walked to wards each other at once, quickly and Tom caught her, pulling her in to him hard as their lips finally touched for the first time, It was a hot feverant, passionate kiss, as if every feeling they had ever felt for each other was poured in to their lips as if their very life depended on it. All at once Evie was rushing to undo his shirt buttons, whilst he kissed at her neck furiously. she ripped the shirt off his arms and made her way down to his jeans, missing the zip a few times and he tugged her hair passionately. He undid her bra with one hand and she laughed into his chest at his expertise. His Jeans finally off, he finally ripped himself away from her lips, stopping to look in to her eyes. She looked at him curiously and Tom smiled, desire in his eyes. He picked her up with ease and kicked the door closed with his foot, carrying her to the bed....
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like this part has been a long time coming but I wanted to do it tastefully at first. Hope you like it!