Status: I will try to update every Sunday and maybe Thursdays, if you're lucky. Enjoy! c: This is my first fanfic, so I will gladly welcome feedback of any kind.

Driving Me Crazy...

The Morning After.

(Jack P.O.V.)

"Jack!" I heard a voice call, knocking on my door. My eyes blinked open, but squinted shut immediately at the light coming through the window. My head ached with the hangover I was sure to have after the amount of alcohol I had taken in last night, but I didn't care. At least, I didn't care at the moment. There had been too much on my mind last night.

Oh, but I care now.

I'd say I would never drink again, but we all know that would be a lie.

"Jack!" The voice called again, knocking even louder. I groaned, pulling myself up and out of bed. I stumbled over to the door and opened it to see Zack standing there. "Get dressed and come down for breakfast. We have to play today, remember?"

Oh, shit. Completely slipped my mind.

"Are you hungover?" He asks, observing my, no doubt, shitty looking face and the painful expression I wore due to the incredible pain in my head.

"Mmh, just a bit." I admitted, holding up my hand to show him 'a bit' with my fingers close together.

"I'll get you some Advil, but we still have to play, so c'mon. Sound check's at 10:30." He said, shutting the door for me as he left.

I plopped down on my bed, wishing I could just go back to sleep. I grabbed my phone out of the drawer of the bedside table.

I had to put it somewhere. I was drinking last night and I didn't wanna be drunk texting anyone. Especially not Dani. Not after what I told her. I plan to stand by what I said. I need to get over her and it's better for me not to be involved with her at all. Not until I'm over all of these feelings. Then maybe we can just be friends.

I unlocked my phone and read the time. 8am. I sighed, getting up to take a shower.

(Dani P.O.V.)

"So, what was wrong with you last night?" Alex asked suddenly and I froze, remembering last night and everything that happened with Jack and I.

I was in the middle of drying my hair as I had just gotten out of the shower. I was already dressed and just standing in front of the mirror with the bathroom door open. Alex sat at the end of the bed, which was in clear view of the bathroom.

"Last night," he continued, as I was taking too long to answer. "you were screaming and crying in your sleep. You almost kicked me off the bed." I sighed, letting out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

"Oh, u-uhm, I-I had had I nightmare."

"What about?" He asked, curiosity tracing his voice.

I simply shrugged and continued drying my hair, not really wanting to tell him. Just the thought of it scared me. It seemed so real. So real, it was unreal. If that makes any sense. It really doesn't, but it was so terrifying.

Alex stared at me for a while before he shrugged as well, leaving the subject alone, and got up to finish getting ready.

(Jack P.O.V.)

I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair before spiking my blonde and black hair into my usual do and grabbed some clothes to get dressed. I still looked like shit and I don't think anything I could do would change that.

'Just a bit' hungover was an understatement. I had quite a lot to drink last night.

It's whatever. It's not like I have a girl to impress now anyways.

I made my way down to the hotel dining area and found Zack standing next to a table that sat Rian, Kellin, Vic, and Jack Fowler. Zack looked up and walked my way, holding out his hand. He handed me some Advil. "C'mon," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder and ushering me to a canteen that sat on a counter. He grabbed a styrofoam cup, pouring me some water and handing it over. "Drink." He ordered. I popped the two pills he gave me and chugged the water to wash it down. I smiled back at him and threw away my cup as we headed over to the line of people waiting to get their breakfast.

Zack was like the mother of the band. I mean, he can get as crazy as us sometimes, but he always takes care of us when we're hungover. Even when he, himself, is hungover. He likes to pretend like it annoys the shit out of him, which it probably does, but he acts even more annoyed when we try to deny his help, so we just accept it.

He's our mother. Our extremely buff, could possibly rip off our heads, if we piss him off, yet extremely caring mother with a penis. We fuck with him anyways. Mother or not, he's still our brother.

We're a fucked up family.

Zack and I got our breakfast of waffles and headed over to a table next to the others. Rian switched seats to sit with us. He brought up one thing about Cassadee's band joining Warped, but I zoned out. It wasn't until Vic jumped in, talking about crashing some party tonight that I came back into focus.

"Fuck, I'm gonna get so fucked up tonight." They all shot me weird looks before bursting into laughter.

"He's hungover and still can't wait to get drunk!" Vic exclaimed, still laughing. "Classic fucking Jack!"

What can I say?

We continued talking and laughing. My headache had basically gone away and I'd forgotten about last night.

It didn't take long before my special little reminder popped up.

I looked up, still laughing at something stupid Kellin had said, to see Dani walking over to our table. Alex walked by her side, his arm draped over her shoulders.

My laugh silenced and smile faltered. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and I know I ended everything Dani and I had, or could have had, last night and I know I practically told Alex he could have her, but I can't help but feel jealous. I can't help that little pang I feel in my chest when I see her. I can't help it.

But, in time, it will all go away. I just need to avoid her.

They reached our table and I realized I'd been staring at Alex's hand on her shoulder their whole way here as i released a sigh of air I'd been subconsciously holding. Alex pulled out a seat next to me, seating himself between Dani and I as she sat on the other side of him.

They joined the conversation instantly. Or Alex did. Dani remained silent for the most part other than occasionally giggling when one if the guys said something silly.

That giggle.

Alex stood from his chair, whispered something in Dani's ear, and headed over to the short line that stood for breakfast. The group continued talking, but Dani and I remained quiet, staring at the table or whoever was talking to make it seem like we were paying attention, but our minds were far elsewhere.

Well, mine was, but I could tell hers was too by the look on her face. She was distant and wore a blank expression though her eyes were filled to the brim with tears that she wouldn't allow to pour over.

It hurts to see her like this. It hurts even worse to know that I'm the cause of it.

Just then, Dani looked up at me and I realized I'd been staring as I quickly averted my eyes to Vic who was rambling on about Jaime and the bands "Jaime Can't Talk Good" list. ( Oh, References. ;) )

I felt a shortness of breath and could hardly breathe as I began fighting back tears as well.

"I need some air." I excused myself as I stood up and started walking toward the hotel doors at a fast pace.

I can't do this. I can't be around Dani.

(A/N: I'm gonna be boring here and write the same scene in Dani's P.O.V. Sorry.)

(Dani P.O.V.)

As we were walking to the table, I immediately spotted Jack. I'm not exactly surprised. I knew he'd be here, he has a show to play today, but a part of me was hoping he wouldn't. A part of me was hoping I wouldn't have to face him today.

He seemed like he was having fun, laughing, joking around with the guys, looking as if he were genuinely enjoying himself. It's nice to see he's happy, I guess.

Jack looked up at us and I immediately looked away, not risking looking into his eyes. Alex sat beside Jack and I took a seat on the other side of him. He quickly became a part of the conversation and I tried my best to pay attention, laughing when they said something silly, but I was too distracted.

Jack was sitting right there and all I could do was think about last night. I could feel the tears begin to sting my eyes, but I won't cry. Not in front of the guys. Not in front of Kellin. He'll only get pissed at Jack. Not in front of Alex. He's worried enough about last night as it is. And not in front of Jack.

If he can be happy, I can at least pretend that I don't wanna break down at just the thought of him and everything he said. I can pretend to be happy.

Alex stood up from his chair and leaned down next to my ear. "I'm gonna get us some breakfast, okay?" He whispered, kissing my cheek, and heading for the breakfast line.

I still couldn't pay attention to anything. I would try to get into the conversation, but my thoughts kept pulling me back out of reality.

I suddenly felt a pair of eyes on me. I fought the urge to look up, but soon complied and made immediate eye contact with Jack.

That's what I've been trying to avoid.

We both quickly looked away. My cheeks were burning and probably visibly red. I didn't have the guts to look back at Jack to see if he was blushing too. But, who am I kidding? Why would Jack be blushing? He's the one that said we should move on.

Looking into his eyes only made it harder not to cry.

"I need some air." Jack says out of nowhere before standing up and storming towards the front doors.

"What's wrong with him?" Kellin asks me and just as he did, two plates of waffles were set on the table in front of me. I turned to see Alex going after Jack.

Before anyone could say anything, I left as well, but headed for the elevator instead of the front doors.

"Dani!" Vic called, he and Kellin following after me, but I stepped into the elevator with an old couple just as the doors began to close

"Dan-fuck." I heard Kellin say as he couldn't reach me in time. I know they'll be knocking on my door as soon as they get up to my room. I'm just not ready to talk about it yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
I KNOW, I KNOW!!! I'm a shitty writer, I'm sorry. x/

It's been far too long and this is way, way late, but I do have an excuse. I had summer school because my dumbass focuses more on bands then school.


And then I went to visit my dads house, and I'm currently still visiting. I've been spending a lot of time with my little brother who I haven't seen in a year.

That's all I've got.

I'm so terribly sorry that I'm so late, but to make up for it, sorta, kinda-ish, I've been writing a short songfic for Remembering Sunday and I'm hoping to have that posted tomorrow. It's kinda sad, but it's just a thought that ran through my head while listening to the song.

It's coming along nicely. Almost done with it. c:

As always, comment to let me know how I'm doing. I honestly don't think it's as great as it could be. Negative or positive comments will help so much. Negative, so I know what I'm doing wrong, and positive, so I'm more inspired to write more. c:

Thanks, lovelies! c: