White Smoke

One puff...

The feelings always brought her back. It was the feeling of euphoria from the white smoke that invaded her every crevice. It silently crept from her throbbing cunt to her numbed mind. She comes back because for a few precious minutes she is finally okay. Her body no longer drags with the weight of the world. Her head no longer feels like a clusterfuck of thoughts and worries. For a few minutes she is free. Like the smoke she is floating, being carried up higher and higher into the air until she disappears.

If only the white smoke lasted longer. Reality would hit her hard as she came down from the clouds. "What am I going to do?" She'd ask herself in panic. The overwhelming anxiety from reality would crush her, and she'd take another hit, breathing in deep the freedom she craved. The crimson that once filled her veins felt light and airy as she breathed in the white smoke that danced in her face. She began to laugh and just like that, she'd be gone, away from responsibilities and stress that come with life. For a few precious moments she is with the smoke, dancing in the air.