Normal to Royal


May 1977

"George please tell me this is a joke" The older woman said to her youngest son. "No mother I'm in love with Anna and I will marry her" The young man said to her defiantly. The woman looked at her son in awe he was so passionate but she wasn't backing down.

Meanwhile Anna sat in a chair outside the office her fiancé and his mother were now fighting in. She heard every word his mother said, she never felt Anna was good enough to be with her son. The noise coming from the office stopped and her fiancé ran out.

"Mother if you can't accept Anna just because she's an American then you don't accept me either" He said in a way Anna never heard before. "Fine marry her but don't expect your father and I to be there or your brothers" She said hoping her son would reconsider.

"That is exactly why I'm leaving mother I would rather leave then have my children grow up to be snobs" He said disgust present in his voice. "I love you mother and I love Britain but I love Anna and I need you to accept that" He went to kiss his mother cheek but she turned her head. "Goodbye mother"as he turned for the door his brothers and father stood there sadness in their faces.

He hugged his father first and he slipped a phone and some money into his sons jacket pockets. "Call me when you land" his father whispered. Next were his brothers Thomas then William they each hugged him sad he was leaving. He knew he was making the right decision he was ready to start a new life, with Anna.
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Hey guys do you like the flashback? Let me know.
I do not own any member of the royal family