An Ocean Not to Break


Teresa’s graduation day is a particularly hot day in August, in Elysium Park a short walk from the Academy. Even though she’s relieved the 24 weeks are up, she also knows she has fifty-two more in front of her that will be even less a walk in the park than the previous.

She listens to the Chief’s speech feeling a bit uneasy. She is proud, of course, to be part of this, just as she was proud of being a paramedic. And she can still change her mind should this prove to be a great mistake – her knowledge hasn’t been eradicated just because she decided to join the police force.

“... by this community, to maintain order and enforce the law…”

Dwight isn’t mentioned in the speech, though Teresa is sure most of her classmates thinks he should be. Chief Johnson probably didn’t want to bring up such a gloomy subject, but they’ll be sure to toast for Dwight tonight. He was the best recruit in her class.

Her father is here, she can see him in the crowd of friends and relatives. She knows he questions her change of careers but also knows he does his best to be proud of her, and she’s thankful. She doesn’t need the people close to her questioning her choice when she’s already doubtful herself.

Afterwards, everyone is hugging like they’ve known each other for years and not 24 weeks. Teresa joins in mostly because their joy is so contagious, and just as they throw their caps in the air Teresa thinks that she can feel what they’re feeling even though their training is far from over.

As her classmates are scattering to greet their families she scans the crowd for her father. The first person she recognizes is Fearless, though.

“Good work, girl”, he says as he hugs her. She has never been hugged by Fearless before but she realizes he is proud of her, too. He smiles at her and pats her back, and when she pulls away, Joel is standing next to him.

“Congratulations, officer Ortiz”, he says, smiling.

“Thanks.” She realizes she is still smiling from the endorphins throwing your cap in the air seems to induce. Now that smile is meant for Joel and it broadens when he hugs her too. A simple, friendly hug. And still they both know it’s more than that. It always is.

“So do you know what division you’re going to?” Fearless asks as she sees her father coming towards them.

“Yeah, I’m going to Rampart”, she says, still smiling. “Hi, Dad.”

Roberto Ortiz kisses his daughter on the cheek.

“I’m very proud of you, sweetheart.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“And who are these fine young men?”
Teresa rolls her eyes but Fearless laughs and Joel smiles.

“Dad, this is Detective Smith and Detective Stevens. I’ve told you about them, haven’t I?”

“Nice to meet you, Mr Ortiz”, Joel says, shaking the older man’s hand.

“You’re the detectives who saved Teresa and those people in the mall, isn’t that right?”

Joel looks at her and she nods, hoping he’ll get it. The version she told her father about that incident had a few changes to it, mainly because she didn’t want him to worry.

“That’s correct, sir”, Joel says, and Teresa has this strange feeling that reminds her of being sixteen and introducing her first boyfriend to her parents. She thinks her father would probably disapprove of her infatuation with Joel just as much as he disapproved of her relationship with Eric Jenkins when she was a teenager.

“Well, thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without her.” Her father puts an arm around her shoulders and she feels like a little girl again, but in a good way. Slightly embarrassed she says:


“No problem sir, it’s our job. And now it’s Teresa’s, too. She’ll make one hell of a cop”, Fearless says, grinning mostly at her apparent embarrassment.

While Teresa tries to tell her father that she’d much rather have dinner with him than go out drinking with her classmates, Joel’s phone rings. Something important, as it always is, and he and Fearless have to leave.

“We’ll see you around then, if you’ll be in Rampart”, Fearless says. “Take care, Teresa.”

“Yeah, you too. Thanks for coming here.”

As her father starts asking questions about her new workplace and what she thinks they should have for dinner, Teresa risks a glance at Joel as he and Fearless walk away. Joel looks back at her, and when he catches her looking, he smiles.

This is hopeless, she realizes. I’m so screwed.