Status: I will try to update every Sunday and maybe Thursdays, if you're lucky. Enjoy! c: This is my first fanfic, so I will gladly welcome feedback of any kind.

Driving Me Crazy...

What's More To Warped Than Stress, Love, And More Stress?

(Jack P.O.V.)
It was beginning to anger me, seeing Dani fall asleep on Alex's shoulder. He moved his arm around her shoulder and let her cuddle into his chest. This was killing me. I felt the heat burning in my chest and my cheeks got hotter and hotter, deepening into a rose red. I don't need to see it to know how red they were; I can feel it.
I know what this feeling is.
It's that kid on the playground playing with a cool new action figure and you just wanting to steal it. Wanting to take it and run. Never let anyone else touch it. You wanted to claim it for you and only you.
The feeling was jealousy.
Dani was yours and you wanted to take her and run. Claim her forever. For you and only you. You didn't want Alex to have her. She was yours.
Dani is mine.
I suddenly stood up. Alex, Zack, and Tony, being the only ones still awake, looked up at you. "I'm getting tired, so I'm gonna take Dani and go to bed." I whispered and took immediate action, not wanting anyone to object. Not that they would, but this jealousy was making you angry enough as it was. I gently lifted Jaime's head from her lap, careful not to wake him up. Alex removed his arm from around her and assisted me, holding his head up while I slid Dani out from under him. Alex scoots over to replace Dani's lap with his own and set Jaime's head back down. I picked Dani up bridal style and carried her into the bunk hall. The guys whispered their 'good nights' to me, but I was in too sour of a mood to respond.
I gently placed Dani in our bunk, pulling the covers over her, and sliding into them as well. I wasn't as tired as I said I was. But, it really was killing me to see Dani all over him like that. Whether she be conscious or not, I didn't like it.
I lay there watching her sleep. It was actually quite calming. She was so peaceful. She truly was adorable when she slept. I just loved listening to her breathe. I soon felt all of the jealousy slip away. Now I was just left with confusion. I don't understand where all of this jealousy came from to begin with. She's not mine and Alex wouldn't do anything like that to upset me. He's my best friend, he knows how I feel about her. Dani and Alex are only friends.
But, that doesn't give me an answer as to where it all came from. I've never been jealous over a girl before. Me and girls, we usually just do our thing, if you know what I mean, and then I let her go off and do her own thing with someone else. I've never felt the need to keep a girl to myself because, soon enough, another one would come knocking.
But, it's different with Dani. I don't know how she makes me feel this way, but everything is different with her. I don't just want sex with her. I mean, of course I want sex; I'm still Jack. But, I want something real. And I don't want something real with just anyone. I want something real with Dani. Sex can wait. She makes me want to change for her. She makes me want to fall in love.
I've never mentioned the word 'love' to or about anyone of the female species, except my mother and May, my sister. The only women in my life that ever meant enough to me to tell them 'I love you.'
I sighed and wrapped my arms around Dani, pulling her up against me.
"What are you doing to me, Dani?" I whispered and planted a kiss on her forehead and bringing my own against hers.
I fell asleep with the most beautiful girl pressed up against me, face-to-face with the woman I'm in love with. Love. Yeah, I like the sound of that. I love you, Dani. I, Jack Barakat, am in love with Danielle Harris.

​I'm in love.

(Dani P.O.V.)
I woke up the next morning and before even opening my eyes I felt a bit of warm air against my lips. My eyes snap open to find Jack far closer than I'd expected this morning. His forehead was against mine, his arms wrapped around my body, holding me close so I was pressed up against him.
I didn't know what to do. Do I push him away? Do I wake him up? Why are we even this close to begin with?
Why not?
No! Stop it, Dani! Dammit, I'm getting real sick of this constant confusion. I just want my feelings to be clear. Do I like Jack and want to be with him? Or, do I want him to fuck off and hit the road? Well, it's definitely not the second option, I still value him as a part of my life, but I can't say it's the first option either.
I don't think I oppose to being in his arms this way. I definitely don't have a problem with it. It's quite comfortable actually. It almost makes me feel secure, safe. It feels... Right. I feel like I could wake up to him like this everyday.
And with that I fell asleep once again.
I was awoken not too long after to a dampened warmth on my forehead. A kiss? Jack? I kept my eyes shut. "Man, you really are adorable when you sleep." I hear Jack whisper, his hand stroking my cheek.
"Hey, Alex." Jaime's voice. It's distant, coming from somewhere in the bus. I guess he must of stayed the night. "Come check this out."
"Dude, is that Dani?" Alex. I feel Jack's hand stop stroking my cheek and his breathing halts, no longer feeling the warmth of his breath on my lips. He removes his hand from my cheek and climbs out of the bunk.
"Is what Dani?" A few seconds pass silently and I guess they were showing him what they were assuming was me. "Man, can't they live their lives without speculating every little thing that goes on in ours?" Jack questioned, sounding a bit irritated. Who are they talking about? What does it have to do with me? I crawled silently from my bunk. I saw them in the back lounge and approached them, yawning sleepily.
"G'morning, princess." Alex smirked at me. I smiled back.
"What's goin' on?" They got a bit awkward after that.
"Um, well. Don't be surprised if you recieve a few death stares from the fans today." Jaime answered, laying his phone on the table and sliding it over to me, taking a sip of his coffe, which I assumed it was by the smell that surrounded the air. I picked up his phone to see a picture of Kellin on stage. A bit confused by this, I look at the guys. "Look backstage and read the caption." Jaime answered again. It was a bit dark, but if you look closely you could see me and Vic holding hands. This was yesterday when Vic was dragging me outside from Sleeping With Sirens set.
"What's the big de- Oh." That's when I read the caption.
'Vic has a girlfriend?! :ooo'
The comments themselves were pretty unbelievable. I can't believe they could just assume things and go by them as complete fact like they knew Vic and his life and everything that goes on in it. None of them even knew who I was.
'I should kill her!! That's my baeee!!!'
'Look at the way shes smilin back at kellin... theres something going on there...'
'aaawww im so happy for him!!!!!'
'does nobody else think shes slutting around with both vic and kellin??'
'shes holding vics hand and flirting with kellin??? this is going to cause some peoblems with kellic..'
'am i the only one concerned with who this girl is??'
'aw vic!! i think theyre cute!!! xoxo'
Reading enough, I give the phone back to Jaime. "I'm not gonna get killed, am I?" They all just laughed and Alex told me to go take a shower and get dressed. I did as told and we all went out to breakfast, Jaime returned to his bus where Tony had gone earlier that morning. Nothing particularly important happened all day. I did receive a few stares, but none of the fans looked like they wanted to rip my heart out. They all seemed a bit suspicious though.
It wasn't until a few days later, at the venue in Arkansas, when a new picture was posted of Vic and I as we walked to the bus lot together, that I started getting the stink eye from every other teenage girl I walked past. I eventually was being stopped here and there by different fans all asking about me and Vic or me and Kellin. I would repeatedly tell them "No, we're not dating. We're nothing but friends." but, they still insisted otherwise. Vic was even asked about us and told them the same thing. We just decided to leave it to their imagination and go on with our lives. We didn't hang out too much in front of fans though.
A week later, Alex decided it would be a smart idea to tweet a photo of us together. That helped the situation quite a lot. And I'm being pretty sarcastic. The fans were now following me on Twitter left and right, and found my Instagram. They were now attacking me more personally on social media and now had my name. Alex deleted the picture, but it was too late. My name had already gotten out.
They created a slash of mine and Vic's name, Vani, mine and Alex's name, Danex, and mine and Kellin's name, Dallin, despite the face they all know about Katelynne. I was getting comments everywhere calling me a band whore. There were a lot of fans saying I either looked cuter with Vic, or with Alex, or Kellin, but then there were some saying I was simply just a pass around fuck buddy between the bands and it wasn't just the lead singers I was hooking up with, let alone did I limit myself to just those three bands.
They began attacking not only me, but Vic, Alex, Kellin, and other band members as well. They were telling Vic, Alex, and Kellin each that they either could do better or that they thought we were cute and asking other band members if they'd had a piece of me yet. There, of course, was some support, as unneeded as it was, it was still nice to see them not being so vicious. There were some saying things like 'I totally ship Vani!' or Danex, or Dallin, and vice versa. I began to just ignore everything and stopped logging in to Twitter and Instagram.
I had another one of my nightmares the other day, Rian, being the only one on the bus at the time, comforted me. I was stressing out alot recently. I would usually stay on the bus now, to avoid the fans. I would usually have somebody with me though. The guys didn't really want me alone so they would take me to another bus when they had to preform and when they were done with that usually either Alex, Rian, or Zack would come back and hang out with me. I didn't know what Jack's deal was, but he hasn't been talking to me too often. The only times we really talked was when we were traveling between venues. I just kind of shrugged it off. He wasn't very fond of drama and drama seemed to be pretty fond of me lately for some reason. He probably was just trying to avoid it all.
I bonded quite a bit with the other three though. We would hang out, watch movies, play video games, go out to eat, or just talk. I had become quite close to all of them. Zack and Rian became sort of like brothers to me. Zack was pretty protective and I often found myself feeling safe when he was around and Rian was always someone I could go to for anything. He was really good with advice and always seemed to help me out.
It's been about three weeks since tour started and through most of it I've been stressing about everything. I was stressing about the fans, and I was stressing about my dad, and as if I hadn't been stressing about 'him' enough, I was now stressing about a guy who sleeps in the same bed as me yet basically avoids me unless he had no choice but to socialize with me. Jack's actually been sleeping in the back lounge more often than my bunk now.
Everything was racking my nerves lately and I had so much on my mind. I think I was going crazy. That was when Alex came in.
"Hey, Dani." He snapped his finger to get my attention. I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "We're going out to grab a few drinks. We'll be back later." He said. This is where I knew I must have gone crazy.
"Uh, hey! Alex?" I stopped him as he was about to shut the lounge door.
"Mind if I tag along this time?" He smirked at me.
"Oh, I dunno, princess. It might get a little crazy." He winked at me.
"I've been living in a tour bus with All Time Low for three weeks. I think I can handle crazy by now." I wasn't kidding. I've seen some pretty crazy shit around here.
"Touché... Well, if you insist." He smirked again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am sooo sorry! Not only is this chapter late, but it sucks terribly! It'll get better. I promise.

Thanks, Lovelies. c: