Status: I will try to update every Sunday and maybe Thursdays, if you're lucky. Enjoy! c: This is my first fanfic, so I will gladly welcome feedback of any kind.

Driving Me Crazy...


(Jack P.O.V.)
"Justin!" I yelled over the loud music, slurred chattering, and drunken laughs around me. He didn't hear me. I stormed in his direction, hands balled into fists, and jealousy quickly being replaced with rage.
​​​"Hey!" I yelled again as I reached them. "The fuck you think you're doing, Hills?!"
"Mind your own, Jack. I'm just taking her back to the venue." Justin replied, grabbing Dani by the arm and pulling her with him.
"What makes you think I trust you to do that?! You're not taking her anywhere."
"What fucking say do you have?!" Justin stops walking, letting go of Dani, and gets in my face. "She's not yours! She's a grown ass woman; She can make her own decisions." I glanced at Dani. She didn't seem to realize what was going on. Her eyes danced around the scene and she fell back against the wall that sat behind her. She looked really dizzy. I brought my eyes back to Justin.
"She's drunk! You think I'm gonna let you go off and fuck her?! Don't act like I don't know, Justin. I've seen it plenty of times before!" I yelled back in his face.
"What are you gonna do to stop me, Barakat?!" He shoved at my shoulders and that was all it took. I shoved him back into the wall and pulled my fist back and Vic and Jaime jumped in, Vic pulling me away and Jaime holding Justin back.
"Just go, Jack." Vic ordered. "Take Dani back to the bus. Leave." I hesitated, but did as told, keeping my eyes on Justin as I gathered Dani up off the floor. She leaned into my side as I wrapped an arm around her waist, walking her to the exit. "And keep your hands to yourself!" Vic hollered after us, mostly at me.
We made our way to the venue, which was just down the street. Dani was tripping and stumbling the entire way back and giggling at herself. Other than that, it was quite an awkward silence. Even in her drunken state, I'm sure she could feel it. She began sobering up a little by the time we got to the venue, her walk stabilized a bit. I helped her into the bus and set her on the couch. Just as I was about to walk away, she grabbed my arm.
"Stay." She said, almost inaudibally. I looked back at her. Her eyes were almost begging and her lip, pouting.
There she goes. Pouting that lip again.
I sighed, sitting down, leaving a few inches between us. Dani scooted over, closing the gap I, intentionally, left there, and rested her head on my shoulder. I let out another small sigh and we sat there silently for a while before Dani spoke up.
"Hm?" I hummed. She was quiet for a second, hesitant to say what was on her mind.
"Why don't you talk to me anymore?"
"I do." I said, shrugging slightly.
"Not really." She mumbled quietly. We sat in silence for moment once again and once again she was the first to speak up. "Why do you avoid me?" I felt a lump form in my throat.
I remained silent.
What was I supposed to say? Do I just tell her I love her? That I've been trying to get over my stupid feelings? That I was at the bar almost everyday, hoping I could just drink them away? I can't do that. I can't. We're just friends for the moment and friends can't love eachother as anything more than friends. I have to take things slow. I have to take her out on a few dates, get to know her, and become closer.

​​​​​Friends can't be in love.
I didn't notice how long I was zoned out. I didn't notice her head lift from my shoulder. I didn't notice her staring at me, waiting for an answer. I didn't notice the deer-in-the-headlights look that was plastered on my face. I didn't notice her come closer.
I didn't notice until her lips were pressed to mine.
I sat there, in shock, for a second before kissing her back, feeling the butterflies form in my stomach. Her hand moved to the back of my neck as I placed mine on her lower back, pulling her closer. Her leg moved across my lap as she straddled me, which I didn't expect, but was too distracted to care as her tongue grazed my bottom lip and I parted mine enough to allow entry, her tongue sliding in and dancing with mine as we explored each other's mouths.
There was a familiar taste in her mouth that I couldn't quite place my finger on. Or tongue, to be exact. She moved her other hand to the back of my neck as I moved mine to join my other hand on her lower back. A low, guttural, moan escaped my throat as she grounded her ass onto my member, circling her hip. I felt her smirk into our kiss and she broke away, moving to my neck, leaving kisses and suckling and nibbling here and there, causing me to moan again, another smile playing her lips against my skin.
I, subconsciously, began pulling her shirt up. She broke away, allowing me to pull it over her head and do the same to mine, throwing them aside and attaching my lips to hers once again.
I stood up and she wrapped her legs around my waist, my hand under her ass, holding her up as I walked to the bunks. I set her down before getting in and her hands immediately began fumbling with my belt, our lips never parting. She pushed me into the bunk, pulling my jeans over my ankles and taking off her own before climbing in with me.
She continued our kiss, instantly slipping her tongue back in my mouth. Our underwear was now the only thing seperating us and, might I say, Dani is beautiful.
Her hands glided down my chest, then my stomach, before palming me through the thin material of my boxers, causing me to groan into her mouth. She smirked, once again. My hands were rubbing up and down her sides, caressing her curves.
It wasn't until she hooked two fingers under the waistband of my boxers, that I pulled away, recognizing that familiar taste in my mouth as I remembered where we were before now.
It was alcohol. Pure alcohol.

​It had completely slipped my mind that she was drunk.
Dani just smirked at me and moved to my neck, planting a few kisses and began tugging on my underwear. "No." I said quietly, still breathing heavily as I pushed her away. She gave me a confused look. "Dani, we can't. I can't. You're drunk; I can't take advantage of you like this." An amused smile split her confusion and she flicked the tip of my nose with her index finger as she let out a small chuckle.
"I want to do this, silly. No worries." She smiled, trying to reassure me, and leaned back in and kissed me again.
"Mmh- Mmh, Dani, no. Please." I said inbetween kisses. "Stop." I pulled away again. "Stop it, Dani." The same confused expression played her face once again. "I can't do this to you. I can't. You're drunk. You're not thinking straight. You would never do this right now if you were sober."
"Jack, I want this. Don't worry." She said, leaning in and beginning to palm me through my underwear once again, causing me to moan. I stopped her.
Damn, she's a horny drunk.
"No." I said, this time getting up, leaving her in the bunk. Her expression began changing into anger. "I'm sorry, Dani. You have no idea how hard it is for me to-"
"No, Jack." She cut me off. "It's fine. Whatever. I don't want to here you direct the word 'tease' at me again." She stated, getting up and stomping off towards the front of the bus.
"Dani, I'm sorry!" I called after her. She ignored and continued, storming out the front door. "Dani, come back! Your not wearing clothes!" I yelled, going after her. She ignored me once again as she stormed away. I ran after her. Once I reached her, I turned her around and picked her up over my shoulder and carried her back to the bus. Luckily no one was out to see her. I mean, it's almost socially acceptable for a guy to be seen in his boxers, but she's a woman. I don't think I'd be very happy with anyone seeing her anyways. Not even in a bikini.
God dammit, she's not even yours, Jack!
Once inside the bus, I brought her back to the bunks and laid her down in hers. She turned away from me instantly as I pulled her blanket over her, nearly naked, body. She mumbled a 'fuck you' through her pillow.
"Almost, sweet heart. Now, get some sleep." I said, honestly not trying to make it as cocky as it came out. I closed the curtain to her bunk and made my way to the bathroom.
I've gotta deal with this thing some how.
I came out of the tiny bathroom, hair wet from my shower. I made my way passed the bunks and stopped when I heard Dani's voice.
"C'mere." She said quietly. I walked over and knelt down next to her bunk, pulling her curtain open a bit. She blinked a little in response to the light.
"What's up?" I asked casually, like I didn't just turn her down from coming onto me.
"I can't sleep." She pouted. "Lay with me?" Dani grabbed my hand and pulled me into her bunk. I hesitated, thinking she'd try to come onto me again, but got in anyways. She cuddled into me and laid her head on my chest. I brushed her hair softly between my fingers. It didn't take long before she finally fell asleep. Not only was she a 'horny drunk', but as she sobered up, she became cuddly.
God, I missed this.
​I missed laying in bed with her, her head on my chest. I missed her. I missed Dani.
She's so different when she's drunk. She's never once came onto me. I made all the moves. She never tried so desperately to get me in bed like other girls and that's what I found so attractive. So irresistible. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I quite enjoyed this. What I didn't enjoy was not being able to do it. Usually it didn't matter if the girl was drunk. I would just follow through with what we both, obviously, wanted and we'd go our seperate ways.
This only goes to prove how much I really want Dani as more than just some fuck buddy.
I've hardly talked to her for the past 3 weeks and I almost sleep with her. I don't even know if I can handle anymore close encounters before I give in and just fuck her.
This is twice now. Twice. And I've known her for a month and we haven't fucked yet.
What is she doing to me?
--- A/N: At this point, it's going to be switching around from Dani and Jack a lot and this is a first, but I'm going to add Alex's P.O.V. As well. Sorry if I confuse you. ---
(Dani P.O.V.)
"What the fuck?!" I woke up to Kellin's voice echoing through the tour bus, eyes still closed. I was far from ready to be up and my head was pounding.
"Jack?!" Vic's voice now came into scene. They both sounded pissed. I opened my eyes. I was sleeping on Jack's, not surprisingly, bare chest. He never sleeps with his shirt on. I looked up to see Jack just waking up as well. He looked really confused. He looked down at me and his eyes widned. Jack then climbed out of our bunk in a panicked rush. Confused, I looked down to see I was only in my underwear. A bright red flushed my cheeks as I felt panic rise through me as well.
Did I have sex with Jack?!
(Jack P.O.V.)
"What the actual fuck, Jack?!" Kellin yelled at me as he saw me climb out of Dani's bunk, closing the curtain before turning to face him.
I was met with an extremely pissed Kellin. Vic and Alex were right behind him looking to be in just the same emotional state and a very confused Rian and Zack behind them. I glanced at Alex to see he was holding mine and Dani's shirts that we had tossed off on the couch last night.
"Fuck, guys it's not what it looks like." I started.
"Not what it looks like?! Really?!" Kellin questioned me. "Then what the fuck is it, Jack?! Because it looks like I come onto your bus to find yours and Dani's shirts on the couch! It looks like I found yours and Dani's pants on the floor!" He pointed to the ground where Dani left them last night. "It looks like you just came out of Dani's bunk half fucking naked!" He yelled, getting in my face.
"Kellin, I-"
"You know what all of that adds up to?! Huh?!" He interupted and asked, apparently a rhetorical question, because as I open my mouth to answer, I'm cut off once again. "It looks like you fucked my sister, Jack! It looks like you took advantage of my best friend while she was drunk!"
Dani now climbes out of her bunk, wearing my hoodie that of must have left in her bunk before. This didn't make the situation any better. We were all stuck in an awkward silence. Dani looked at all of us as we stared at her. My hoodie comes down to her mid-thigh, so you can't see anything, but it was just awkward, seeing as Kellin was just yelling about how I fucked her. She stared for a moment and pushed past Kellin, Vic, and Alex, making her way to the kitchen.
Kellin pushed on my chest, backing me into the back lounge for privacy. Vic joined us before shutting the door.
"What the fuck is your deal?!" Kellin said through clenched teeth.
"Kellin, I didn't sleep with Dani."
"Then how do you explain all of that?" Vic speaks up, keeping calm. A lot calmer than Kellin.
"It's all a misunderstanding. We didn't fuck. We almost did." They stared at me, waiting for me to continue. I sighed. "Dani, in her drunken state, came onto me. I got caught up in the moment, but when I realized what I was doing- When I realized I was about to have sex with Dani while she wasn't in her right mind- That I was taking advantage of her- I stopped her. I told her to go to bed and I went to the bathroom to take care of my-" I paused. "Problem- When I came out, Dani said she couldn't sleep and asked me to stay with her. We just happened to not put our clothes back on. Nothing happened."
They didn't seem too content with my explanation. Either that, or they just didn't want to believe it.
"Vic, I told you how I feel about Dani. You know I wouldn't do that to her."
"How you feel about Dani? What fucking feelings do you have for Dani?" Kellin calmly questioned my statement before he raised his voice again. "All you want from any girl is sex!"
(Dani P.O.V.)
"All you want from any girl is sex!" I heard Kellin yell at Jack from the back lounge.
I can't even remember what happened last night. I remember meeting Hayley and hanging out with her. I remember Justin coming up and talking to me. I don't remember leaving the bar, but I vaguely remember entering the bus. I remember sitting down with Jack. Everything after that is blank.
I looked through the kitchen cabinets for some Advil, or some kind of pain reliever for this headache. With no luck, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I turned around to meet the stare of Alex Gaskarth. He didn't look too happy. He wasn't sad. He looked slightly pissed. But, that wasn't it.
Was it jealousy? Nah.
He shot me a small smile before turning away and talking to Rian and Zack. I saw in his hand that he was holding mine and Jack's shirt. He was clenching the fabric so hard his knuckles were turning white. I looked back up to see him staring at me intently.
I turned around, a blush burning my cheeks. I took a sip of my water before twisting the cap back on and setting it down by the sink. I turned the sink on and splashed my face with water to cool my burning cheeks. I turned it off and turned to walk to the living room area and ran into Alex's chest. I gasped, startled.
"Sorry, Ale-" I was cut off as Alex pressed his lips to mine, pushing me back against the sink, his hands on my hips. He pulled away and stared into my eyes. Mine were wide and full of shock, but his were soft and full of emotion, but were no longer angry.
He stepped back from me as we heard the lounge door open. Kellin emerged from the hallway first, then Jack, and Vic behind him.
"Dani, Vic's bus. Now." Kellin ordered.
"Uh, yeah." I obeyed hesitantly as I glanced back at Alex, his attention elsewhere.
What the fuck is going on right now?
(Jack P.O.V.)
We all sat silently as Dani got dressed and I watched her leave, still wearing my hoodie. Why wear my hoodie in 90 degree weather? Dunno. But, she looked cute in it. That might just be because it's mine.
I walked over to Alex, but he just pushed by me and walked to the back lounge, obviously on Kellin's side in this. Oh well. He'll come to me for an explanation when he's ready. It's better to just let him cool off.
I sat down on the couch with Zack and Rian.
"So.." Zack trailed off.
"Yes, things got a bit heated last night. No, I didn't fuck Dani." I answered immediately.
"Then wh-"
"She was drunk and came onto me. I got caught up in the moment. Just before anything happened, I pushed her away. We slept in our underwear. It was all foreplay, nothing more had happened." I answered briefly, slightly annoyed with explaining myself. "Minimal foreplay." I corrected myself quickly. "We barely did anything. Honestly. Our underwear was on the whole time." I assured them and they just nodded, seeming less tense than they were before.
(Alex P.O.V.)
What. The fuck. Did I just do?!
I fucking kissed Dani!
She's gonna fucking hate me. Things are gonna be so awkward. I don't think she and Jack are official yet, but they still had sex. I'm breaking 'Bro Code' so bad right now. Fuck! I knew Jack liked her. I knew it. So, why the hell would I fucking kiss her?!
Because she's Dani.
Jack was right; She's different. I didn't think any girl would ever get between us, but I already feel a certain hatred for Jack forming in me. It could just be jealousy because he was the slept with Dani, not me. But, I can't help but be pissed at him.
I feel like he betrayed me, but in all reality, I betrayed him.
I betrayed him with that kiss. Hell, I betrayed him from day 1 when he called dibs at that party. I hit on Dani the first chance I got. I tried to make him seem like a creep in his boxers, throwing himself at random women. I tried.
Fuck, I need to talk to Dani. But, that'll have to wait. We're taking off for Florida in a few minutes. This will be a long ride without her. Especially since I'm stuck with Jack.
(Dani P.O.V.)
I squeezed my eyes shut in response to the sun light as I stepped out of ATL's bus, Vic and Kellin in tow, it's bright rays shun down on me, hurting my eyes. My head was still pounding and I left my water on the counter.
I'm not going back in to get it. Too much awkward for me.
We split with Kellin as we passed his bus half-way there. Vic and I continued to PTV's bus and I was greeted with hugs and "Hey, Dani!"'s from Mike, Jaime, and Tony as I stepped on. Vic went straight for the mini kitchen, coming back with some Advil and a glass of water for my hangover.
Jaime, Tony, and I went to the back lounge and hung out for a few minutes as Vic talked to Mike. He approached us moments later, just as the bus started to move.
"Hey, Vic? Where are we going now?" I asked, his face fell immediately as I did.
"Did no one tell you?"
"No. That's why I'm asking, silly!" I laughed it off. Everybody grew a little quiet. It was a bit unsettling. I awkwardly took a sip of my water just as Jaime decided to speak up.
"Florida." He stated, simply, causing me to choke on my water.
"What?!" I exclaimed inbetween coughs, Tony patting my back.
"We're going to Florida."
"And nobody thought to tell me this?! If I knew Florida was even a stop, I would've never came along!" I yelled, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. Tony pulled me into a hug.
"We're sorry. We thought Alex would've told you." Tony said, rubbing small circles into my back as a tear streamed down my cheek. I got up, Tony's arms falling from around me, and I pushed past Mike and Vic and ran into the bathroom, now hunched over the toilet. Vic came in behind me, pulling my hair out of the way and rubbing small circles into my back as Tony did to comfort me before.
"Doesn't taste so good coming up as it did going down, huh?" Mike joked in a lame attempt to lighten the mood. After I was done throwing up whatever alcohol was left in my stomach, I rinsed my mouth out and brushed my teeth. I left everybody where they were and climbed into Vic's bunk, cuddling in Jacks hoodie. They knew it was best to leave me alone for now. I was glad they didn't come after me. I needed some time to my self.
Why wouldn't Alex tell me? He's the only one on that bus that knows about my father. He should've told me that we would be going to Florida and I would've left before we got too far from home.
Oh, jeez. Why did he kiss me?
I don't know what's going on anymore. I can't remember anything from last night, or if Jack and I actually... Had sex. I don't know why Alex kissed me. I don't know why he didn't tell me about Florida and I didn't know what was going to happen there.
I swear that place only brings bad things to me. Whether it be whole new tragedies, or terrible memories. There's always something in Florida that tries to fuck up my life. Everything bad happens in Florida.
♠ ♠ ♠
I figured it was time for more drama. cx
Where was it that Dani had originally come from again??
Yes, I threw a bit of a love triangle in there. No, you may not hate me for it. Because, yes, I do have a plan for where all of this is headed.
This is my first Fic and I'm getting a bit worried about how it's turning out. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.
Leave me some feedback and let me know how I'm doing? c:
Thanks, lovelies! c: It'd mean the world.