

Sage has her face blank, staring at the dark sky. She stared as if the whole world went without her, which it did. Sage wanted to go home. She knew her house was destroyed by a fire years before she was imprisoned. She still remembers the soft, golden colors of the sky. The creatures that lived in the forest were powerful, yet graceful. She remembers playing with them when she was only a child. The location was top secret, and only a few ever saw the beautiful colors of the sunset. Her castle of a mansion was hidden in a pocket dimension that was craftily hidden inside a normal tree trunk. The forest was a safe zone and no one expected for a natural forest fire to appear. It’s been a long time since the castle was destroyed. It was a little surprising that she remembered how everything looked like, and more of its location. Maybe it was one of those things that will stay in her heart, even after death.


Her stomach grumbled. She turned to Kyle. “I’m hungry.”

He shrugged. “You get used to it.”

Sage frowned. “Is there a place where I can have a meal?”

“You mean a restaurant? I think there are some over there.”
She started walking towards where he pointed to. “Hey, wait! How come you were trapped in that house?”

He grabbed her arm to try to stop her. She pulled away forcefully. “Stop following me! I don’t want Death keeping an eye on me.”

“Nothing…” she mutters.

“No, what did you say?”

She snapped at him, “I don’t want that thing following me around!”
“Seriously. What are you talking about?”

She pointed at Death. “That thing is troubling to look at. I know you probably don’t see it, but Death is following you and it is really bothersome.”

Kyle didn’t know what to say.
“I would guess you would live for about a day or so.”
“You’re lying. I can’t die!”

Sage rolled her eyes. “I don’t care if you believe me, but don’t try to haunt me for your mistake.”

Sage walked off. Kyle followed after her. “Hey, wait.”

They walked until Sage made a complete stop. “Why are you stopping?”

Kyle followed Sage’s eyesight. She stared at a glowing sign of McDonalds. “What is that?”

“It’s a McDonald’s sign.”
“Who is McDonalds and why did he make a glowing sign?”
“I don’t really know who McDonalds is. It’s a restaurant and they made the glowing sign so people could see it.”
“Why? Does McDonalds want to lure its prey?”

Kyle laughed. “Sort of.”

Sage looked far off into the distance of the highway. “The world has gotten crueler than the last time.”

Kyle raised his eyebrows. “How old are you really?”

She shrugged. “Since I was imprisoned there for three centuries, I would say…
I’m 607 years old. In a century or more, I’ll most likely forget. ”

Kyle’s eyes widened. “That’s impossible! You can’t be that old.”

Sage looked offended. “I’m not old. I’m fairly young for my age.”

Her eyes looked down, thinking of something. “It is a while since I renewed my vocabulary. I also have to create new maps. And to see if any acquaintances are alive. I have a lot of work to do…”

“Whatever. I got to find a new place to stay. See you later.”
“Wait! I need information. Is there a place where I can receive instant information?”
“There is a thing called a library. Go look for it; I don’t know where it’s at.”
“You can’t assist me?”
“I said I’m busy! Leave me alone. Have fun with your tour or whatever it is.”

He started walking off.