Heart of Onyx

One; School.

Onyx's perspective.


I groaned and rolled over, smacking my alarm clock harshly. I opened one eye to look at the time. 6:45. School started at 7:15 but my first period was study hall, so I really didn't need to be there until 8. I slowly drifted back to sleep until I heard banging on my door.

"Onyx, wake up!" Owen shouted from the other side of the door. I groaned. What did he want this early. "You have 30 seconds to open this door before I come in there!" Damn, I should've locked my door. I sighed heavily as I got up to open the door. Owen was standing there in black jeans and a grumpy cat shirt.

"What is it?" I growled, sleepily.

"Just because you don't start until later doesn't mean you can't come down for breakfast. Mom sent me to get you. Oliver's already downstairs, eating almost everything in sight. " I sighed again and changed clothes, walking downstairs to see everyone already seated and eating. I grabbed some french toast and the powdered sugar. I LOVE powdered sugar.

Sitting down to eat, I noticed Oliver still glaring at me silently. This is getting old. Oliver got up the instant he finished, not bothering to ask to be excused. He walked out the door and closed it with a slam.

"What is his problem? He's constantly glaring at me and he's being awfully rude lately." I asked my father.

"I think he's jealous of you" my mother spoke up. "He wanted to be Alpha."

"Well, he needs to get over it." my father responded. 'That attitude is going to get him nowhere." my mother, myself, and Owen nodded in agreement. Upon finishing out breakfast, Owen left for school, my parents left for work, and I headed upstairs to take a shower.

Finishing my shower, I got dressed in my black skinny jeans and Bring Me The Horizon band shirt. My favorite band. Oli Sykes is beautiful, no one can deny that. Stepping out of my house, car keys in hand, I walked over to my bright red Pontiac Sunfire and got in/

The drive to school was short. It took nearly an hour walking, but in the car, with the way I drive, it only took ten minutes or so.

Most of the day was a blur. Jumping from Chemistry, to Choir, to Psychology, to Math, to English, to study hall, and then lastly to french. Out of All of them, Choir and Psych are my favorites. I had a few friends in a few of my classes, French, Choir and Math included. Everyone gave me late happy birthdays, which I just nodded to. A few people brought me treats like cookies, cupcakes, candy, and my best friend of all, Riviera , brought me a Monster Import. My favorite drink of all time. She was also in my pack, her father being the Beta, meaning, she will be my beta after her father retires.

"Nyx!" I heard shouting and looked behind me. Riviera and Kodiak, her boyfriend, were heading my way. It was the end of the day now, and I was just heading out the door.

"Rivi, Kodi." I said, smiling at their joined hands. Rivi and I were the dynamic duo. With Kodi, we were the mischief makers, the three musketeers, the ones to look out for in the school and everyone knew it.

"Happy Birthday, sister." Kodi said as they both wrapped me in a hug for the second time that day. I hugged them back tightly. Yes, Kodi was also in my pack and everyone would be shocked if Rivi and Kodi weren't mates. They've been inseparable since the day they met. Sadly, we won't find out until next year. The lucky 18 is when we are capable of finding our mate. Kodi was already 18, but Riviera and I were only 17, born 3 months apart.

"Thanks, you guys coming over tonight? We just got the pool set up for summer, already cleaned and filled. Technically it was still spring, but it was warmer than usual this year.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss a chance in the pool if I were on my death bed!" Rivi said dramatically, her head laying across her forehead. "And might i add how proud I am of you for becoming next in line for Alpha?' She said, grinning.

"Thanks, though I don't think Oli is as proud" I said, catching him out of the corner of my eye. He was walking towards us, glaring at me still. His friend, Ethan, was to the side of him, looking at me with a weird emotion. It was a mix of worry and fear. Oli walked past us, completely ignoring us apart from hitting his shoulder to mine, roughly.

"Whats his deal?" Kodi said, protectively wrapping his arms around us both. Though Kodi was Rivi's boyfriend, he was equally protective of us both.

"Mom says he's jealous because Daddy dearest chose me "I said, sighing. Granted, Oli was never too fond of me, but this is a new low, even for him.

"Someone needs to put him in his place," Riviera said as she glared at him as he opened the doors and walked out.

"Come on, let's get out of here before that guy comes over." I muttered, looking over River's shoulder. A nerd was looking at me, looking like he was contemplating coming over here. While I'm not as mean as my brother, I am pretty shallow. The kid was nice enough, and with a good make over he could be attractive, but right now, with his tacky plaid button up shirt and nerd pants and thick black rimmed glasses with tape holding them together, he just wasn't my type. At all.

We smoothly turned around in unison, Riviera in the middle with Kodi and I on either side, arms around each other and headed out the door. Kodi and i always park next to each other in the same spots every day. Kodi and Rivi headed towards his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X, a birthday present from his parents, Rivi and myself, as i headed towards my Sunfire. We drove together to my house, them following me and headed through the door. My parents were still at work, Owen was at track practice, Oli was probably out with Ethan.

Riv and I went to my room to change into our bikinis. Her's was red and white, mine was blue and black. We headed downstairs to find Kodi was already in the pool. We also saw Oli and Ethan on the couch watching the TV.

Riv and I ignored them and headed towards Kodi. She and i both jumped in while holding hands and all three of us had a splash war.

"Onyx! Where are you!?" My father called after a few hours. He opened the back door and watched us, amused. We were fighting eachother in the pool, splashing eachother and trying to hold eachother under water.

Upon seeing my father, we stopped fighting and climbed out of the pool. Kodi and Rivi wrapped themselves in towels and dipped their heads respectfully to their Alpha.

"Mr. Westwater. How are you today?" Kodi asked politely.

"No need for the formalities, Kodiak. I'm your Alpha, not your girlfriends father. Though I do see Riviera as my own daughter since she's here nearly every day," he said, looking at me. "I'm not as strict as her biological father. Just call me Nick." Kodi nodded. He'd been told this a few times, but it was in Kodi's nature as a lower ranking wolf to treat him with the utmost respect.

"Yes, Nick." He said, as he always did after my dad told him to call him by his first name.

"Hello, second father of mine" Rivi said, hugging my dad." he chuckled and hugged her back.

"Does Matthew know you're here, Rivi?" He asked, eyeing her. She gulped and let go, rushing to her phone to tell her father she was here and safe. Being the only daughter of 4 kids, her dad was a little over-protective.

"Nyx, come here a moment, please." My dad said, gesturing with his hand for me to follow. "Kodi, Rivi, would you please give my daughter and I moment?" I knew this was serious. Being as Rivi was soon to be my Beta, she was usually included in our talks.

"Yes, sir." They said in unison, scampering back to the pool while my father led me into the kitchen. My mother was preparing dinner as I sat at the bar stool and looked expectantly at my father, waiting for him to speak.

"As you already know, your brother is not, shall I say, 'Happy', with my decision, and a few of the pack feel the same." he started. "I need you to show them that you can handle this. They fear that since you are female, you will be weakened by it. I need you to show them that you are tough enough to handle this responsibility." I nodded, silently, taking in his words.

"That being said, I would like you to start training with Matthew. These will be private sessions. Your brothers will not be joining you." He must have seen the look on my face because he continued with, "I know you can do this without it, but its to put the pack at ease. I know you're stronger than anyone in the pack, apart from myself and your mother."

"But if they're private, then how would the pack know?" I asked, confused. He chuckled.

"We're going to change things up a bit. The pack could use a little competition to join everyone together. I've decided that once every three months, we'll hold a little contest. Just a few rounds of fighting each other, much like those wrestling shows your brothers are always watching. We'll have sign up sheets, here in the pack house, members can come in and sign up if they wish. We'll hold the competition at training center arena. We haven't worked out all of the details yet, but we're working on it. Being as you are to become Alpha, it will be expected of you to compete. I'm not saying you have to win, but the higher ranking you are, the more accepting the pack will become to you being Alpha." I nodded, taking in his words.

"But, if they don't know that I'm training, wouldn't that be lying to them?" I asked, honestly.

"Not necessarily. You just won't be joined with other members. I never said you couldn't tell people. Rivi will obviously want to know why you're suddenly busy and I would never ask you to lie to your best friend and beta." I nodded in understanding.

"Okay. When do I begin?" I asked, suddenly excited. I've always loved my training. Even before I shifted, it was mandatory to learn self defense and Matthew was a great teacher.

"We'll start after school, Thursday. Sound good?" I nodded. It's Monday evening now so I had 3 days to get ready.
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So this is technically the FIRST chapter of the story. I don't count the prologue as a chapter since its really just a background story. Leave comments and messages to let me know what you think. :) I love to hear criticism, just don't be rude. :) Let me know where you want the story to go, and if you think I should make Kodi and Riviera mates or not. :)

Thanks guys:)