Heart of Onyx


Prologue ~

My true name is of no importance, but if you must have something to call me, call me Onyx. I'm 17. I'm the bad ass at school. I'm a punk rocker. I'm also the daughter of an Alpha, and soon to take over my pack. One would think it'd be the greatest thing to ever happen to a Were, but.. .there's a catch. If I don't find my mate, my brother takes over instead of me. If my mate rejects me... My wolf will be separated from my soul entirely in a long and agonizing process, and both of us will cease to exist , apart from in the memories of those around me, unless he changes his mind or I equally reject him within half a year. You'd think it would be easy, just walk around the street or in public areas until his overwhelmingly intoxicating scent hits my nose and that's that. Well it's not. The only way to truly find your mate, is to see them in their wolf form. At the same that they see you. Well, I can't really just go out into the open as a blue-grey wolf that's more blue than grey, with electrifying ice blue eyes without someone screaming in terror, even if half the city is part of my pack. There are laws to abide by, and if those are broken. You will be shot down on the spot. No questions asked.

Now, let me tell you why it's near imperative that I find my mate, other than being forcibly torn from my wolf and left to die. My brother isn't the most... respectful leader. He's more of a 'Respect me and do as I command this instant or I will kill you." type. To put it simply, with him, it'd be a dictatorship and no one wants to be ruled by a conceited jerk who puts himself on a pedestal.

In all actuality, it could have been my brother to be the first choice, given we're both twins, and the oldest out of 3; BUT, I'm a daddy's girl and he favors me for everything. I'm also the most clear headed and least judgmental. Given I'm the first out of my brother and I, I also have the most Alpha power coursing through me.

I guess that's enough of an intro; so let's get to the real story.. Let's start from the day I was told I would be alpha; shall we?

2 years prior; Onyx's perspective.

I raced down the stairs hurriedly, excited to see what my dearest father had gotten me for my 15th birthday. It was an exciting day for Weres'. Their 15th birthday. All female Weres' were the same; on their 15th birthday, they all began the process of becoming a woman. You all know what I mean. It also means they become one with their wolves, and shift for the first time. Kind of scary and exciting at the same time.

As I leaped off the bottom stair, I heard hushed voices in the kitchen. Moving slowly, I inched forward until the voices became clear.

"Do you think she's ready? What if she's not? What if she gets hurt?" My mothers worried voice reaches me first. She always worries about me.

"She will be just fine, dear. Remember, she's our daughter. Alpha blood runs through her just as much as it does you and I. The same goes for Oliver." Oh yeah, Oliver. I wonder where he is? It's his birthday too. We'd both be shifting for the first time today.

"Boo!" I jumped, startled, smacking my arm into the end table that I was hiding behind. I heard laughter behind me.

"You're so easily scared, Nyx." Oliver. I should've known he would try something like this. He's always scaring me for no reason.

"Sssh! I'm listening to Mom and Dad!" I whispered urgently.

"No need to whisper anymore. We can hear you just fine in here." My dad responded from just inside the kitchen, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Onyx, what have I told you about eavesdropping?" he asked me, mild disappointment lingering in his light blue eyes. I looked down sheepishly.

"Sorry, father." I spoke quietly, guilt flooding through me. I felt a gentle hand on my head and looked up to see he had knelt down in front of me to look me in the eyes. He and I looked a lot alike. The same blue eyes, black hair. Oval faces and straight noses. Everyone says I look just like he did when he was my age. I'm just a little shorter, being 5'4 with him being a towering 6'2. Oliver on the other hand, looks more like my mom. Dark chestnut brown hair and forest green eyes. Fraternal twins from the inside out. He and I were nothing alike. I love my brother, I do, but he's a bully to a lot of people, including our little brother, Owen.

"Don't worry about it right now, Sweetie. Just please, don't do it again, okay?" I nodded as he kissed my head. My mom came out of the kitchen and gave my twin and I a big hug, smiling but tearing up at the same time while telling us happy birthday. Owen came down the stairs then. He wouldn't become a full Were for another year and a half. He's 13 now. He looked like both of our parents. Black hair like our dad, green eyes like out mother. The perfect blend of both of them inside and out. I didn't know it then, but he would actually be the one who helped me become Alpha.

He saw me and started running, leaping onto me and sending us both flying into our father.

"Happy Birthday, Nyxxy!" He smiled wide and looked over at our brother. "You too, Oli!" He said, smiling wider. Oliver nodded in response while I hugged him tight.

"Alright, alright, time for you two to go get ready. It's almost time." my dad said, seriously. Once again, Oli nodded and turned to head upstairs. I followed close behind him. Entering my room, I shed my pajamas and put on my best dress. it was black with blue trimmings. I put on black flats and headed downstairs. Oli was already there, wearing his best black pants and a white button up shirt. We headed outside into the clearing behind our house. There was a small, raised patio area not far from our house. It's not really patio, more like a wooden platform where the alpha stands to make pack announcements. Weres were already starting to gather there.

I'll skip all the boring parts. I don't want you to fall asleep, considering all that happened was people coming up to us, wishing us a happy birthday.

My father took his spot in the center of the platform, Oli and I on either side of him. He began to speak with his alpha voice.

"I am very proud to say that my two oldest children have finally come of age. Today, they will become their true selves and take their place as members of our pack," technically, we were already pack, but from here on we'll be allowed to be involved in pack meetings and such. "and shift to their Were forms for the first time." he spoke proudly, the pride a father, rather than just as Alpha. The pack cheered for us for awhile, my father raised his hand for silence.

"Before we begin, I would to make an announcement. As you know, Onyx and Oliver are the same age, born on the same day. As such, both of them have an equal opportunity to become Alpha. But there may only be one who succeeds me. As Alpha of this pack, I have decided that, as long as all that must be done to be made Alpha is done, that Onyx is the right choice to be successor." He said firmly, catching the eye of every member in the pack, searching for objections. There were none. I stared at my father, shocked. I never expected him to choose me. I know he favored me over Oliver, but Oliver is a male and would seem to be the clear choice. Oliver had the same thoughts as he glared at me. I gulped heavily.

"Now, it is time for both my son and daughter to meet their Were counterpart. Onyx, Oliver. Focus on the wolf inside you. Become one with it, and let it break through the barrier of spirit and reality. When you feel it close by, you may go inside for privacy. If you wish your clothes to not be ripped or damaged, I suggest you take them off." Seeing as this was my best and favorite dress, I took his suggestion and walked calmly inside the instant I felt the heat inside my core. I don't mean core as in the one between my legs. I mean in my chest, dead center where my ribs separate. Shedding my dress, I focused on the heat inside of me, feeling pressure on my bones and muscle. My breathing became harsh and shallow. I knew it would hurt, I've been told many stories about the first shift, but I never anticipated this. Every bone snapped in my body, limps extended and contorted. After five minutes of sheering pain and bone snapping, it went away. I opened my eyes and was shocked to see every color enhanced, every smell intensified, every vibration of sound sharpened. I heard the heartbeats of the pack awaiting anxiously outside. Owen asking my mother what was taking so long. I stood up after realizing I was on the ground. I looked down to see blue-grey paws instead of hands. Looked behind me to see a tail the same shade, but with black fur at the end of it. I took a shaky step forward, unused to being on four legs. I wobbled a bit but quickly regained balance and walked forward a bit more. Getting the hang of it, I gained the courage to go outside and face the pack. My future pack, as my father had deemed. I met pairs of eyes, looking at me, gaping. I wondered what was wrong. Had my transformation gone awry? Were my ears still human? I angled them to make sure. No, they were wolf ears, I could tell by the way they flattened on my head. I looked at my father. He was smiling, proudly.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. As I inhaled again I noticed a scent. It smelled like forest and water. I looked to my left and saw a brown wolf with green eyes beside me. Oliver. He held his head proudly and stared my father in the eye, then turned to look at the pack.

"Come here, my children." My father said. We went up to the platform, Oliver first, me second. we stood beside each other this time. Oliver still had his head held proudly, I was a little less bold as I had my ears slightly flattened. "Happy birthday to my two eldest children, this will be a time to remember, as it is for all pack children. Now, Let's run!" Nearly everyone in our pack took their clothes off and shifted, and together, with my dad in the lead, me following close on his left, Oliver on his right (my mother was at home, with Owen, who was not old enough to partake in this), and the rest of the pack close behind.

We ran for hours, a few of us stopping to wrestle and play. I pounced on my father, who was just a few feet ahead of me. I shot out in front of him and he gained on my paws and overtook me. Oliver shot out behind, shoving me to the side as he chased after my father. I huffed, picking myself up off the leafy ground, wondering what got into him. Soon, it was dark enough that we couldn't see our paws in front of us and we headed back to the house. Our pack mates stayed out and played awhile longer. These were our woods, our territory. They were allowed to do as they please, pretty much.

My mom had cooked a special dinner for us. My personal favorite; Lasagna. I was always an Italian lover. Maybe my mate will be Italian. I hope so.

"I'm very proud of both of you" my father told us. Oliver dipped his head silently, accepting the praise.

"Thank you, father." I said, quietly. I was wondering why he chose me, to be honest. I know my brother was hard to deal with, but I figured he would be chosen due to his determination and ambition. Once his mind was set on something, it got done, no matter the cost. I guess thats a thought for another day though. I was tired from the shift, and the run. I finished my food quietly as my mother, father, and Owen talked about things. Oliver was glaring at me, silently, from across the table, I wonder what his problem is.

As I finished, I asked to be excused, got up from my seat and rinsed my plate and silverware. I put them into the dishwasher and headed upstairs to shower and change. I had school tomorrow.

I layed in bed and soon was encased in black as I fell asleep.