Status: I will try to update every Sunday and maybe Thursdays, if you're lucky. Enjoy! c: This is my first fanfic, so I will gladly welcome feedback of any kind.

Driving Me Crazy...

A second chance couldn't hurt. Could it?

I woke up to my phone ringing. My home phone that is. Since my dumb ass left my phone at Vics.

I sat up, stretching. A yawn escaping my mouth as I headed for the phone.

"Hello?" I answered, sleepily, not bothering to check the caller I.D.

"Dani, I called you six fucking times!" Oh, it's Kellin. "Do you have any idea what time it is?!"

"Um, no. Your rude ass woke me up though." I told him.

"It's one o'clock in the afternoon, Dan. You should already be awake."

One o'clock? I slept that long?!

"Is there a point to this phone call or-"

"Why does Jack want your number? And don't fucking bullshit me, Dani."

"What?" Everything from last night started rushing back into my mind. He wants my number now? What's his deal? I was sure I made it clear that I'm not as easy as all those other girls.

"Why. Does. Jack. Want. Your. Number. I know you just woke up, but c'mon, Dan. Stay with me."

"I-I don't know why he wants my number."

"Dan." Kellin sighed into the phone. "I need you to tell me the truth."

"Okay?" I urged him to continue.

"Did you fuck him?" His tone was serious. Dead serious.

"What?!" I asked, shocked.

"Did you fuck Jack, Dani. Tell me the fucking truth. If you don't tell me, he will." He was getting annoyed.

"No, Kells! I didn't sleep with Jack!"

A sigh of relief ran through the phone from Kellin's end. "Okay. Good."

We sat there in silence for a while. Neither of us knowing what to say next. But, curiosity got the better of me and I just had to ask.

"Why is he asking for my number?"

"He said he needs to talk to you. He wants to meet up with you somewhere and talk." He answered. "Do you want me to give it to him?"

"Um, yeah. No. I don't know."

"Well, which is it, Dani?" He laughed at me. Becoming a less serious Kellin. The normal Kellin.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Go ahead. Might as well see what he wants."

"Alright, well, I love you, Dani. I'll talk to you later."

"I love you too, Kells. Bye." We hung up.

I went to my dresser to get some clothes and headed for the shower. I turned the water on and got undressed. I got in, and just let the hot water run down my back as I just ran through everything in my mind, trying to come up with the best conclusions. Whatever made more sense.

I can't stop thinking about Jack. I mean, if he's really as Kellin says he is, then why would he continue to try? Like, why does he want to talk to me still after I turned him down? After I told him I wasn't easy? If all he cared about was sex, then wouldn't he give up and move on to the next girl? It's all just too confusing for me. And Kellin isn't helping at all. I get that he's trying to protect me and all, but the way he's going about it isn't working. He acts like he's my father. Like, it's his job to load the shotgun and keep boys away from me.

He's been like this ever since my last break up, Like he feels the need to protect me from everybody.

My last boyfriend cheated on me. And I get so attached to people. We were dating for two years and not once did he ever try to force me into bed with him. He treated me like I was his princess. Like, I was the only girl he could ever see himself with. I got too comfortable with our relationship. Ever since I was younger, I wanted to hold on to my virginity until I found 'The One'. He knew this, that's why he never tried to rush me.

It was late at night and he had just come home from work. I was only 19 years old, about to turn 20 and he was 24. I was thinking all day about our future, and how I wanted to be with him forever. How I wanted nobody else but him. I thought he was 'The One'. So, I told him I was ready and he didn't hesitate. Not even for a second. He took me to the bedroom and immediately started stripping my clothes off.

He was holding himself above me, nothing had happened yet. We were basically just naked, making out with each other.

He began to trail his kisses down my neck, suckling and nibbling here and there, down to my stomach and back up to my neck, leaving hickies all over it. Just as this moment was about to go somewhere, a girl barged into my room, screaming "What the hell, Babe?! Why would you do this to me?!"

To sum it up, apparently he had been sleeping around with two girls other than me. All because I didn't 'put out'.

I was torn in two.

Kellin and I were friends for a year before then and he was the only person I could go to, with Kate being out of town at the time. He comforted me and took care of me until Kate got back. It was a huge bonding experience for us. We became like brother and sister after that and he's always felt the need to protect me.

Not being able to come up with a reasonable explanation, I finished my shower, Washing off, rinsing, getting dressed, and heading straight for the kitchen for some breakfast. I ate a bowl of cereal at Jacks yesterday. That's all. I was starved.

I looked in the fridge only to find that I was all out of milk, eggs, bacon, toaster strudels, and basically anything breakfast related. I hadn't gone grocery shopping in a while.

Not really being in the mood for anything that wasn't a breakfast food, I grabbed my keys, and headed out the door to go to Vic's. I need my phone and I'll probably eat there.


Arriving at Vic's, I just walked straight through the door.

"Hey, Vic?!" I yelled, trying to find out where he's at, shutting the door behind me. A hand landed on my shoulder from behind, startling me, and I screamed.

"Oops." Was Vic's only reply, laughing at me as I basically jumped out of my skin.

"You're a fucking asshole!" I slapped his arm, trying to hold a serious face, only making him laugh at me more.

"Where's my phone, Dick." I asked, laughing along with him.

"Where do I usually put your things?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, trying to make me feel stupid for even asking that question.

"Well, it was my phone. I didn't expect you to throw it in a drawer."

He flashed a grin. "Kidding. Here." He handed me my phone. "It's been blowing up. I was on my way out the door to give it to you."

"Thanks." I smiled, unlocking my phone. Vic looked over my shoulder, sticking his nose in my business. I didn't mind. He was always in my business.

(6) Missed calls from KellieBear. (Kellin)

Vic giggled, shaking his head at Kellin's name in my phone. "He'd throw a fit if he saw that."

"He's the one that put it in there, genius." I smirked at him and continued looking through my phone.

(6) Text Messages.

-KellieBear: Answer the phone, Dani.

-KellieBear: Answer your fucking phone. I've called 5 times already. Why does Jack want your number? What the fuck did you guys do last night?

I glanced over at Vic through the corner of my eye, whose I eyebrows furrowed at that last text, and looked back at my texts.

-Unknown Number: Hey. It's Jack. Can we meet up somewhere? I need to talk to you.

I saved his number.

-Jack: Dani. Please hear me out. I really need to talk to you.

-Kate: Hey!! How was your night? I heard about that kiss between you and Jack. ;)

"You kissed Jack?!" Vic looked at me in shock. I only blushed and looked back down at my pone.

-Jack: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to have sex with you. That was wrong and I definitely shouldn't have been such a dick when you pushed me away.

"Okay, What? He tried to force you to sleep with him?!" I only looked down at my feet, biting my lip. "Dan, look at me." I did as told. His face looked worried.

"Dani, how far did you go?" He asked. Much calmer than Kellin would have.

"We didn't go anywhere, Vic. I promise." I said, walking towards the kitchen. Vic stopped me.

"Then what happened." He asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me to sit next to him on the couch.

"We were just making out, and he pushed me on to his bed, and continued making out with me. The moment his hand slipped under my shirt, I pushed him off."

"What about the part where he was 'being a dick'?" Vic asked. He tried to look like he was only concerned, but there was a trace of anger on his face that said 'he would kill him if he hurt me'. Vic knew about my ex as well. He wasn't really my friend at the time, but as soon as he heard about it, He turned into a protective brother. Just like Kellin.

"When I pushed him off he got mad and accused me of being a tease. He left the room and called Alex and told him to pick me up and take me home."

Vic was quiet for a second. "Dani?" He finally spoke up.


"If I ask you this, will you answer me in complete honesty?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Do you like Jack? Like, really like him?" I just stared at him with a mixture of shock and confusion. What kind of a question was that? I've barely known Jack for two days and all I know about him is that he's a player. Of course I don't like him.

"Dani?" Vic snapped me out of my daze and I could feel the warmth on my face after he asked that question. I felt butterflies in my stomach, but that could have been because I was hungry. I shook the feeling away and answered Vic's question.

"No. I don't even know Jack." I got up and walked to the kitchen in a hurry.

"Dani. You can tell me the truth." He walked into the kitchen, watching me pour a bowl of cereal.

I put the milk back in the fridge. I turned quickly and nearly jumped out of my skin as I bumped into Vic.

"Dani. Tell me the truth." He hated it when I lied. He could easily tell. Sometimes he even knows when I'm lying before I do.

"No, Vic. I don't like him. I don't know him. How can you like somebody you don't know?"

Just then I received another text from Jack.

-Jack: I'm taking you out tonight. 7pm. Be ready, because I'll drag you out of your house if I have to. Ready or not.

Before I could reply, he sent another.

-Jack: That was rude, I'm sorry. It was a joke. But, I really do need to talk to you, so be ready.

Vic grabbed my phone and read the texts. Before he could even finish reading them, he received a text as well. He finished reading mine, read his, then handing me back my phone.

"When you're ready to answer my question truthfully, you know where to find me." And with that he went upstairs, leaving me in the kitchen.

I started eating my cereal, and sighed as Jack sent me another text.

-Jack: I'll just leave you alone. I'll see you at 7pm. Okay?


It was 6:43pm. I was in the bathroom getting ready. I figured I had no choice. I had a feeling that Jack really would drag me out of my house whether I was ready or not.

I had already picked out my outfit. I kept it simple. Jack didn't seem like the kind of guy that would take me to a fancy restaurant. And why would we be going somewhere fancy if we're just going to talk? I set out a pair of black skinny jeans, and my white Aspire & Create tank top, a black jacket, and the same black and white Converse I wore yesterday.

I straightened my hair, and put on my make up. I was getting dressed when I heard a knock on my door. I was still putting on my pants when I heard the front door close. "Dani?" I heard Jacks voice. "Thanks for letting yourself in. I'm getting dressed." I called out from the bathroom.

I reached for my shirt, as I heard the bathroom door open. I turned around really quick and used my shirt to cover my chest. "Jack! Get- Ahh!" I screamed, as Jack picked me up over his shoulder and started walking out the door while I pounded my fists into his back.

"Fuck! Jack! Put me down!"

"I told you to be ready." He laughed.

"Let me put my shirt on, you fucking dick!"

"You should have been ready." He said as he walked out the front door, me hanging over his shoulder, no shirt. Just a bra. Fucking asshole.

Half way across the yard, I dropped my shirt.

"Jack, my shirt." I had completely given up fighting.

He looked back laughing, and turning back to watch where he was going. "Looks like you're going without a shirt tonight." He was enjoying this way to much.

He opened the passenger door and set me down, letting me get into the car as he went back to get my shirt.

He got in the car holding my shirt up between us.

"What a gentleman." I said sarcastically, covering my boobs with one hand, and reaching for my shirt, but he just snatched it away.

"Ah-ah-ah. Gimme a kiss." He grinned at me.

"Give me my shirt, Jack."

"Awh. Guess I should have just left it in the yard." He pouted. I sighed, and gave him a quick peck on the lips, and held my hand out, telling him to give me my shirt.

"Nah, I think I'll just hold onto it until we get there." He grinned deviously, starting the engine.

"Jack, give me my shirt." I ordered, still covering my chest. I was pretty embarrassed. The only guy that ever saw me in my underwear was my ex and Kellin. Only because Kellin walked in on me changing.

Jack only laughed and pulled out of the parking space.

As soon as we drove out on to the street, I had pulled my knees up to my chest. Jack giggled at this.

"Why are you so shy? You act like I've never seen boobs before." He laughed.

"No. I act like you've never seen MY boobs before. Now give me my shirt." I demanded. His smile faded. Keeping his eyes on the road, he handed me my shirt. "I'm sorry." He said, a bit of disappointment in his voice, which seemed more aimed at himself than at me. I put on my shirt, showing as little of my breasts as possible. He didn't even seem to take his eyes off the road. I smiled at that for some reason. I don't know how he treated other girls, but I felt like he was showing me more respect. "It's alright, Jack." I smiled a little. He glanced over at me and gave me a half-hearted smile. I could still see a bit of sadness in his eyes.

He pulled into the parking lot of a park and got out of the car. I got out with him and walked to the back of the car. He pulled a basket and blanket out of the trunk.

"We're having a picnic?" I asked the obvious.

"Yes, ma'am." He smiled at me, leading me in the park, and setting up under a tree. He sat down on the blanket, and patted his hand on the spot next to him. I smiled and sat down next to him.

"I hope you're hungry, 'cause I made peanut butter and jelly." He laughed.

"Oh, my favorite." I stuck my tongue out at him. He smiled, handing me a sandwich. "Sorry. Can't really cook." He confessed, nervously.

"No, it's fine! Maybe I lied about it being my favorite, but I do love peanut butter and jelly." I said, trying to ease his nerves.

We sat quietly just eating for a while, exchanging awkward glances and looking around aimlessly at the playground.

"So, you wanted to talk?" I decided it was about time we broke the silence.

"Um, yeah. You want to walk around?"

"Sure." I said, standing with him. He took my hand and started walking on the sidewalk that went around the perimeter of the playground.

He stared at the ground in silence for a while before gathering up the nerve to speak. "Dani, I'm really sorry about last night. I don't know what I was thinking. And when I got mad, I don't know about that either. I don't usually get angry so easily. I'm usually pretty laid back, and just generally fun. I like to joke around and play. I let my frustration get the better of me and anger just clouded my mind. You snapped me out of it when you told me how you weren't easy. I honestly didn't expect you to be." He finally looked up at me and I gave him a questioning look. He understood how confused I was and continued.

"At the party the other day, after Kellin interrupted us, he told Vic. Not about the kiss, but that I was interested in you. He told him while you were off with Katelynn and Kellin. Vic found me later and talked to me about it."

"And?" I pushed.

"Dani, I know about your ex." I looked down at the ground as his eyes came up to meet mine. He sighed. "I feel terrible about trying to get you to have sex with me. I guess impulse took over and I made my move. When you didn't push me away, I kept going. I knew I shouldn't and I knew it was wrong. When you finally did push me away, I thought you were just teasing me. Playing hard to get. It made me really angry. I started yelling at you and when I saw tears in your eyes I realized what I had done. I'm really sorry." I continued to stare at the ground.

"I don't know what it is about you, but I like you. I guess I just have alot of respect for you, because you're not like other girls. You don't throw yourself at me, like other girls. You don't try desperately to get in bed with me. You don't wear revealing or suggestive clothing. You're not like other girls because you have a sense of modesty. And I like that about you." He looked at me, blushing. "You probably don't want anything to do with me because I kind of have this reputation and-"

"If I didn't want anything to do with you, then I wouldn't be here, Jack." I finally spoke up, and our eyes met. We stopped walking.

"I kind of forced you though..."

"True. But, I was still in the bathroom getting ready when you walked in, right?" He was silent. Just staring into my eyes. He got closer to me. I thought he was going to make another move on me and was fully ready to push him away, but instead he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, his head resting on mine. I was a bit shocked, but I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back, My face buried in his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Dani. I know I have a pretty bad rep with girls, but if we could just give it a try, if you could give me a chance, I swear I'll never pressure you into anything again. I swear I'll never hurt you. I know I don't know anything about you, but being around you, I feel comfortable and just really happy. With any other girl, I would never be able to pull them aside and talk with them about stuff like this. I would probably just end it and stop talking to them all together. I would move on. But, with you it's different. I feel like I could say the stupidest thing right now and you wouldn't judge me." He pulled back and looked into my eyes. "See? Right now, looking into your eyes, all I see is understanding." I blushed and looked away.

Jack put his hand under my chin and turned me to face him again. "Dani, don't hide from me." He pleaded. "I think it's cute when you blush." He smiled down at me, making me blush even harder. I pulled him back into a hug.

I snaked my arm around Jacks neck and pulled him in closer, resting my head on his chest. He put his hands on my lower back and pulled me in closer, his head, again, resting on mine. We stood there, holding each other in silence, with only the moon illuminating the night, before Jack pulled away.

"So, is this a yes, you'll give me a chance, orr...?" He dragged out the R and waited for me to answer the question.

"Yes, Jack." I laughed. "I'll give you a chance."

With that, his eyes brightened and a big smile appeared on his face before he leaned in, like he was going to give me a kiss, but instead rested his forehead on mine. "Thank you." He beamed down at me, grabbing my hand and walking me back to the tree.


Jack and I put up the picnic basket before sitting back under the tree. We layed there, against the tree, for a while, cuddled up underneath the blanket, which we hadn't put away, talking, laughing, and getting to know each other. We would just ask each other questions, like, where did you grow up? What's your favorite color? Who is your role model? What's your favorite movie? Food? Drink? Band? Song? Who was your first boyfriend? First kiss? The questions kept coming.

When we finally ran out of questions to ask, we just layed there, looking up at the stars. He had his arm around me, holding me close, as my head rested on his chest.

Somewhere in the midst of the silence, the sound of his heart, his chest rising and falling as he breathed, I fell asleep.


When I woke up, I was still laying on Jacks chest, his arm was still around me, it was still late at night, and nothing had changed. I figured I had only dozed off for a few minutes.

I looked up at Jack to see him already staring back at me. Only, he didn't have the same look in his eyes. He didn't look at me with love. He didn't even hold eye contact. He gazed over my body with lust-filled eyes. But, there was something else in them as well. Determination.

The lust in his eyes told me what he wanted. The determination told me he was going to get it whether I liked it or not.

Jack rolled himself on top of me, with a devious grin plastered on his face. I was shocked and admittedly terrified. Jack saw this and let out a small chuckle before biting his lower lip.

"Ja-" My voice choked out.

He continued stare down at me. Same look in his eyes. Same grin. He didn't care that I couldn't talk. Didn't worry if I was okay. He wanted one thing. And it certainly wasn't my well-being.

I opened my mouth to say something again, but couldn't. Not even a whisper came out. I felt as if I couldn't breath. As if my body weren't allowing me to do so. I continued to try. My mouth was open in my attempt to speak and Jack took this as an invitation to stick his tongue down my throat.

He didn't hold back. He kissed me deeply, forcefully, his tongue swirling around mine. I placed my hand on his chest. This time following my intentions, pushing at him in a desperate attempt to get him off of me. He smiled into the kiss, letting out a small chuckle before continuing. I started pounding my fists into his chest, trying to scream for help, but still nothing came out.

"No more games, Dani. I brought you out for a reason." Jack said, finally pulling away, straddling me as he grabbed the hem of my shirt and slowly started pulling it off my struggling body.

"Don't fight it, sweet heart. You're not going anywhere." He laughed maniacally as he got off of me to quickly pull off my jeans. I found myself not being able to move. Not being able to struggle. But, not in my mind. I mean physically not being able to move at all. He got right back on top, straddling me again, Planting kisses on my neck. I could feel how turned on he was and it scared me.

He had apparently noticed my discomfort, as he trailed his kisses up to my ear. "Don't worry, babe. It'll only hurt for a moment." He whispered, biting my earlobe at the end, as he played with the elastic of my underwear, beginning to pull it off.


"Dan! Dani, wake the fuck up!" I heard Jacks voice. "Please, Dani. Please wake up." His voice cracked and my eyes snapped open to the panic in his voice. He was holding my shoulders, his eyes full of tears, and worry written all over his face. As I opened my eyes he pulled me into possibly the tightest hug I've ever been given.

"God dammit, Dani. Don't fucking do that to me!" He whispered into my hair.

I started crying hysterically into his chest, sobbing as he held me tightly. I began to hear small sniffles coming from Jack. I pulled back to see a tear streaming down his face, his eyes full of remorse, looking as if he had just killed my family or something.

"Dani, What was I doing to you in that dream?" He asked.

"How did-"

"You woke me up screaming my name and yelling for me to stop, for me to let you go, and get off of you. You were panicking and freaking out. I've been trying to wake you up for nearly five minutes. You were scaring me. I was terrified, Dani." I used an apology as my only reply and leaned back into his chest, still crying. He held me a little less tight then before, as he stroked my hair.

We stayed like this for a few minutes before I drifted off to sleep again. I woke up later and sat up, rubbing my eyes as I let out a yawn. I looked around my surroundings, finding myself in Jacks bedroom, with Jack no where in sight. His room was alot messier since the last time I was here. Clothes were strown out everywhere, drawers open, and little to nothing in them.

I got out of bed and walked into the living room to see Jack flipping through the channels on the T.V. I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Hey, how'd you sleep? I didn't want to wake you." He spoke softly and smiled at me sweetly.

"Good. Sorry I slept all day." I apologized, pulling my phone out of my pocket and checking the time, as I sat down on the couch. 6:03pm. I had a few texts from Vic and Kellin, but I didn't want to answer them yet. I would feel rude, texting while Jack is talking to me.

"No, it's alright. I had alot of last minute packing to get done anyways."

"Packing? Oh! You're going to Warped?" That would explain his room.

"Yeah." He smiled at me, but his smile soon faded into a frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked, scooting closer and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I don't want to leave you after the talk we had last night. You've just decided to give me a chance and I know you don't fully trust me yet and I don't want you to worry about me being around other girls and-" I quickly attached my finger to his mouth, cutting him off in the midst of his ramble. When I pulled it away he looked a bit surprised and confused and was about to open his mouth to speak again, but I interrupted him.

"Jack. Don't worry about it." I said, trying to reassure him.

"I'm not just worrying, Dani. I want you to be there with me." He told me and I looked down, feeling a blush creep onto my face. He grabbed my chin and turned me to face him again.

"What'd I tell you about turning away when you blush, huh?" I let out a little laugh and cuddled into him as he snaked his arm around my waste.

I pulled out my phone to finally check my texts.

-Taco Bro (Vic): I gave Jack your address. Hope you don't mind. Have fun tonight. ;)

I rolled my eyes at Vic's text from last night and moved on to the next.

-KellieBear: Hey, are you with Jack?

-KellieBear: Thanks for not answering and leaving me to find out for myself. You better tell me if he lays a single finger on you.

-KellieBear: Sorry, Dani. You know I love you. I just worry about you, Y'know?

-Me: I know, Kells. I love you too. Thanks for looking out for me. You're a great friend. :)

I watched T.V. with Jack for a few minutes before Kellin texted me back.

-KellieBear: I try. cx How was your night out with Jack? He didn't try anything did he?

-Me: No. He took me to the park, we had a little picnic, and we took a walk and he told me he was sorry.

-KellieBear: And?

-Me: He asked me for another chance. I said yes.

-KellieBear: We're heading out for Warped in two days, Dan. There's going to be fangirls all over him. I don't know him to be a cheater, but you two aren't official.

-Me: I don't think he'll do anything, Kellin. You should have seen him last night. He was on the verge of tears, trying to apologize to me.

-KellieBear: Things get pretty crazy at Warped. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I got frustrated with Kellin and just put my phone in my pocket. I really didn't want to deal with this.