Status: I will try to update every Sunday and maybe Thursdays, if you're lucky. Enjoy! c: This is my first fanfic, so I will gladly welcome feedback of any kind.

Driving Me Crazy...

We've only just met...

Dani (P.O.V.):

"Come. On. Dan! You're finally 21! When are you going to loosen up and live a little? You don't have your parents holding you back, you're done with school, you have your own apartment, license, car... You're 21 and can drink legally... I don't get what's holding you back! It's your birthday! Celebrate!" Kate, my best friend, argued. She just won't give up.

"Kate, I don't know. I've never drank before. I have no idea what kind of drunk I'll be. For all I know I could wake up tomorrow morning in Australia, some stranger in bed with me, a ring on my finger, and no idea what my last name is. I don't think it's a good idea."

We were sitting in my room. Me sitting criss-cross on my bed facing Kate, Kate sitting in my desks rolly chair. She wanted me to go to some big party and get wasted for my 21st birthday. I just wasn't feelin' it. Not tonight.

"Danielle Harris! You're my BEST friend. I won't let some guy just make off with you. You trust me right?"

"Yeah, of course I do." I can't believe she was pulling the 'trust card' on me. Of course I trust her. It's me I don't trust. The drunken me, whom I don't know yet, let alone have I ever met, nor am I ready to.

Kate's been my friend for years and no matter what, no matter the risks or circumstances, she has always been there. She's never let me down.

"Then c'mon. You won't make your best friend go to this party alone, will you?" Kate begged. Still not giving in.

"You won't be alone, Kate. You have Kellin."

"He won't be there. He said he has alot to do tomorrow to get ready for Warped." No wonder she came to me... She and Kellin are usually inseparable.

I sighed. I can't believe I'm saying this. "Fine. I'll go to the party. But, I'm not drinking. Deal?"

"Ahh! Deal!" She screamed and launched herself on top of me, latching her arms around my neck, causing me to fall back on the bed.

This is going to be a long night...


"Dani, let's go! The party started 20 minutes ago!" Kate rushed. We've been hanging out all day, having a 'best friends day' for my birthday.

"I'm almost done! Calm your shit!" I don't take kindly to being rushed. I was just getting finished with my make up. I put on my mascara, and stood up on the side of the bathtub to get one last look, all together, before walking out the door.

I wore my blonde, straight, shoulder length hair, down, and was wearing a white Anthem Made tank top, black shorts, and black and white converse. I had my usual make up on: thin eyeliner, mascara, and a bit of lip gloss. Completely casual. I exited the bathroom, grabbed my phone, and headed out the door.

"Finally!" Kate groaned in exasperation.

"Just get in the car and drive. Since when did you ever want to be on time for anything?" I questioned her. It's true. Every time we have somewhere we need to be, I have to tell her that we need to be there 30 minutes earlier than we actually have to be, so we'll be on time.

"Since there was booze and I wanted to get wasted!" She said, getting in the car and starting the engine.


We arrived at the party and stepped out of the car. I wouldn't even need a map to find this place. I'm pretty sure the whole town could hear their music blasting out the speakers. I almost didn't want to go inside for fear of my ear drums exploding.

I had no choice.

Kate latched her arm in mine and guided me to the front door. We stepped in and made our way through the living room. You couldn't take a step anywhere without being shoulder to shoulder with some sweaty, drunken, asshole either trying to grind on you or cop a feel. We made our way to the back porch and as soon as we stepped out Vic spotted us.

"Katelynn! Dani! Get your asses over here!"

Vic is Kellin's bestfriend and also a really great friend of mine and Kates. He's the lead singer of Pierce The Veil. One of my favorite bands. As soon as Kate and Kellin became friends, he would take her to hang out with all of his friends. I, being her best friend, was dragged along. We're all pretty close now.

"Hey, Vic!" Kate pulled him in for a hug. "Hey!" I greeted, doing the same. "Hey, where's your lover?" He winked. Directed towards Kate, of course.

"He couldn't make it. He said he had to get some things done tomorrow and it would be in his best interest to not wake up with a major hangover. He said if he can get some of it done tonight he'll head over, but no promises." She almost shouted over the music.

Oh. So there's a chance that Kellin WAS going to be here and I was probably dragged here for no reason. Of course.

"Cool." Vic nodded. "Go get some drinks. We are ALL getting fucked up tonight. That includes the both of you." He demanded, pointing at the two of us before turning back towards Mike and Jaime.

"No problem there!" Kate laughed as she walked off to find the kitchen.

"What are you waiting for? You heard the man, Go grab a beer!" Tony ordered from behind me. I didn't even know he was here.

"I don't drink, Tony." I stated, wrapping my arms around him for a hug. He hugged me back.

"You do today! It's your birthday! Let loose and have fun." Jaime chimed in, also greeting me with a hug. "Happy birthday, by the way." He smiled at me. "Happy birthday!" Vic and Mike, now jumping in.

"Just this once. For your birthday. Just let go, and get fucked up. We'll keep an eye on you and make sure you don't do anything stupid." Jaime pleaded.

I sighed, giving in. "Alright. Whatever. But, one glass! Nothing too strong."

Geez. Peer pressure is at its finest today.

I made my way towards the kitchen to find a drink. I walked in only to be tackled to the ground by a long, lanky man in nothing but his boxers.

"Hey, what the fuck?!" I questioned the asshole, who is still on top of me.

"Get off the girl, man. This is basically rape, c'mon. Hop off." Another man said in a bit of a drunken slur, dragging the stranger off of me. "Sorry. He's had a little too much to drink already." He said, now reaching his hand out to help me up. I accepted the offer. "My name is Alex. That dumb ass is Jack." He laughed, again holding out his hand to shake mine. "Dani." He shook my hand as I introduced myself.

"Would you like me to get you a drink, Dani? You seem a bit sober." He winked at me. Jack, back on his feet, now slammed Alex into the wall beside us.

"What the fuck, man?! I called dibs when she first walked through that door!" Alex only laughed in reply. "Where the fuck are my clothes, Alex?!"

He seriously had no idea where they were? Was he that drunk?

"Get off Alex. Your clothes are in ceiling fan, go get 'em." Another stranger stepped into the picture. He was kind of built. He had really nice muscles.

"Zack! Dude, this is Dani." Alex introduced me, as Jack wandered off to find his clothes.

"Hey, sorry about those two." He shook my hand, referring to Alex and Jack.

"Are they always like this? Or only when they're drunk?" I asked, Alex now at the other side of the room talking to another guy I don't know.

"Sadly, yes. They're both basically children." I giggled in reply, honestly not surprised.

Jack came back in fully dressed. He walked to the cooler, pulled out a bottle of some kind of alcohol and two cans of coke.

"Want some?" He grinned at me.

"Um, nothing too strong." I replied shyly. I'm not shy! What was that about?

"That's what the coke is for, Sweetheart." He winked, pouring me a glass.

Jack handed me the glass. I took a sip and stifled back a cough. Jack laughed at that.

"First time?" He grinned at me.

"Yeah." I muttered. "I don't drink. But, I turned 21 today and all my friends just insist on me "getting Fucked Up and letting loose." " I air quoted.

"Happy birthday." He smiled down at me, clinking his glass against mine, and taking a drink.

I come up to his shoulders, being 5'4 and him clearly being around 6'.

"Thanks." I smiled back, then taking a few more sips of my drink.

"Really sorry about, well, being all over you and shit. Alex pushed me." He chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's alright, Jack." I laughed a little at him. "I really have to head back to my friends though. They're supposed to look after me and make sure I don't get too fucked up and end up in bed with some stranger tomorrow morning." I let out a small giggle, walking away from Jack.

"Wait." He grabbed my arm a little too suddenly.

"I-I'll walk you over there.. My asshole friends kind of ditched me." I looked up at him.

"I-I dunno."

"Awh, C'mon, Dan. You wouldn't want to leave me alone would you?.. Who's supposed to keep ME from waking up in bed with some stranger, huh?" He asked, making me giggle.

"Alright. C'mon." I walked him towards the back porch.

He grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers in mine as we were walking through the crowd in the living room, causing me to blush.

Only half way through the living room, some guy pushed himself onto me, breaking my hand away from Jacks, and into the wall with an 'oof'.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked, thinking he'd just tripped and happened to stumble into me up until he shoved his tongue in my mouth.

"Mmmh!?!" I pushed at him, trying to get him off of me, only making his hands on my hips pull me in closer.

"Dude, get the fuck off her!" Jack pulled the drunk off of me and shoved him to the ground. "What the fuck, man?! Does she look like she wants your dirty tongue down her fucking throat?!"

The man stumbled to his feet and immediately launched his fist at Jacks face, hitting him in the mouth. Jack stumbled back a little and caught his balance. He put his hand up to his now split lip, wiping off some of the blood. He glared back at the drunk and the look in his eyes scared me. He was pissed. His face was flushed red, his eyes narrowed, seeming as if they were set to kill. He barely took a step toward the man before I jumped in the way.

"Jack, stop!" I ordered placing my hands on his chest.

He obeyed, but didn't take his eyes off the man. "C'mon." I said quietly, reaching for his hand.

He didn't comply.

"Jack?" He hesitated for a second before grabbing my hand and storming off, dragging me toward the back porch. He grabbed a bottle of some kind of alcohol on the way out, slammed the door shut, and grabbed a bottle opener from the nearest table, opening the bottle, and started to chug it down.


He didn't stop.

"Jack, slow the fuck down!"

He took a second before he lowered the bottle from his lips, which was now nearly half way gone, and walked over to the porch swing and sat down. Clearly still pissed and trying to calm down.

I walked over and sat beside him. As he took another drink out of the bottle.

His expression slowly changed after 5 minutes. There was only 1/4 of the bottle left by the time he had calmed down.

He looked over at me.

"Why are you so far away?"

I shot him a confused look. "Huh?"

He grinned in reply and put his arm around me, pulling me into his side. We sat there for a few minutes, in an extremely awkward silence. He had his arm around my waist, holding me close to him, and just staring off at nothing in particular. I just kept my eyes on the ground, blushing.

I suddenly felt his eyes on me. I glanced over, confirming my suspicion.

He was staring into my eyes intently. Lustfully. He glanced down at my lips, then straight back to my eyes.

"Jack, I-"

"Sh-Sh-Shh" He shushed, swiping some hair behind my ear. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. 'How strong was that drink?' I thought glancing over at it.

His hand turned my head to face him again. He leaned in, placing his lips softly on mine, as my eyes widened. One of his hands went straight to the back of my neck as the other traveled down to my lower back, pulling me closer.

I put my hands to his chest, intending to push him away, but instead closing my eyes, finding myself lost in his kiss.

Not more than 3 seconds later, "Jack, put your dick back in your pants, and hop off my best friend!" Came Kellin's voice.

I pulled away quickly, wide eyed, heart pounding, and blushing like crazy, earning a laugh from Kellin.

"Fucking cock-block." Jack mumbled, getting up and walking back inside, bottle in hand.

"Sorry about that, Dani. He's kind of a horny drunk." Kellin said, sitting next to me. I only giggled in reply, staring down at my hands.

"What's wrong?" I just shrugged and looked in the opposite direction.

"Dan, Come on." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm your best friend. You can tell me what's bothering you.." I didn't answer.

Suddenly, his hand tightened on my shoulder. "What the fuck did that prick do to you?!" He jerked me around to face him, a hand gripped tightly on either of my shoulders. He looked pissed. I could only stare up at him in shock. I've seen him mad before, but that's on rare occasion. It honestly scares me when he gets like this.

"What the fuck did he do, Dani?!" He yelled, snapping me out of my state of complete shock.

"N-Nothing! He didn't do anything, I swear!" He still looked pretty pissed. "What you saw was all that happened, Kellin. He kissed me. That was it." He seemed to cool off a little. Still, a questioning look remained on his face.

"Then, why are you so upset? What are you keeping from me?"

"I-I don't know, Kells... I just- I... I meant to push him away, but.. I don't know." I shook my head, just as confused as he was.

"Oh, no." He removed his hands from my shoulders, leaning over, and resting his elbows on his knees, his hands over his face.

"What? Why 'Oh, no'?" I questioned him, clearly confused.

"Jack. He- Um.." He trailed off, trying to think. "He's kind of a womanizer. He sleeps around, one night stands, and loads of different band sluts come in and out of All Time Low's tour bus, while on tour. He's never really had an actual relationship. He's had 'friends with benefits' and things like that. But, no girl has ever been able to tie him down." He looked up at me now. "Don't get me wrong, Jack is a good guy. He's a great friend. But, having an actual girlfriend to be committed to was never really his thing."

I nodded and things were silent for a while. I decided to break the silence. "So, he's in a band?" This, literally being the first time of heard of this.

"Yeah. He's the guitarist in All Time Low. Please don't tell me that's all you heard out of what I just said."

"No, I heard you. I was just awkwardly trying to change the subject." I replied. It was true. I was. I heard everything he said, but it kind of seemed like he was assuming that I had feelings for Jack. I don't even know the guy. I didn't want to have the conversation with Kellin either. But, I also wanted to know about the band.

"Alright, My turn to change the subject." I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Where the fuck is my girlfriend?" He smiled.

"C'mon." I giggled. "Let's go find her."


My eyes fluttered open to the response of the sun shining in my eyes. I sat up, looking around. I was still at Vic's place.

I had asked him the night before if I could stay because I knew Kate and Kellin would be going home and I didn't want to ruin their night by bothering them with a ride home.

I slid out of bed carefully so I wouldn't wake him. I doubt he would anyway. Stretching, as a yawn crept its way into my throat, I grabbed my phone and checked the time.


I grabbed some clothes out of Vic's drawer, dedicated to me. This wasn't the first time I crashed here and each time I do, I somehow end up leaving something behind, so he ended up just throwing them in a drawer for the next time I come around. I went and took a shower and got ready for the day.


Vic won't be up for a while and when he finally does wake up, he'll have a terrible hangover, so I just headed down stairs to get some breakfast.

I hit the bottom of the staircase and headed towards the kitchen, but stopped at the sight of an unconscious body laying on the coffee table.


I walked over to him and saw a note taped on his back.

Bitch wouldn't wake the fuck up. I don't have time for this shit. Hope you don't mind, Vic. ;)

Thanks, Bro.

-Alex G

'How sweet of him.' I thought, as I read the sloppy, drunken hand writing.

"Jack." I tapped his shoulder and waited a second. No answer. "Jack." I shook his shoulders. Earning nothing but a groan. "Jack, wake the fuck up. I have to get you home." I forgot to mention my lack of patience.

I got another groan, and a turn of his head to face away from me. I walked to the other side of the table and knelt down.

He asked for it.

"Hey, sweety." I said softly, rubbing circles in his back. He smiled slightly, his eyes still closed. "Wake the fuck up!" I yelled, pushing him off the table. He landed with a thud.

He groaned again, louder this time, as he sat up and looked at me with an aggravated, pissed off expression which all seemed to change as he remembered who I was.


I smiled sweetly. "Good morning, sunshine." My smile dropped. "Get up. I have to take you home."

I wasn't going to leave him for Vic to deal with. He wouldn't be able to handle it with the headache he's going to have. He stayed up most the night playing beer pong and other drinking games.

"Uh. Yeah, alright." He stood up, his hand on his head as he fell back, landing on the couch. "Ah, fuck." Yeah, he had a hangover too. Not surprised. He partied harder than Vic did.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water, and came back to stand by him. "Don't stand up so fast. Here." I handed him the water bottle and sat on the arm of the couch beside him. He opened it right up, and chugged.

"Thanks." He breathed, putting the bottle down, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, and stood up.

I looked up at him with a mixture of confusion and shock.

"What?"He smirked, handing me his keys. "Can we take my car?"

"Uh. Y-Yeah.." I stammered, as I grabbed his keys and walked outside. He grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers in mine, and with his other hand he pointed.

"That ones mine." He pointed to a black Lexus across the street.

We walked to the car, his hand in mine. Don't ask me why I let it happen. I'm so confused.

He sat in the passenger seat and waited for me to get in and take him home.


We had a long quiet drive. He put his address on G.P.S. and fell asleep, during the 20 minute drive to his house.

I pulled into his driveway and honked, waking him with a jump. I giggled as he looked at me groggily and confused. Honestly adorable. Shut up, Dani! I mentally slapped myself.

"We're here?" He asked sleepily. So hot. Shut up!

"Uh, Yep! We're here." I said quickly getting out of the car. I reached in my pocket to grab my- my phone. Where's my- I left my phone at Vic's. Fuck!

"You alright?" Jack looked at me, noticing my brief panic.

"Uh, yeah. I left my phone at Vic's. Can I use yours, so I can call for a ride home?"

"Sure. Come inside." Jack beckoned, as he walked toward the front door.

He went in and sat right on the couch. I came in and sat beside him. He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. I'll be back."

"Oh, alright." He ran through the hallway to his bedroom. He trusts me with his phone? For all he knows I could snoop through all his stuff. I turned on his phone and- Shit. It's locked. Of course.

"Uh, Hey, Jack?!" I yelled. No answer. I got up and walked back to his room. I knocked. "Jack?" I asked and suddenly heard the shower running.

Well, shit.

I went back in the living room and waited patiently.

It took about 15 minutes before Jack came out. He was wearing nothing but his boxers. Oh, Jack...

"Hey, Dani. Forgot you were here." He winked, noticing me blush and look away.

Sure he did. Bet he 'forgot' to unlock his phone for me too, and 'forgot' to hear me when I called his name. Smooth, Jack. Real smooth.

"You hungry?" He asked from the kitchen, which you could clearly see from the couch.

"Uh, yeah, but I'll probably get something on the way home. I just need you to unlock your phone so I can get a ride." I got up, walking toward the kitchen.

He looked up at me, from pouring milk in a bowl of cereal, with wide eyes. He looked like a puppy. God dammit. Quit your shit, Dan!

"No, don't leave me alone!" He pouted his lip, looking even more like a puppy.

"Jack, I really-"

"Please don't." Awh, He looked like a little kid. Stop falling for his bullshit, Dani.

"We can sit, and watch movies, and hang out, and-"

I sighed. Just like I always do when I give in. "Alright. Fine. I'll stay." I smiled.

"Yes!" Jack ran at me, picking me up in a big hug and spinning me around, making me scream.


Jack and I watched movies all day, snuggled up under a blanket, his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side, and my head awkwardly laying on his shoulder.

We watched Peter Pan, The Lion King, and other kid movies. I didn't mind at all. I love these movies. He only made one move on me while we were watching Home Alone, placing his hand on my thigh, slowly sliding up my leg.

I stopped him, standing up. "Um. Can I, uh, use your bathroom?" I asked.

He just looked at me for a second. I couldn't decipher the expression on his face. He looked upset, but I couldn't tell if he was angry, or disappointed. But, he was definitely frustrated.

"Yeah. Sure." He looked back at the T.V.

I made my way to the bathroom. I just sat there. Thinking. I don't understand. This whole night, I had nothing but butterflies in my stomach. I've barely known him for a day, so I know I don't have any feelings for him. Just butterflies. I don't know what it is.

I couldn't come to any conclusions and didn't have much time to think. I flushed the toilet and turned on the sink, making it seem like I actually did something.

I walked out of the bathroom, seeing Jack still sitting in the same spot. He looked up at me and smiled. Clearly not so upset anymore. I smiled back.

"That took, like, ten minutes!"

"That was, like, two!" I corrected, giggling at his exaggeration, as I looked at the digital time on his DVD player.

His smile opened wider. "Well, I missed you." He said, sincerely, walking towards me and pulling me into a hug. A tight one.

"Jack. It was just two minutes! You act like I was gone for a month!" He slowly loosened his embrace and put one hand on my cheek. My eyes widened.

"I know. I just can't stand being away from you..." He whispered, placing his other hand on my left cheek, leaning in, and softly kissing me.

My eyes opened even wider. But, I soon lost myself in his kiss, once again, wrapping my arms around his neck, closing my eyes, and moving my lips along with his.

He smiled slightly into our kiss, but quickly went back into it, deepening the kiss. His hands moved down to my waist, pulling me into him.

I wanted to push him away. I truly did. But, something about him was keeping me from doing so. 'What is he doing to me?!' I thought to myself, even more confused than I was before.

He pushed me into the wall that was behind me, quickening the pace, noticing that I wasn't doing anything to stop him. His hands found their way into my shirt, but not going anywhere. Just gripping tighter on my hips, pulling my hips even closer into his.

I felt his tongue brush against my bottom lip, requesting entry. And, oddly enough, I accepted his request, my tongue battling against his, fighting for who knows what. But, I knew, whatever it was, it wasn't right.

I can't do this.

I pulled away, only to be picked up over Jacks shoulder.

"Jack!" I squealed, as he walked me into his bedroom, and dropped me onto his bed. A smirk appearing on his face from ear to ear, and eyes full of lust, as he climbed on top of me, continuing our kiss.

What was that I said about stopping? Oh, right.

I had, again, lost myself, but being quickly reminded, as one of his hands re-found its way into my shirt, but this time deciding to go somewhere, slowly gliding up my side.

I pulled away.

He looked at me, the same lust-filled eyes, and smirk re-appearing on his face. That devious look quickly fading into confusion, as he saw the look on my face. The 'look' that was trying to tell him that this was wrong.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"I-I just can't, Jack. I-" Stopping myself at the sight of his confusion turn into frustration.

"Fuck." He jumped off of me, walking towards the door. "You're one of those damn teases." He stated quite loudly, slamming the door behind him.

I sat there for a second, catching my breath. I didn't expect that reaction. I expected it to be awkward. Not him getting pissed and accusing me of being a tease. I didn't mean to tease him.

I walked out after him to apologize only to see him put his phone up to his ear.

He stood there for a while, letting it ring.

"Alex. Dani needs a ride home..."

"...Whatever. I don't care anymore. Just take her home."

He hung up, turning around, startled to see me standing there, listening. "Alex will be here in ten minutes." Was all he said walking past me into his room. I followed.

"Jack. I'm sor-"

"Save it." He cut me off turning back towards me. "You had your fun. You turned me on, and pushed me away. I get it. It's what te-"

"I'm not a tease!" He raised an eyebrow. Basically telling me to continue with my bullshit.

"Jack, I don't even know you! I've known you for a day! I can't just jump in bed with you." He scoffed and looked away, plopping down on the corner of his bed.

"Listen. I don't know what kind of girls you usually bring home with you, but I'm not that kind of girl." He looked back at me, staring into my eyes with a blank expression.

"I don't just jump in bed with guys, whether they be in some band or not." His expression changing as sympathy ran into his eyes at the sight of tears forming in mine.

"Sorry, I'm not as easy as you expected." I said with a bit more anger as a tear flowed down my cheek, and turned away to walk out of the room.

I was stopped by Jack, who wrapped his arms around me from behind, and buried his face in my neck.

"I'm sorry, Dani." He whispered into my neck.

I heard a horn honk outside. I guess he was closer than ten minutes away. I pulled away from Jack. "That would be my ride." I said coldly, as I turned to face him, his face full of regret. I walked away, putting my Converse on and walking out the front door.

Alex waited in the car outside. I got in, buckled up, and stared straight out the windshield.

We weren't going anywhere.

I could feel his eyes on me, but I wasn't going to look.

"Are you o-"

"Fine." I snapped, cutting him off. "I just want to go home."

"Alright?" He said, starting the engine.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I just really want to go home already."

"What did Jack do? Want me to kick his ass?"

I smiled at that. "No. We just had a little disagreement." I said, now looking back at Alex.

"Alright." He smiled back at me before pulling out of Jacks driveway.


We finally arrived at my house. We were quiet most of the way, mostly because of me. He tried initiating many conversations with me about many different things, but I just wasn't in the mood to talk.

I leaned over and hugged him and thanked him for giving me a ride home before getting out of the car and taking off into my apartment. I just wanted to go to sleep.

As soon as I reached my bedroom I changed into a T-shirt, which was a little big on me, took off my pants, and threw myself into bed.

I laid there for what felt like hours just thinking about what happened with me and Jack. He wasn't drunk and I wasn't doing anything to provoke him. I don't think. But, what compelled him to come on to me so strongly? Why was he so pissed that I wouldn't have sex with him?

I fell asleep, only able to think of one thing: Kellin warning me about how much of a womanizer he was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gimme some feedback? This my first fanfic, so all comments are welcome whether they be negative or positive. c:

Thanks, Lovelies! c: