Status: I will try to update every Sunday and maybe Thursdays, if you're lucky. Enjoy! c: This is my first fanfic, so I will gladly welcome feedback of any kind.

Driving Me Crazy...

First Day Of Warped.

I awoke the next morning feeling no where near well-rested, though I'd slept the whole night through. I look at the time on my phone to see it's 10:08. I let out a small sigh and set my phone back down before feeling a body shift a bit behind me. Turning, I meet the eyes of Jack as a sleepy smile pulls the corners of his mouth.

"G'morning." He says in that raspy, sleepy voice that's oh so attractive.

"Good morning, Jack..." I replied as I noticed his arm around me, resting on my side. "Hey, Jack?"

"Hm?" He hummed, eyes now closed. He must still be as tired as I am. He was out later.

"Why are you in my bunk?" His eyes opened to meet mine, a smile re-appearing on his face, then turning his eyes away from mine, to the roof of the bunk.

"Oh, did I not tell you?" His smile grew a bit wider.


"Oh." Was all he said.

"Are you not going to tell me?"

"Hmm.." He pondered. "Maybe." He grinned, looking back at me. I slapped his, now realizing, bare chest and he let out a little chuckle.

"Well.." He thought, gathering his words. "Do you remember when I told you that Flyzik let me bring you along for Warped with a few conditions?"


"One of those conditions were to share a bunk with you, since all the rest were taken." He said.

"And you were planning not to tell me because?"

"I didn't think you'd care." He admitted. With nothing more to say, we sat in silence for a few seconds, me staring straight ahead. I could feel him practically burning a hole through the side of my face, if that makes sense. His eyes were concentrated on me. "You're really cute when you sleep by the way." He compliments and I feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Except for her snoring!" Alex's voice intrudes from outside the bunk, ruining the moment Jack was trying to create.

"What was that, Gaskarth?!" I yelled.

"Oh, yeah. You have terrible snoring. You might want to get your sinus checked." Jack joins in on the teasing.

"Do not!" I slapped his shirtless torso. The bunk curtain then flew open, Alex's head peeking through.

"Oh, yes you do."

"No, I don't!" Alex just grinned deviously and closed the curtain, leaving me with Jack. "Do I really snore?"

"Oh, absolutely." He smirked at me. "Kidding." He chuckled. "Come on, let's find some food." Jack crawled out of the bunk and I now realize he was only in his boxers, a blush covering my cheeks once again. Jack turned around and winked, shooting me a smirk upon noticing the shade of red that lit up my face, only making it brighter.

Dammit, Jack.

I got up and went to the kitchen, following Jack. He went in the cabinet and pulled out two bowls and some milk from the fridge. "What kind of cereal do you like?" and before I could answer: "You don't get a choice. I hope you like Coco Puffs because that's all we have." He looked back at me to make sure. I nodded and sat on the counter as he poured me some cereal. He hands me the bowl as Alex walks into the kitchen. He glances at my cereal, turns, opens a drawer, pulls out a spoon. He comes up to me and eats a bite out of my cereal before walking back down the hallway.

"Get your own, asshole!" I yelled after him. I soon heard him storming back down the hallway and I smiled at myself. I find it pretty funny when he acts like this.

"What was that? Are you disrespecting your king?!" I only laughed in reply and he didn't seem to be too pleased with that response. "Jack." He looked over to him and nodded his head toward me. Jack just displayed a huge grin across his face. I dipped my eyebrows in confusion, a mouth full of cereal. Jack took the bowl out of my hands and set it on the counter beside me before picking me up over his shoulder, causing me to yelp, and walking me into the living room area, laying me on my back, on the couch. Alex jumped up on the couch and straddled my waist.

"You want to keep disrespecting your king?!"

"Maybe." I giggled at him at him.

"She needs to be punished." He looked to Jack. "Jack, hold her hands."

"Wha-" I was cut off by Alex attacking my sides, tickling me. "Alex, no! Jack!" I screamed between laughs, and went to hit him only to have my arms restrained by Jack, now wiggling beneath Alex, and struggling to pull my wrists from Jacks hold. They just sat there laughing at the giggling mess before them. "No! Alex! Alex, please stop!" He gave no mercy, his hands now under my shirt, tickling me vigorously, not letting up in the slightest. "Jack, please!" I yelled, flailing my arms, still being held back by Jack. "Jack! Let go! P-Please!" He wouldn't. If anything he held on tighter, laughing. I could barely breath now, I was laughing so hard. Rian and Zack stormed in from the back lounge.

"I thought somebody was dying in here!" Rian exclaimed.

"Or being raped, damn.." Zack muttered, almost inaudibly.

Jack and Alex only looked back, laughing, and turned back to continue torturing me.

"Zack! Help me!" I pleaded, wiggling and struggling, still trying to break free. He only laughed, grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge, throwing one to Rian, and walking past us, Rian in tow.

"We're heading to Pierce The Veils set before they open the gate and let the kids in. You can head over when your done with, uh, this." He laughed, opening the bus door.

"Have fun, you three." Rian winked, walking out, and shutting the door behind them.

"Bye!" Alex waved with one hand, still tickling me with the other. With only one hand attacking my side, I was able to take in some more of that oxygen I lost. Jack said his 'bye' as well, except not waving, since he was still busy restraining me. I took this chance while they were distracted and rolled my body to lay on my stomach, causing Alex to fall to the floor. Jack laughed at Alex as I got to my knees, and yanked my arms back, forcing Jack to fall forward, the shock of that action causing him to let go as he fell on top of Alex. I hopped off the couch and ran out the front door. I took off after Rian and Zack to join them on the way to Pierce The Veils set, looking back to see Alex running out after me. I sped up and caught up to them just as Alex caught up to me. They stopped when we got there, waiting for us to catch our breath. We were bent over, heaving for air. I was already at a loss for oxygen from our little tickle war.

"Jack.. Jack went to... Go get dressed...He'll be here in a... In a minute..." Alex said in between breaths. "Damn, I shouldn't be this out of shape. Shit." He said standing up. He hung his arm around my shoulder as I stood up straight and we walked off towards Pierce The Veils set. All Time Low's set was right after theirs, so they might as well get there and warm up.

Jack arrived backstage along with Tony just before they were about to let all the fans in. Tony wrapped me in a bear hug and I told him the rest of his band were in the dressing room. "5 minutes til' we let 'em in." One of the stage managers called out to him as he was heading down the hall to their dressing room. He shot him a thumbs up and continued on his way. Jack, Alex, Rian, Zack, and I headed down the same hallway to All Time Low's dressing room. We hung out for a while before Vic and Jaime joined us. We chatted casually for another 10 minutes and headed back to watch Pierce The Veil preform. Jack, Zack, and I sat side stage watching them preform a few songs, Jack leaving our side once to go get us some water from the mini fridge in the dressing room. Shortly after he came back, Zack left and joined Alex and Rian's conversation. Pierce The Veil began playing 'Bulls In The Bronx' and around the middle of the song they started playing some kind of Mexican beat and Jack grabbed my hand and made a failure of an attempt to salsa dance with me. We ended up just dancing around in circles and every once in a while he'd spin me on his finger and near the end he leaned me into a dip. He pulled me up and we just laughed. When Pierce The Veil finished their set, they each pulled me into a All Time Low went on shortly after.

They played a few songs and I got really into it. I recognized some, but I still never really knew the band. It might have been for the best. I don't know how I would have reacted to coming on tour with them, if I was actually a big fan of theirs. Jack probably would have changed his mind. Last thing they need is a fangirl on tour with them.

In the middle of their set, I took off toward another stage to catch the last half of Sleeping With Sirens set. I arrived in the middle of the middle of 'Here We Go'. Honestly, one of my favorites. I made it backstage to find Vic sitting on one of the amps, watching them preform. He was waiting to sing 'King For A Day'. He had another song to wait through so we hung out for a few minutes. We were in the middle of a conversation about Mr. Kellin Quinn himself and all the crazy shit we used to do when his song ended.

The moment 'King For A Day' started the fans went crazy. It was when Vic ran out on stage that they lost their shit. They were screaming their lungs out. I swear, if it were possible, there would be a pair of lungs being tossed around the crowd along with that beach ball.

It was amazing to see them all so pumped up. I almost wanted to run out on stage and grab the mic myself. But, then again, that's a whole crowd that would be watching me. I'm not sure I'm too comfortable with that. I never was the type to want attention. I avoid as much of it as I can. But, these guys, Vic, Kellin, this is their life. This is Jack's life.


I still don't know what my deal is with him. I haven't even known him for a week yet and we've already kissed, we almost had sex, he's seen me without a shirt, only a bra to cover my boobs, and I've seen him in only his boxers. We cuddled and fell asleep under a tree once, and he comforted me after one of my crazy nightmares, and he's seen me cry. I didn't see him, but I knew he was crying too. I actually scared him to the point of tears that night. He doesn't know this isn't my first nightmare. I don't have normal nightmares. Mine are more intense. All it takes is for me to stress out over something for them to trigger. That night I was stressing out about Jack.

I didn't want to be just another one of those girls he gets his way with. One of those girls he fucks and leaves. Or one of his 'friends with benefits'. I don't think I could handle somebody coming to me time and time again for sex. I would get too emotionally attached. I mean, I've barely known him for a week and I've already got these crazy feelings for him. I don't trust them though. These feelings will only get me hurt.

"Vic's having a signing in twenty minutes at the 'Monster Energy' tent with the rest of Pierce The Veil!" Kellin's voice interrupted my thoughts, snapping me out of my daze. "Head on over there if you wanna get shit signed!" He yelled out to the crowd. Vic wave and ran off stage, pulling me into a quick hug and one of the stage managers threw him a bottle of water. He chugged it down about half-way before pulling the bottle from his lips to take in some air.

He pulled a sweaty strand of hair from his face and smiled at me, gabbing my hand and pulling me to the stage doors. I turned to look back and see Kellin smile and wave. I returned the favor and followed Vic. He pulled me out the doors and let go of my hand.

"Where are we going?" I wondered.

"I was told Alex and Jack never really allowed you to ea breakfast this morning. Jack thought you might be hungry, so he shot me a text." He smiled at me. Jack was right; I was hungry. "We're going to get you some nachos or something."

"Yeah, nachos sound nice."

"Good." He replied simply and continued leading me to the food tent. We went behind other tents along the way, avoiding the chance of him getting spotted by fans.

Vic got me some nachos and we headed for his signing. Once there I was greeted with hugs from Tony, Mike, and Jaime, Jaime casually stealing one of my nachos before heading back to his seat. The signing hasn't even began and there was already a long line of fans.

Once the signing started, I just sat in a chair behind them and let them do their thing. Not even five minutes into the signing, I zoned out. I was pulled back into reality when an arm reached around me and stole the last nacho from my plate. I turned to meet the all too familiar smirk of Mr. Alexander William Gaskarth.

"First, you deprive me of my breakfast and now my lunch. What kind of king are you?" I questioned his 'royalty'.

"The best." He replied, smugly, with his mouth full of cheesy chip. All the fangirls jumped up and down upon seeing him, screaming all sorts of 'I love you's' along with his name. You couldn't hear half of anything else they were saying over all the squealing. "Alright, I saw most of you at MY signing twenty minutes ago!" He yelled over the noise and they only screamed louder in reply. He sighed and chuckled, pulling a chair up to the end of the table, next to Vic.

Some of the fans would cry as they reached the table, but most of them became hysterical upon reaching Vic. He was a Hero, an Idol. I actually idolize him myself. Vic would sign their things, hug them, listen to their stories, and assure them that everything will be okay.

Every so often Vic would look back at me and give me a small, weak smile. You could see the sadness in his eyes. He's a very empathetic person and he, himself, has gone through some of the things they have. He has a real connection with his fans. Every time one of the fans would show him their cuts or scars, he'd immediately engulf them in a firm hug, whispering to them: "Darling, you'll be okay." And making them promise to never cut again. Telling them he cares and the next time he sees them, he better not see a single fresh cut on their bodies.

I know, because he did the same for me. This was back when I was 19, living with Kate and Kellin. He had walked in on me cutting one night. The fright was written all over his face. He saw himself in my eyes. The young, scared, broken Vic he used to be. He slapped the knife out of my hand and wrapped me in the tightest hug I'd ever received. He was crying just as much as I was. He doctored my cuts and bandaged my arms before wrapping me in another hug. We both cried a little bit more and he made me promise to never bring another blade to my wrist again. We became closer after that night. We were complete strangers before he walked into that bathroom. He was just some friend of Kellin's. The pain in both of our eyes created an immediate connection between us. I was two years clean now. Vic helped me through all of my urges.

I smiled to myself and flipped my arm over to see my scars. They've mostly faded away by now. You'd have to really be looking to see them. I never cut too deep. No matter how much I thought about a permanent relief, I was too scared. Not of dying, but of missing out on how my life might turn out. I always had hope in my future.

My thoughts were once again cut off by my phone vibrating in my pocket. I unlocked it to see a text from Jack, smiling as I saw the new contact name I gave him.

-Barakitty: We're gonna go for Chinese and come back to watch some movies tonight. You in? ;)

-Me: Sure! c: It's not like I have much of a choice otherwise.

-Barakitty: True. cx

After they finished up their signing, me, Alex, and Pierce The Veil headed to the bus lot. We split with Vic and Mike, as they headed off to join Kate, Kellin, and his band to go clubbing and bar hopping with Of Mice & Men who, to my new found knowledge, are also touring with us. Jaime and Tony joined us to go for Chinese and watch a few movies. We met up with the rest of the band and went out for some food.

Back on the bus, we settled down in the back lounge, me sitting between Jack and Alex, Tony sitting on the other side of Alex, Zack beside him, Rian on the other side of Zack, and with the couch being full, Jaime got comfortable laying across Rian, Zack, Tony, and Alex's lap, with his head resting on mine. Jack grabbed the remote and started the movie. He placed his arm around my shoulder and leaned back on the couch, adjusting himself to get comfortable, taking full advantage of the fact that he wasn't locked down by Jaime. I only sat there and stroked Jaime's hair. He fell asleep within the first half of the movie and I fell asleep during the first quarter of the second movie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I'm late. xc I'll make it up to you. I'm planning on writing another chapter and maybe posting it tomorrow. c:
Leave me some feedback in the comments? It'd be nice to know how I'm doing with my first fic. c:
Thanks, Lovelies. c: