When You & I Collide

Relationship status

Tommy stood in the shower with one hand leaning on the wall, the hot water cascading down his muscular frame like a ferousious waterfall. He had long since sobered up and as with every hangover he had, he was hungry. He quickly dried off and strolled in to the kitchen, when he noticed Evie’s bedroom door opened, and her diary lying on the floor. He walked in to her room and picked up her book, placing it on the side. Glancing at the photo of her and Casey on her bedside table, his top lip pulled into a small smile. He picked it up and examined it more closely, admiring Evies small frame and wide grin. Her unruly hair was waving as her and her friend were perched on a merry-go-round. A pang of guilt emanated in his stomach as he remembered acting like such a sleeze to her earlier. I don’t do it on purpose, he thought to himself as he began examining other pictures in her room. She’s just drives me crazy. She acts so stubborn and it frustrates me. His hand stopped to a photo without a frame underneath a journal. He pulled it out and saw a picture of Evie stood beside a tall thin, cocky looking guy. Her face was different in this one he thought. Her whole demeanour had changed to an almost defensive looking state. She wore a sad expression on her face and Tom’s immediate thought was that she should smile more often. He retreated out of her room and closed the door, not wanting to invade her privacy anymore.
Evie stepped through the front door and proceeded to head for her room. She was so tired; she had been out for a few hours and her head was exploding.
‘Hey’ Evie turned to find Tom spread out on the sofa in the living area, looking at her. Was that embarresment she could see lining his face?
‘I ordered take out. Peace offering?’ Tom held up a bag and the aroma of Chinese drifted to her nose, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten today. Evie stared at him, waiting for a smug remark. ‘Sorry about earlier’
'You were a jackass. your an alcoholic'
'I like alcohol.'
'And women'
'I like women.'
They both smiled at that and something changed. Some unseen force shifted between them that night, that made it ok for Eve to join Tom and eat chinese and watch crappy TV. And it was comfortable. They were a long shot from best friends but two strangers, out of their comfort zones, sitting side by side passing the remote, sharing food.
'So what's your story?' Tom asked, reaching for the controls, brushing Eve's arm as he did. He was wearing joggers and a black jumper tonight, covering up his tattoo's. Eve hadn't made much of an effort after she showered, dressed in matching joggers, and a plain white strap top with her hair in it's usual messy bun, and thick rimmed glasses.
'What do you mean?' She mused.
'You know, life before the infamous Tom Hardy? how'd you and Casey meet? what you studied? boyfriend?'
Eve flinched at the last question, remebering her conversation with her ex earlier and feeling foolish. 'I lived down south in a town called the New forest. It's beautiful. A national park. Me and Casey grew up together and we both studied Journalism. I branched off and went in to book critiques whereas Casey went down the celebrity route.'
'Hey, you say that last part with distaste! were not all that bad. Most of the time. I'm a pretty normal guy at heart.' Tom moaned mockingly clutching at his heart. ' And you never mentioned boyfriend? you have been here two months and i havent heard your phone ring once, or heard you mention any names-'
'No. nothing. It's nothing. I'm really tired, i'm gonna bow out. Here.' Eve passed him her tub of chicken chow mein and jumped over the sofa, retreating from the uncomfotable conversation that was looming. She chastised herself for her vulnerability and slowly turned to face a bewildered looking Tom. 'Goodnight Tom'. He replied with a confused nod and turned back to the TV, feeling like he had learned more about Eve than he intended...


The weeks that followed were busy due to Tom's new movie release and Eve felt like she barely had a moment to herself. Her days consisted of escorting Tom to some interveiw, followed by lunch, followed by another interveiw, amidst screaming fans that seemed to know his constant wherabouts at all times.
The evenings were dictated by what film they should watch, followed by a debate over it's ending, followed by take out.
'Great' Tom groaned, flopping on to the sofa, throwing a pair of tickets on to the coffee table. It was a Saturday night and Tom's schedule was empty for a change.
'What are they?' Evie muffle through her pot noodle. She picked up the tickets to see they were front stage tickets to see Twin Atlantic. Tonight.
'I got these for Casey for her birthday but she's not very well. She can't make it.'
'Oh no' Evie worried for her friend, thinking she hadn't seen her much lately. She picked up her fork and went to the kitchen to wash up.
'hey...' Tom started, weighing the odds in his head. 'you fancy coming along? wouldn't want to waste a ticket' He added quickly. Casey narrowed her eyes. Their relationship had moved to a more platonic nature, but socialising outside of her contracted hours? besides the sofa/TV/takeout routine? This was new.
'Why are you looking at me like that? It's not like i'm asking to bang you.' Tom retorted with a smirk. Casey felt her face flush and immediately replied ' No, of course not! don't be ridiculous...why not, I have nothing else to do'
Half an hour later, Evie emerged from her room. She wore leather effect skinny trousers with black knee length boots, paired with a pale blue lace top. She opted to wear her hair down in loose auburn ringlets tonight, but stuck with her thick rimmed glasses. Her make up was subtle - mainly due to time - with only a touch of mascara and pale pink lip gloss. She shouted for Tom that their cab had arrived and turned to find Tom already waiting at the breakfast bar. Tom had chosen a casual look tonight; Black jeans and brown loafers with a long sleeved cream v neck and a black leather jacket. His hair was gelled to one side and his green-blue eyes looked deep and thoughtful as he held his gaze on her for a second more than appropriate.
Eve looked at those eyes and realised that underneath his smarmy demeanour and chavenistic ways, Tom was a pretty laid back and extremely hot guy. The growing heat in her cheeks made her clear her throat loudly and amble past him.
Twin Atlantic performed as expected - amazing! They fed off the crowds atmosphere and played up to their cheers and crys. Evie felt slightly uncomfortable the first half of the night, but let loose after a couple of drinks and even partook in a nearby groups dance off. She laughed, a breathless laugh as Tom handed her another beer. It was nearing the end of the set and Twin atlantic finished off with one of Evie's faviroute songs - 'crash land'.
'well i've never seen moves like that before' jeered Tom winking at Evie, winning a shy smile in return.
'well I am a girl of many talents Tommy boy'
'I'm sure you are love'
Evie choked on her drink and flushed, embarressed.
'well I never knew you had a tolerable side! some might even go as far to say your quite enjoyable company' retorted evie with a daring wink of her own. The crowds were dispersing and the space caused a sudden breeze, leaving Evie to shiver. She checked her watch; 22.30. She wasn't tired.
'you wanna go for a drink?'
Tom eyed her suspiciously, his top lip pulling upwards in to a half cocked smile.
'Who are you and what have you done with my publicist?' He joked.
'I'm Evie and tonight I am not your publicist. tonight i'm feeling quite reckless. And I want a drink.'
They strolled through the rising nightlife, passing couple of bars untill they came across a puerto rican style bar serving 2 for 1 cocktails and live music.
'So, how does it feel to be famous' slurred Evie. She was on her fourth cocktail, and she felt so relaxed. Tonight was a great idea, she thought inwardly. It had been so long since she let loose, and a smile played on her lips as she looked expectantly at Tom.
'Soul destroying' Joked Tom rolling his eyes. He took a sip of his beer leaned back, stretching, revealing outlines of his pecs, that did not go unoticed by the waitress. She leaned over the bar and placed a napkin under his beer. With her phone number scribbled in rough handwriting. Evie scoffed, loudly.
'Typical' muttered Tom.
'what do you mean?' Mused Evie.
'you jelous that she gave me her number or somethin?'
'are you serious? I see girls like her all the time she is exactly your type' snapped Evie. She was feeling hot, and the heady aroma of the sex on the beach she was sipping on was intoxicating.
'what, you mean confident enough to put herself out there? nothin wrong with that' laughed Tom. That laugh rang through Evie's ears and both infuriated her and filled her with joy.
'I'm confident. You think I'm not confident?'
'No your confident. Your just tightly wound' Toom replied. His lips quivered as if trying to stiffle a laugh. He was goading her she realised. And she was not about to back down.
'I am bloody well not uptight!' Her response was met with silence and She stood up.
'Ok, I'll show you uptight' she shouted, before downing her drink in one gulp. Much to Tom's suprise, she jumped on the bar just as Christina Aguilera 'Dirty' started, and gained jeers from the crowds of guys in the bar. Tom gaped wide eyed and open mouthed as Evie, this infuriating, uptight woman seductively danced, swaying her hips a dropping low, causing him to swallow multiple times. Good, Evie thought. That'll teach him for under estimat- Her foot slid across a vodka jelly shot left on the bar, causing her to lose her footing and fall, face planting the bar. The room erupted in laughter and claps, as Tom rushed over to help Evie down. She emerged relatively unharmed- although the lump on her forehead was gonna hurt tomorrow, and - to Tom's suprise - in fits of laughter.
'I don't care!' she slurred leaning on Tom's large frame for support, as they made their way out of the bar. 'I got the last laugh Mr Hardy. I win!' She continued to laugh and shivered as the cold night brushed through the thin material of her top. Tom motioned for her to sit on the bench as he hailed down a cab and draped his leather jacket over her slender shoulders.
They snickered and laughed in hushed tones, as they made their way upstairs to Toms apartment. The beers hit Tom pretty hard tonight he realised as he struggled to get the key in the lock, gaining more drunken whail's from Evie. He pressed his finger to her lips in a 'shh' motion, which caused her to halt to a stop. This was the first time they had EVER had physical contact, and the cocktails fuelled as an aphrodisiac, making her stomach do somersaults. Tom, aware of this, kept his finger there as he used his other hand to open the door. He looked her up and down, taking in her lustrious long locks, and hazel eyes, that seemed to be burning through him at this moment. He instinctively took a step forward, and whatever ground they had overcome that night came crashing to halt. Evie broke their gaze and looked down.
'umm yeah thanks for tonight Tom.' She slid past him anxiously retreating to her bedroom before turning round and smiling. 'Goodnight'.
Tom returned her smile. He didn't stop smiling untill long after he had fallen asleep that night. Dreaming...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so alot happens in this section. It's kind of the techtonic plate shifting of their status towards each other. From strangers, to finally seeing each other for the first time. If that makes sense? Please comment your thoughts.. <3