

Sage was never interested in being a scholar. She preferred traveling around the world and discovering new things. Learning was fun, but she liked learning things that interested her. Sage still remembers the school she has went years ago. She had chosen classes like ‘Cursing 101’, ‘Talking to Animals-Advancement’, ‘Possession-Intermediate’, and ‘Human Blending’. Sage hated possessing creatures. To her it felt like putting on dirty clothing that hasn't been clean as old as she was. Sage also didn't like cursing people since it took a toll on her body. The body she created was artificial, created by herself. Sage was proud of her creation and people wanted to know her secret. She was pleased with the attention but quickly grew tired of it. So she left the school, she left her previous life of fortune and fame, and became a regular member of insurrections.

After a long time of walking and searching, Sage had possibly found a library. The words were completely different than the ones she recognized. For one thing, she remembers the word library started with a letter b. This one started with an l. Sage knew this was a library because of how it looked. You could see from outside through the clear glass that there were at least a hundred books. She wanted to enter but didn't know how the system worked. Sage waited for someone to enter and then slipped inside behind him.

She didn't expect for the library to be big. The largest library she ever visited was the one nearby her school. It didn't last before it was destroyed because of heresy.

It was also futuristic. She didn't know what some machines were meant for. There were those magical lights again. The entrance also was strange. It would make a small noise whenever someone entered.

She didn't expect simple things like searching an article would be difficult. Now that she realized it, she also wore different clothing. Many things changed in every era, but she had experienced it herself. In this time, Sage wasn't able to adjust to the changes because she didn't learn about it herself. Sage was currently experiencing culture shock.


Sage felt a little disappointed. She couldn't find the information she was hoping for, mostly because she didn't know how to read or even speak the language. She couldn't even find anything on how to read. She still found it funny to ask someone if there is a book on how to read.

She wandered around, passing a few towns, before stopping for a place to eat. The person had no aura, which made him taste bland. She wondered if it was a strong human. Mostly everyone had an aura or at least wore a fake one, but in only rare cases did some people carried nothing. They were the most distasteful and no one actually ate them. Every supernatural being that she had bother talking to would rather kill them off than eat them. It was something of natural selection. Sage also approved of it. To her, humans existed for others. She knew how important they were, but also thought they are only needed under some circumstances. The human population is growing rapidly to increase the eating rate for others. Most supernatural beings cannot give birth or even mate to make more. As they decrease, they are able to eat more. Sage is satisfied with this, but many aren’t. Some don’t understand that people are very important. Some others actually think that revealing themselves will make them the on top of the food chain. They don’t understand how strong humans can actually become and how special they really are. Sage didn't, but she felt that humans shouldn't be underestimated. There was something about them that made her eat the aura-less man.