Status: I will try to update every Sunday and maybe Thursdays, if you're lucky. Enjoy! c: This is my first fanfic, so I will gladly welcome feedback of any kind.

Driving Me Crazy...

I Had Almost Forgotten...

(Dani P.O.V.)

Vic walked me to my room and said 'goodnight', giving me a hug, and continuing on his way, further down the hall, to his room. I opened my door with the key card I was given at the front desk. I set my bags to the side and plopped down on my bed.

I can't believe I'm back here. I've had a lot of pleasant memories here, but most were dark. They were memories I tried to erase by leaving, but of course, nothing is ever that easy. I avoided this place for four years. I should've known your past will always catch up to you in some way or another.

My mom was only in the next town over. I have a cousin that listens to Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens. There's no doubt she knows I'm on tour with them, considering the 'photo', the 'ships', and the 'hate' that has been going around Twitter and Instagram. She probably knows I'm in Florida right now. I just hope she hasn't told my mom.

Last thing I need is for her to try and insert herself back into my life. Much less do I need my father to find out. Too much could go wrong.

I wouldn't have to worry about any of this if Alex would've let me know we were going to Florida. No, I would be at home right now.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. I got up and sauntered over, opening the door, revealing a 6ft tall brunette.

The Devil himself, if that'll clear things up.

"Dani, we need to talk." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"No, Alex. You need to talk." I said, grabbing his shirt and pulling him inside, shutting the door. "Why didn't you tell me we were coming to Florida?" I asked, sitting on the edge of my bed as he stood in front of me.

(Alex P.O.V.)

"Why didn't you tell me we were coming to Florida?" She asked me, sitting herself on the edge of her bed as I stood in front of her.

What am I supposed to tell her? If I tell her the truth, that I did it for Jack's sake, it'll only give him points. I think he's got enough points as is, considering the fact that they fucked last night. Dani wouldn't give herself up to just anyone, as far as I've heard from Kellin. I also heard she was pretty gullible.

Let's work that to my advantage.

"I-I dunno, Dani." I feigned a stutter. "I guess- I guess I just really didn't want you to leave. I wanted to get to know you better, but that would never if you would've left. It was selfish of me, I know, and I'm sorry." She was quiet for a second, before questioning me further.

"Wh-Why did you kiss me?" Saw that one coming.

"You see, that's the thing, Dani. After hanging out with you on tour and getting to know you these past few weeks, I've grown quite a liking to you. I knew I felt a little spark with you when we had that talk on the bus, about our brothers, and looking into your eyes, all I wanted to do was kiss you." I told her, lying through my teeth.

In all reality, I was horny, and that was why I followed her on the bus after sound check. I didn't expect to see her curled up and crying in the lounge. Talking to her, listening to her story, telling her about Tom, and cheering her up did distract me from the urges to fuck her, and I truly did want to help her, but the moment our little talk was over, those urges came back. I stared into her eyes, then glanced to her lips, debating if I should make that move. I remembered, back to Vic's party, when Kellin came to talk to me, telling me to keep an eye on Jack because he had caught him trying to get in her pants. I knew if she was a 21 year old virgin, who doesn't drink, and bailed on Jack when he almost had her, she was probably not going to give herself to me on a tour bus. At least not sober. I got up and invited her to come drink with me on Vic's bus, but she declined. I wasn't going to push her, or she might catch on, so I gave her my number and told her to call if she needed anything. Plan was for her to call crying, and I would come back on the bus with a bottle of Jack Daniels, and let her drink away her sorrows and hopefully her senses. Then we'd crawl into her bunk. It was fool proof. Only, she didn't call. She, instead, went to sleep.

"Dani," I continued. "I think- I think I love you. I think I'm IN love with you." Her eyes widened and lips parted in shock. She's obviously never been told this before. Oh, I knew now, this is going to be easy.

I took this opportunity and leaned down, pushing my lips to hers just forcefully enough to lay her down. I crawled over her, never breaking the kiss, until she pulled away from lack of oxygen and I moved to her neck. There were no hickeys, so I knew Jack didn't take his time to make her feel good. I sucked on the soft skin, leaving love bites all over, causing her to moan slightly before choking it down to prevent the noises from escaping her throat. Awh, she was embarrassed of her moan. I smiled, knowing what I was doing to her. I had this one in the bag.

I moved back to her lips, kissed her tenderly, and pulled back.

I can't take this any further or she'll just push me away. I have to leave her wanting more.

"So, do you wanna order room service, eat, and watch some movies?"

She nodded, still looking a bit taken aback by what just happened, but looked disappointed that it ended nonetheless.

Oh, I've got her so good.

(Dani P.O.V.)

I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. I blinked my eyes open and let out a sigh. I really didn't want to get up. I stayed up rather late with Alex and he ended up staying the night. Funny thing: We actually talked more than we watched movies and we actually kissed more than we talked. It's a bit weird really. We just kiss a lot. Like one of those high school relationships. He makes feel younger. Like a teen again.

Just two kids, no consequences. ( Yeah, I just went there. ;) )

I heard more knocking on the door. Louder this time. Whoever it was, I just wished they'd leave. Alex apparently had the same hopes. We just laid there, my head on his bare chest, waiting for who was on the other side of that door to just leave.

Again, I heard the knocking even louder. I groaned, sitting up. Alex's arms, that were wrapped around me, tightened, pulling me back down. "No. Just lay down. They'll go away eventually." He said groggily. I did as told, laying back down beside him. Alex rolled over on his side and smiled at me. He leaned in, pushing his lips to mine. He leaned in more, pushing me onto my back, and hovering over me, never breaking the kiss.

That's when the door opened and Jack let himself in. We pulled away in shock.

"Hey, Dan, have you seen-" He paused as his eyes landed on us and the scene he just walked in on. "Oh." Was the only word he could form.

His face fell instantly at what he saw. He looked broken. Vulnerable. His heart on his sleeve, like the night at the park, when he asked me for a second chance. His hands balled into fists so tight his knuckles were turning white. His jaw clenched as he attempted to swallow the lump in his throat. His eyes looked everywhere but at us, as if frantically searching for an escape of what he had just seen, a truth to cover what he wished was just a lie, an explanation to what he'd hoped was just his eyes playing tricks on him.

"Jack-" He turned and hastily walked out of the room, leaving the door open. "Jack!" I called after him, crawling out of bed to catch him, but Alex was faster. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. "Jack!" I yelled again.

"Shh, Dani, you'll wake the whole floor." He calmed me. "Don't worry, he'll be alright; It's Jack. Just let him cool off." Alex said, trying to reassure me.

(Jack P.O.V.)

"Jack!" I heard her call out to me for the second time and ignored her again. I stormed off to the elevator practically punching the button once I reached it. If I would have hit it any harder, I probably would've broken it.

I decided against waiting and took off towards the stairwell, running down flight after flight of stairs.

I had so many thoughts swarming through my mind right now.

All consisting of Dani.

When she walked through Vic's front door at that party. I immediately called 'dibs' as I saw her walk in. The moment I first talked to her in Vic's kitchen. The moment our lips first met on his back porch. I love the feeling of her lips.

God, I love everything about her.

The way she twiddles her fingers, or plays with the hem of her shirt when she's nervous. The way she tries to hide her face when I make her blush. The way she bites her lip when she concentrates. The way she sticks out her tongue to let you know she's joking. The way she sighs when she gives up. How she squeals when you catch her off guard. The way she pouts her lip. Ah, damn, when she pouts that lip. How she looks when she sleeps. Hell, how she looks when she's awake too. And her laugh. Oh, god, her laugh. It's the cutest thing.

And it's all Alex's now. That was quite obvious. It didn't look like she wanted the half naked Brit to get off of her. She wasn't fighting against his kiss. She didn't push him away like she did to me. She obviously felt something for him that she didn't feel for me.

I came to a stop after bolting down at least 8 flights of stairs.

Alex and I have been friends since the 8th grade. A girl has never come between us, unless in bed. But, a girl has never split us apart. He's like a brother to me. He knows how I feel about her. So, why would he do it?

"What the fuck are you trying to do to me?!" I yelled out, punching the wall. I turned around, falling back against the wall and sliding to the floor. I brought my knees up, folding my arms on top of them and resting my head.

I let go.

Let go of all the sobs and the tears I've been trying so hard to hold back for a while now. I just let it all go, alone in the empty stairwell.

I'm losing Dani.

Is this what a broken heart feels like?

I had almost forgotten.


(Dani P.O.V.)

"Hello?" Rian answered through the phone.

"Rian, you wouldn't happen to know where Jack is, would you?" I asked. It's been a few hours since he ran off and he won't return any of my call or answer my texts. I really need to talk to him.

I mean, just as I was beginning to think the other night was just a drunken mistake on both our parts, Alex informs me, last night, that he wasn't even drunk to begin with. It was just me. I began to believe he took advantage of me, which he might've actually done, but the look on his face when he saw Alex kissing me told me that it didn't just mean nothing to him. He looked hurt. Of course, I didn't actually cheat on him, but his face wore the same pain as mine when I found out my ex had been cheating on me. The look of complete and utter betrayal.

"Uh, no. I wouldn't. Everything alright?" He questioned me.

"Not exactly." I admit. "I think I hurt him."

I trust Rian. He's become like a brother to me over this past month. Whenever I needed someone to talk to and I couldn't find Vic or Kellin, and calling Kate wasn't an option, he was there.

"What happened?

"Well, Alex- He kissed me, well, not for the first time, but Jack saw him kiss me this morning. He looked so hurt and now he won't answer any of my calls or respond to my texts and I really need to talk to him."

"Ah, shit. Alex kissed you?"

"Yeah." Rian went silent for a moment, trying to think of some clever advice he could give me. I could see him running a hand over his face, thinking hard, although we were probably several rooms away and talking on the phone.

"Dani, I'm going to tell you something that not very many people outside of Alex, Zack, Cassadee, and I know." He paused. Cassadee. She seems like a great girl. He's told me a lot about her and says I'll meet her soon. I can't wait, Rian let out a sigh before continuing. "Jack had this girlfriend back in highschool. We hated her. Thing is, she never had any real feelings for Jack. Honestly, for him, it was probably just a highschool crush. Nothing more. But, being a horny teenage boy, he thought it was love. She was using him for sex. She would literally come around so she could get him to fuck her. He was late to so many band practices and meetings. She took up so much of his time. Jack would jump at her beck and call. We all knew she was using him and we told him many times, but he would never listen. After about 3, 4 months, she broke it off with him, not giving him any reasons, only saying 'It's been fun, but it's time to move on.' She had another 'boy toy' 2 days later. Jack was just her, ehh, 'hollaback boy'. Once Jack caught onto this and finally believed us, he decided girls were too complicated and relationships were a waste of time. As soon as our band took off, he had girls throwing themselves at him, trying to jump his dick left and right, so he was always pretty sexually satisfied. Since that one girl, Jack has never been with any girl for more than a one night stand, or friends with benefits." I listened intently to the new information Rian gave me. We sat silently as I thought it over, letting what I had just heard process before Rian spoke again.

"Jack comes to me a lot when he needs somebody to talk to. He's talked to me, about you, quite a bit lately and, honestly, I've never known a girl to mean so much to him." He sighed. "Dani, I think you might be his first love. Now, I can't tell you who to choose between Jack and Alex. But, I want you to know, Jack hasn't been with any other girl since he's met you. He's never brought a girl back from the bars, he's never called up any of his fuck buddies in any of the towns we been to. Hell, he hasn't even flirted with any other girls. You're always on his mind. It's no shock to me that it hurt for him to find Alex's lips on yours. And as for the other night, I think you need to talk to him about that as well. Keep in mind, he was the sober one."

"A-Alright." I stutter, letting all of his words sink in.

"Find him, Dani. Talk to him. Good luck." Rian ended the call. I was still pretty shocked by all that I heard. It's been so plain to see. He didn't hide what he felt for me, I just was too blind to see. What I thought was a simple crush was so much more. Not only on his half, but mine as well. I didn't realize how much he meant to me until now. I didn't only ignore the signs he gave me, but the signs I gave myself as well. I ignored how I felt for him.

I ignored the spark between us when we kiss. How when his lips are pressed to mine, I can't think straight. When I want to push him away, I can never bring myself to do it. I get weak in the knees by simply looking into his eyes. Just by the contact of his arm brushing against mine as we walk side by side, or his leg touching mine when he sits next to me is enough to stir the butterflies in my stomach. When he's not around, like for those 3 weeks he went around avoiding me, I missed him so terribly and I hated it. Before then, he always tried to stick with me. Always by my side, unconditionally. Unless those conditions were to go on stage or meet his fans.

I had been laying around in bed for nearly 20 minutes, thinking things over when I received a text.

-Rian: Check the roof. Good luck. ;)
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Sorry I took so long!! xc

I've had major writers block the past couple of days and I kept writing myself into dead end scenarios that I couldn't think my way out of.

I know I turned Alex into a douche bag in this chapter and I know he's nothing like this in real life. Alex is seriously one of the sweetest guys. But, I needed to improvise. Don't hate me. xc

So, as usual, all positive and negative feedback welcome. c:

Thanks, Lovelies!! c: