Status: Hopefully Active!

Anna's Perfection

as good as any beginning gets

Having five older siblings growing up (who liked to make her their experimental object and frequently used her as their hitting tools) Anna was naturally programmed to be immune to all sorts of catastrophe. It was best, in her well-judged opinion based from real life experiences, to just lay low and close your eyes when any kinds of nuisances were to take place – it would all be over before you know it and you can honestly say you were not in any part of it.

Off course this technique was the ideal solution – but ideal was just not something that could be easily applied to real life. Sometimes your brothers just decided to put on roller skates inside the house and played catch around mum’s expensive vases, and your oldest sister was screaming warnings at them at the top of her lungs while your other sister video taped them while laughing with hysterics.

It seemed fun and even though you kind of wanted to join them you didn’t because mum would be furious if she found out (and because you were too little and didn’t have the courage to defy your almost-as-scary-as-your-mum oldest sister). So you just sat there on the side and you could see that they were starting to get really close to hit one of those expensive vases and they were just getting too loud and you kind of wanted to tell them off, but you didn’t because who would ever listen to the youngest of the group?

So you just sat there and kept your mouth shut and tried to watch Winnie the Pooh when it was getting too vandal for your liking. But then you heard a sudden, loud crash and you closed your eyes for a minute because everything was silent suddenly and you just knew you were all going to get into trouble when mum and dad come home later.

By this point, you just had to accept the fact that, even though you stayed quiet the whole time and could honestly say that you weren’t in any part of it, you were just in as much trouble as the rest of the group.

So you listened to your oldest sister (because she was the one in the group who knew what to do) and grabbed a broom and some glue and silently hoped that mum and dad wouldn’t take away your TV time when Power Puff Girls was playing like the last time.

The cycle would always repeat itself though – sneaking out late, throwing a party at the house when mum and dad were away, smoking pots in the house, bringing in girls and guys to sleep over without mum and dad knowing (it made you wonder sometimes how on earth did your parents stay sane through all of this; “It does feel like having your own personal group of demons child sometimes, but it keeps us young so no worries” was what Anna had been told) – and the older you got the more you saw that there would never be an ideal solution to any kinds of catastrophe.

And that sucks, because catastrophe was probably always the right word to describe Anna’s day to day life.


“What do you mean they’re out?”

Anna was well aware that her dramatically loud voice was a bit too loud and dramatic, especially considering that she was in the middle of a packed campus hallway; some students looked in surprised to her direction, most just seemed annoyed – but Anna had just received an outrageous news and she was currently not in any right state of mind to care about her surroundings.

“Exactly that. They’re out. Said nothing really is to gain from the paper – they mostly join other clubs now, Randy even joins the juggling club. Apparently it has gain more attention than our paper for these past three years.”

Anna’s fellow uni paper editor, Eleanor Brigg, was saying to her while power walking through the crowded hallway. Her long legs were taking much wider steps than Anna’s average height ones and she had to basically half-sprint in order to keep up.

“But we can’t afford to loose people! We’re so small in the first place! How many people are leaving?”

They were currently discussing about the sorry state of Westbridge London uni paper that they both currently ran. Anna had really high hopes for the paper this new term but obviously her other fellow editors who had decided to quit didn’t feel the same way.

“Well, there’s Randy, Joe, Sarah, Tony and Jen.” Eleanor talked again; her expression was way too nonchalant for Anna’s liking. “Oh, and Ruby.”

“Six people? Six? But then that means there’s only six of us left!” Anna hissed, half in outrage half in desperation (Eleanor’s power walking was seriously making her out of breath). Eleanor seemed indifferent; she only shrugged in response.

"How can you be so calm about this?” feeling like she wasn’t getting the appropriate reaction Anna felt the need to cry out.

Eleanor sighed, finally looking agitated as she stopped abruptly in her tracks, making Anna to stop abruptly too and nearly knocking down a junior on the way.

“Look,” Eleanor pulled her to the side of the hallway, where considerably less students were rushing through. “I’m just as crossed and as disappointed as you are right now. But they do have a point Anna. The paper’s a bloody joke. Nobody reads it anymore, not since the last three years.”

“Yes but,” Anna tried to talk but she found that she was still struggling to catch her breath, “we can change that! We said we would last term remember?”

“I know what we said last term and I’m all for being optimistic and trying harder but it’s becoming more and more like an impossible job.”

Eleanor looked impatient as she said this and Anna could feel panic bubbling inside of her; Eleanor was the one person who was as passionate about the paper as she was – it would not survive if she decided to quit too.

“Don’t say that!” Anna said, more in desperation than in demand. “We can do it! It’s a new school year and there are probably new students who want to join and I have all these new ideas we can use. With the right amount of team work and effort, we can make it happen!"

Anna was so desperate at that point that she probably sounded like a walking campaign; trying to sell things that she barely believed herself – but Anna had great visions for the paper and she’d be damned if was to let it go down without a fight.

Eleanor still looked agitated and she was about to give a counter reply but Anna was quick to cut her off.

“Look,” Anna spoke, this time with a calmer tone (mainly because she was finally able to keep her breath in sync) “I know it’s not going to be easy bringing the paper back to life, but it’s been done before what’s stopping us to do it again? And I mean even if we can’t get the paper to be the most popular thing on campus doesn’t mean that we should quit right? It’s like, would you stop dressing up just because no one tells you, you look pretty? No, off course not.”

Eleanor snorted at this; Anna continued.

“Besides, you said it yourself before, that this is about journalism. It’s good practice and experience and it’ll definitely look good on the resume.”

“You’re right. I know.” Eleanor finally sighed out. “But it’s still not easy. And it’ll take so much more time and energy now that we’re down to only six people.”

Anna was expecting to hear something like that and she had her answers prepared, but Eleanor cut her off before she could say anything.

“Look, this is going to take some time and I’m already running late to my second period.”

Anna nodded in agreement, “Just say you’re still in this and I’ll let you go.”

“Let me go,” Eleanor gave a small snort as she mumbled and shook her head. “You and your persistence Brooks.”

“Give it some time, I know it’ll get better. Just don’t give up yet; don’t quit.”

After looking at her watch (and probably realizing how late she was) Eleanor finally sighed in defeat.

“Ok, fine. I won’t quit.”

Anna smiled triumphantly and Eleanor rolled her eyes at her, “But I’m not happy about this ok? I can personally strangle each one of them who quit.”

“Trust me I’m not happy either,” Anna sighed. “But I’ll bet you they’ll come crawling back when they see us all better and shiny.”

Eleanor rolled her eyes again and gave her a quick hug; she was already taking three sprints away from her to go to her next class when she turned to look back at Anna while walking backwards.

“Oh, and by the way,” she half shouted, “you should not be that out of breath after a three second sprint woman, get more in shape!"

And as Anna saw Eleanor’s hair flickered by the wind as she sprinted down the hall effortlessly, Anna tried to remember the last time she did anything close to a physical exercise – does doing your own laundry count?

Yes, Anna did need to get more in shape was the answer.


Today was Anna’s first day in her second year of uni and she was full of hopes and motivations for one solid reason: she had a very slow, emotionally exhausting first year and a highly unproductive summer break.

After ending a very unhealthy relationship at the beginning of her first year of uni and spent the entire year trying to detach herself from that completely, Anna was very determined now more than ever to grow as a person. She had decided that it was just better to focus on things that were important: her habits, her schoolwork and her passion.

And what better times to start it all than a fresh year back at school? Anna had made a promise to herself that this new term would be different: she would start eating healthier, wake up a little earlier (a.k.a come to class on time), focus on making the uni paper better, exercise a little more (this one was a bit of a far stretch she admitted, but in her defense there was no harm in being positive) and the most important one: keep things platonic at all times with boys. Boys were the roots of all trouble; Anna had learned that the hard way.

So Anna woke up and got to her first class on time that morning and she had honestly thought that it was a sign that the day was going to be an excellent one.

Except it wasn’t. Because everything went downhill after she took her seat at that very first class.

The problem was not the seat, because Anna actually snatched a pretty descent seat that morning (just about in that perfect middle of the room, not too close from the front and not too far). No, the problem started with the person who sat next to her – Emily Johnson.

Who’s Emily Johnson? That was the question Anna asked herself when this Emily person extended her perfectly manicured hand to introduce herself to her (voluntarily, might she add).

“I’m Mitchell’s new girlfriend.”

She said (without Anna asking) and Anna nearly choked on air right then, because off course she was. She was blonde and stereotypically pretty (especially compared to Anna’s mediocre pale skin and average brown hair) and even though she was skinny she had an uncharacteristically big set of boobs.

Even though she did have Anna a little curious, Anna wasn’t really bothered by the information because even though yes, Mitchell was her ex-boyfriend whom she had dated for more than a year and had a complicated break up with, but he was also a bit of a deep-shit wanker (who probably always had been and always will be) and Anna was just glad that it wasn’t her problem anymore.

What was her problem was his new girlfriend by the name of Emily Johnson, apparently.

Because as soon as she finished shaking Anna’s hand, Emily Johnson planted her heavily mascara coated eyes directly to Anna’s considerably more plain ones and said with a smile (too sweet it almost looked murderous),

“I know you and Mitchell had a history together and I’ve heard it took some time to be over with. I just thought I’d let you know so that we don’t cross any boundaries.”

Who did the bitch think she was right?

Now, Anna was not one to have a bitch fight, even when provoked. It’s trashy and unnecessary and downright ugly. So instead of catching the bait Emily Johnson was obviously setting up for her, Anna faked a sweet laugh and said,

“Oh sweetie, don’t you worry. Mitchell is a line I will never cross again.”

The professor came in just in time and the conversation ended with Emily Johnson purring the words: “Wonderful.”

Anna tried not to let Emily Johnson bother me so much but she couldn’t completely focus on what the professor was saying with Emily Johnson’s presence boldly on her side – because really, who did the bitch think she was?

Fortunately the next two classes Anna had after that were considerably better and she had the chance to improve her mood. Except it didn’t really last as long as Anna hoped because at the end of her third class her dearest Professor Edbury (who had form a strong dislike towards Anna during the terms in the first year because she always came late to her class) informed that future classes of Journalism Ethics were to be held on 6:30 AM every Mondays and Fridays.

Two early morning classes? Two? Anna had barely survived her only one last term and now she had to deal with two? And on Mondays and Fridays?

This day sucks, was Anna’s thought when she left her third class to the campus cafeteria for lunch.

Nothing bad happened at lunch at least and Anna’s mood managed to improve because Niall was there to keep her company; his mood was always good, especially at lunchtime and today wasn’t an exception it seemed.

Plus, Anna got the chance to rant a little about her inhumanely early classes and the bitch that was her ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend.

“Aw man. I know her! She’s proper fit isn’t she? I was just thinking about puttin’ on my moves on her ya know? Gettin’ some action and probably let her ride on the Niall motorboat.”

Niall was saying while he forked a huge amount of spaghetti into his mouth; Anna wanted to say that she was appalled but Anna was sadly not.

“Okay Niall, that’s disturbing and disgusting” Anna responded, both referring to his choice of words and bad table manners. “And she’s a bit of a bitch. So she’s definitely on our ‘strongly dislike’ list,” she said again after giving it some thoughts.

Niall only rolled his eyes at her and continued on eating his spaghetti.

“You put Selena Gomez on our ‘strongly dislike’ list.”

“Yeah, so?”

“Still proper fit.”

Anna rolled my eyes at him and pointedly ignored his statement.

“Why’re you on your own anyway?” she asked.

Although Anna would never admit it in front of his face, Niall was a pretty popular lad. He had friends from almost everywhere imaginable, both on and off campus; it was very unusual to see him on his own.

Niall shrugged nonchalantly. “People are still on prolonged summer break I reckon.”

Anna met Niall Horan in high school. They were both were new students at the time – Anna having just moved from Cheshire to Birmingham while Niall from Ireland. He was one of Anna’s first friend and they bonded almost instantly (mostly on immature jokes). Anna’s other first friend, Charlotte, became friends with Niall too not long after that and since then the three of them became inseparable.

Both Niall and Charlotte turned out to be going to universities in London too; Niall to Westbridge London with Anna and Charlotte to King’s College. Not really liking to have to stay in uni dorms the three of them decided to find a cheap three bedroom flat and split the bills – though Niall spent the majority of times in the first year crashing at his many friends’ place (and therefore paid half his share), so the flat was essentially Anna’s and Char’s.

After bidding Niall goodbye at lunch Anna had her run in with Eleanor; she was on her way to her next class – her last one of the day – and Anna hadn’t thought much about the school paper until then.

She ended up thinking about nothing but the school paper in class afterwards.

Other than its descent reputation on its Journalism Alma mater, the Westbridge London school paper was one of the things that motivated her to go to the university in the first place. Anna had few things she was very passionate about and journalism was one of them; running a uni paper was a perfect way to keep developing and improving her journalistic skills.

Off course when Anna actually saw the state of Westbridge’s uni paper she knew her expectation was too high. The paper was basically dead since three years ago – no one was bothered enough to pick up and read a school paper anymore when everything was digitalized and news could spread like rapid fire.

Still, each year, there were always some people who were willing to join and volunteer to be the paper’s staff and editors (obviously Anna was one of these people) and that’s why, despite its sad state, the Westbridge London uni paper had never really been closed off.

That was mainly the reason of why Anna was so upset about the fact that not three, not four, but six members of the current Westbridge uni paper staff had gotten out; their small remaining numbers might finally be the reason for Westbridge paper to be gone for good.

Initially there were twenty of them when Anna first joined in her first year, the seniors got out later on the year and left the twelve of them juniors and newbies to be in charged. Now after six people got out, there are only six of them left and Anna doubted they could run a proper uni paper without difficulties with this small amount of people – but quitting was not an option. Anna would not have the Westbridge uni paper to be shut down for good – not while she was still a student there at least.

Anna was burning with this new determinations and she was in the middle of writing down some new ideas for the paper that might be able to put its existence back on the student’s radar (and completely ignoring her Media Law lecture that was going on at the front of the class) when her phone vibrated in her pocket.

Did you know Annabelle, that dogs can only see in black and white?

Anna quickly read the newly received text on her phone and rolled my eyes in annoyance; there was only one person who called her Annabelle.

Did you know Harry that I don’t care?

Harry was her chilhood friend. Anna knew him back when before she had to move to Birmingham and still lived in Holmes Chapel, Chesire. Harry’s mum was friends with Anna’s mum and both Harry and she got to spend a lot of time together because of that. They became really good friends and managed to stay close all through elementary school – until Anna had to move to Birmingham with her family at the end of grade nine and Harry went to an all boys boarding school in Leicester for his secondary school. They sort of drifted apart after that – until Anna found out that he had decided to go to Westbridge London as well.

Did you know Annabelle, that yes, they are basically color blind? (because I really didn’t)

Harry’s response was quick and that made Anna roll my eyes again because he was obviously bored; they used to play this pointless did you know game when they were bored in class back in third grade – Anna got over it after thirty minutes, Harry obviously didn’t.

Did you know Harry what do you want, I’m busy.

Although Anna had been ignoring her professor since he got in, this was not entirely a lie; Anna was in class aafter alland Harry was just being his usual annoying self – she was not interested in humoring him.

Did you know Annabelle, that I’m actually inside your kitchen right now?

But that did grab her attention however.


Did you know Annabelle that I’ve got your keys?

Get the hell out of my place right this instance you nitwit!

How the hell did you get my keys??

Did you know Annabelle that you have a proper nice kitchen?

Think I’m gonna hang around for a bit and make some pancakes.

Did you know I’m very good at making pancakes?

Bloody Horan gave it to you didn’t he??

Did you know Annabelle, that you are not very good at this ‘did you know’ game.



Anna hadn’t had the chance to go grocery shopping since she got back to the flat from summer break; there were barely enough food for her and Char in the fridge at the moment and Anna had been planning on making some nice tuna sandwiches when she got home later – Harry better not mess that up, the little tit.


Harry did mess up Anna’s dinner plans unfortunately.

Anna went straight back to her flat after her class was done because frankly, she did not trust Harry alone in her kitchen, or anywhere in her flat really.

But when she finally opened the front door to her flat Anna found out that Harry wasn’t really alone – Charlotte, Niall and Louis were all there with him, crumpled in the flat’s small kitchen, eating tuna sandwiches of which Anna had been planning on eating for dinner and of which they didn’t bloody leave any for her.

Louis’ obnoxious, high pitched voice was the first to be heard; “Ey Brooksie! We eat your sandwiches and leave none for you, hope you don’t mind.”

Such amazing friends Anna had.

Anna was so hungry though she didn’t have the energy to be put off with them, so instead she demanded and ate every last bite of their tuna sandwiches (except for Niall’s because he had already finished his).

It wasn’t enough though; Anna was still starving and apparently so did everyone else (especially Niall, whose stomach was basically a bottomless pit) – so they ended up ordering two family packs of dominos pizza.

The pizza off course, was excellent (because pizza was always excellent) but later that night before Anna went to bed she couldn’t help but think and worry about how all the greasy fat from all those pizzas would probably make an appearance on her thighs and hips two weeks from now.

Then, out of nowhere, like a match struck and lit up by a subtle wind, one by one of today’s flaws were replaying inside Anna’s head: Emily (bitchface) Johnson, two early morning classes, people leaving the paper, needing more exercise…

And Anna suddenly felt very exhausted when she realized this was only the first day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello there!

This is my third attempt at writing a 1d fanfic and I make it a personal goal to actually finish it.
I'm sorry for those of you who have been following my two previous stories: I will finish them one way or another but unfortunately I didn't planned them through well enough so I kind of don't know where the story will take turn. But I'm not entirely neglecting them, I will edit and finish them when I have the time.

This story is my main focus at the moment. I have planned this one well and I really really want to actually finish this :)

That being said, I hope you enjoy the 1st chapter! More explanations and character will be explained and introduced as the story unfolds naturally but please feel free to ask me questions! Here or on my tumblr page:

Thank you for reading, see you next week for the update!